6 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de un modelo de excelencia operacional con soporte de la direcci贸n y gesti贸n de proyectos para la industria 4.0

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    Summary At present, the competitive and globalized environment in which cohabiting organizations is unprecedented and fascinating challenge to be leaders in their respective sectors is a unique motivation. The excellence of processes and adoption of technologies that digitize these processes is a real need and more than a fad, it is a trend that is just around the corner to achieve greater quality and efficiency through innovative methods enabling organizations to be more flexible to fully customized products and services to each customer and the environment in which they appear. Continuous improvement methods allow us to do less robust processes and lay the foundations for a better use of resources. For example, some of these methods are: Total Quality Manufacturing (TQM), Poka-yokes, Lean, Six Sigma, Predictive Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance, Project Management. Along with cyber-physical and new tools such as cloud and internet objects systems, control and monitoring of production systems may be easier and more effective in the industry. Research question: 聽 Through this study is to conduct research on the theoretical and practical framework of the models of operational excellence in the industry 4.0 with management support and project management, what is sought is to make a comparison between existing models and their application. Once existing models evaluated by a field study with advice from industry experts propose a model to apply to industrial level. This study will involve a sample of 350 experts on the subject, combining the analysis of survey results with the theoretical framework a model to be applied in the industrial environment is proposed.Resumen En la actualidad, el entorno competitivo y globalizado en el que cohabitan las organizaciones no tiene precedentes y el fascinante reto por ser l铆deres en sus respectivos sectores es una motivaci贸n 煤nica. La excelencia de los procesos y adopci贸n de tecnolog铆as que digitalicen estos procesos es una necesidad real y m谩s que una moda, es una tendencia que est谩 a la vuelta de la esquina para alcanzar una mayor calidad y eficiencia, a trav茅s de m茅todos innovadores que permitan a las organizaciones ser m谩s flexibles para dar productos y servicios completamente personalizados para cada uno de los clientes y el entorno en el que figuran. Los m茅todos de mejora continua nos permitir谩n hacer procesos menos robustos y sentar las bases de un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos. Por ejemplo, algunos de 茅stos m茅todos son: Total Quality Manufacturing (TQM), Poka-yokes, Lean, Six Sigma, Mantenimiento Predictivo y Mantenimiento Preventivo, Project Management. Junto con los sistemas ciberf铆sicos y nuevas herramientas inform谩ticas como la nube y el internet de los objetos, el control y monitoreo de los sistemas de producci贸n podr谩 ser m谩s f谩cil y m谩s eficaz en la industria. Cuesti贸n a investigar: Mediante este estudio se pretende realizar una investigaci贸n sobre el marco te贸rico y pr谩ctico de los modelos de excelencia operacional en la industria 4.0 con soporte de la direcci贸n y gesti贸n de proyectos, lo que se busca es realizar una comparativa entre los modelos existentes y su aplicaci贸n. Una vez evaluados los modelos existentes, mediante un estudio de campo con asesor铆a de expertos de la industria proponer un modelo para aplicarlo a nivel industrial. En este estudio intervendr谩n una muestra de 350 expertos sobre del tema, combinando el an谩lisis del resultado de las encuestas con el marco te贸rico se propondr谩 un modelo para ser aplicado en el entorno industrial.Oliveras D铆az, G. (2017). Dise帽o de un modelo de excelencia operacional con soporte de la direcci贸n y gesti贸n de proyectos para la industria 4.0. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77910.TFG

    Pr谩cticas de gesti贸n empresarial en empresas de econom铆a naranja que accedieron a beneficios tributarios en la vigencia 2019

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    El presente trabajo de grado es una investigaci贸n que trata sobre las buenas pr谩cticas empresariales que implementan las empresas del sector de la Econom铆a Naranja, tales y como: creatividad e innovaci贸n, conocimiento, adhocracia y flexibilidad, rentabilidad, estrategia, competitividad, calidad, propuesta de valor, investigaci贸n de mercados, cultura organizacional, liderazgo y comunicaci贸n y networking, las cuales se enmarcaron en tres v茅rtices teniendo en cuenta el sector seleccionado para el estudio. El primero de ellos es la innovaci贸n, el segundo es la sostenibilidad y el tercero es el comportamiento organizacional. La muestra para hacer la investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 estuvo constituida por los empresarios de Econom铆a Naranja que en la vigencia 2019 accedieron a beneficios tributarios por siete a帽os. Se observ贸 cu谩les son las pr谩cticas m谩s marcadas en la generalidad de las empresas y se encontraron falencias en la implementaci贸n de algunas de dichas pr谩cticas. Se recopil贸 la informaci贸n a trav茅s de la t茅cnica de encuestas dirigidas a los empresarios, por medio de las cuales se lleg贸 al diagn贸stico emitido. Como resultado del an谩lisis de la informaci贸n se lleg贸 a una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones encaminadas a fomentar la implementaci贸n de las 12 pr谩cticas en las empresas del sector de la Econom铆a Naranja, para aumentar la probabilidad de supervivencia de las empresas en el tiempo.This thesis work is an investigation about a good business practices implemented by companies in Orange Economy sector, such as: creativity and innovation, knowledge, adhocracy and flexibility, profitability, strategy, competitiveness, quality, proposal of value, market research, organizational culture, leadership and communication and networking, which were framed in three vertices, considering the sector selected for the study. The first one is innovation, the second is sustainability, and the third is organizational behavior. The sample to carry out the research was made up of Orange Economy entrepreneurs who, in 2019 period, had access to tax benefits for seven years. Searches were carried out for the most marked practices in the generality of companies and flaws were found in the implementation of some of these practices. The information was collected through the technique of surveys directed at businessmen, through which the diagnosis issued was reached. As a result of the analysis of information, a series of conclusions and recommendations were reached aimed at promoting the implementation of the 12 practices in companies in the Orange Economy sector, to increase the probability of survival of companies over time

