643 research outputs found

    Regularized Newton Methods for X-ray Phase Contrast and General Imaging Problems

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    Like many other advanced imaging methods, x-ray phase contrast imaging and tomography require mathematical inversion of the observed data to obtain real-space information. While an accurate forward model describing the generally nonlinear image formation from a given object to the observations is often available, explicit inversion formulas are typically not known. Moreover, the measured data might be insufficient for stable image reconstruction, in which case it has to be complemented by suitable a priori information. In this work, regularized Newton methods are presented as a general framework for the solution of such ill-posed nonlinear imaging problems. For a proof of principle, the approach is applied to x-ray phase contrast imaging in the near-field propagation regime. Simultaneous recovery of the phase- and amplitude from a single near-field diffraction pattern without homogeneity constraints is demonstrated for the first time. The presented methods further permit all-at-once phase contrast tomography, i.e. simultaneous phase retrieval and tomographic inversion. We demonstrate the potential of this approach by three-dimensional imaging of a colloidal crystal at 95 nm isotropic resolution.Comment: (C)2016 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibite

    Noise Robustness of a Combined Phase Retrieval and Reconstruction Method for Phase-Contrast Tomography

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    Classical reconstruction methods for phase-contrast tomography consist of two stages: phase retrieval and tomographic reconstruction. A novel algebraic method combining the two was suggested by Kostenko et al. (Opt. Express, 21, 12185, 2013) and preliminary results demonstrating improved reconstruction compared to a two-stage method given. Using simulated free-space propagation experiments with a single sample-detector distance, we thoroughly compare the novel method with the two-stage method to address limitations of the preliminary results. We demonstrate that the novel method is substantially more robust towards noise; our simulations point to a possible reduction in counting times by an order of magnitude

    Segmentation-Driven Tomographic Reconstruction.

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    Phase retrieval beyond the homogeneous object assumption for X-ray in-line holographic imaging

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    X-ray near field holography has proven to be a powerful 2D and 3D imaging technique with applications ranging from biomedical research to material sciences. To reconstruct meaningful and quantitative images from the measurement intensities, however, it relies on computational phase retrieval which in many cases assumes the phase-shift and attenuation coefficient of the sample to be proportional. Here, we demonstrate an efficient phase retrieval algorithm that does not rely on this homogeneous-object assumption and is a generalization of the well-established contrast-transfer-function (CTF) approach. We then investigate its stability and present an experimental study comparing the proposed algorithm with established methods. The algorithm shows superior reconstruction quality compared to the established CTF-based method at similar computational cost. Our analysis provides a deeper fundamental understanding of the homogeneous object assumption and the proposed algorithm will help improve the image quality for near-field holography in biomedical application

    GENFIRE: A generalized Fourier iterative reconstruction algorithm for high-resolution 3D imaging

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    Tomography has made a radical impact on diverse fields ranging from the study of 3D atomic arrangements in matter to the study of human health in medicine. Despite its very diverse applications, the core of tomography remains the same, that is, a mathematical method must be implemented to reconstruct the 3D structure of an object from a number of 2D projections. In many scientific applications, however, the number of projections that can be measured is limited due to geometric constraints, tolerable radiation dose and/or acquisition speed. Thus it becomes an important problem to obtain the best-possible reconstruction from a limited number of projections. Here, we present the mathematical implementation of a tomographic algorithm, termed GENeralized Fourier Iterative REconstruction (GENFIRE). By iterating between real and reciprocal space, GENFIRE searches for a global solution that is concurrently consistent with the measured data and general physical constraints. The algorithm requires minimal human intervention and also incorporates angular refinement to reduce the tilt angle error. We demonstrate that GENFIRE can produce superior results relative to several other popular tomographic reconstruction techniques by numerical simulations, and by experimentally by reconstructing the 3D structure of a porous material and a frozen-hydrated marine cyanobacterium. Equipped with a graphical user interface, GENFIRE is freely available from our website and is expected to find broad applications across different disciplines.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    SIMBA: scalable inversion in optical tomography using deep denoising priors

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    Two features desired in a three-dimensional (3D) optical tomographic image reconstruction algorithm are the ability to reduce imaging artifacts and to do fast processing of large data volumes. Traditional iterative inversion algorithms are impractical in this context due to their heavy computational and memory requirements. We propose and experimentally validate a novel scalable iterative mini-batch algorithm (SIMBA) for fast and high-quality optical tomographic imaging. SIMBA enables highquality imaging by combining two complementary information sources: the physics of the imaging system characterized