    The relationship between knowledge management and leadership: mapping the field and providing future research avenues

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    Purpose: Effectively handling knowledge is crucial for any organisation in order to survive and prosper in the turbulent environments of the modern era. Leadership is a central element for knowledge creation, acquisition, utilisation and integration processes. Based on these considerations, this study offers an overview of the evolution of the literature regarding the knowledge management-leadership relationship published over the last twenty years. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis coupled with a systematic literature review were performed over a dataset of 488 peer-reviewed articles published from 1990 to 2018. Findings: We discovered the existence of four well-polarised clusters with the following thematic focuses: human and relational aspects, systematic and performance aspects, contextual and contingent aspects, and cultural and learning aspects. We then investigated each thematic cluster by reviewing the most relevant contributions within them. Research limitations/implications: Based on the bibliometric analysis and the systematic literature review we developed an interpretative framework aimed at uncovering several promising and little explored research areas, thus suggesting an agenda for future knowledge management-leadership research. Some steps of the paper selection process may have been biased by the interpretation of the researcher. We addressed this concern by performing a multiple human subject reading process whose reliability was confirmed by a Krippendorf鈥檚 Alpha coefficient value > 0.80. Originality/value: To our best knowledge, this is the first study to map, systematise and discuss the literature concerned to the topic of the knowledge management-leadership relationship

    Un modelo de apoyo empresarial en tiempo COVID

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    Este reporte expresa una experiencia de colaboraci贸n entre el ITESO y Banregio, en el desarrollo de un modelo de apoyo empresarial en tiempo COVID. El documento muestra los resultados de la aplicaci贸n de este modelo en las micro y peque帽as empresas durante el 2020. A帽o en el que se dise帽aron diversas estrategias para que las empresas reconvirtieran sus negocios de forma que lograran mantener sus operaciones e incluso desarrollaran estrategias propias para crecer.ITESO, A.C

    Knowledge sharing within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia large construction organisations

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.An increasing number of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) construction organisations are turning to knowledge sharing as a key to leverage their distinctive core competencies in their pursuit of competitive advantage. However, the construction industry is one of the most challenging environments where managing people effectively is vital to ensure that they contribute their knowledge to organisational success. Knowledge sharing is part of knowledge management process, one of the building blocks for an organisation鈥檚 success and acts as a survival strategy in this knowledge era. However, knowledge sharing is an under-researched area in the KSA large construction organisations context, despite several policy transformations announced by the KSA government. Thus, the main aim of this research was to investigate how KSA large construction organisations are knowledge sharing en-route to competitiveness. The findings are based on qualitative methodology adopting semi-structured interviews with 44 professionals. The content analysis revealed five key drivers for knowledge sharing. The single most important driver for knowledge sharing is the integration of knowledge assets. Furthermore, seven key knowledge sharing strategies are implemented in large construction organisations in the KSA. Regular sharing of best practices related to project knowledge is the most widely implemented. The study revealed eight knowledge sharing techniques and technologies that are extensively used in the KSA large construction organisations. The key challenge for knowledge sharing is the lack of communication skills whereas knowledge sharing strategies contribute to the acceleration of construction processes. A framework for knowledge sharing was developed and evaluated for the benefit of KSA large construction organisations, which is the main contribution to the knowledge. The study concludes that knowledge sharing is an integrated and complex process. The results suggest that, for effective implementation of knowledge sharing strategies, there is an urgent need for the KSA large construction organisations to develop and deploy appropriate knowledge sharing related management training programmes. The most estimable contribution of this study is to provide valuable insights that would help the KSA construction industry鈥檚 decision makers to implement knowledge sharing strategies to improves the sector鈥檚 competitiveness. The findings of this research are limited to the KSA construction industry context only; as such, the generalisability of the results outside this context may be very limited.Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Leveraging Knowledge for Operational Excellence

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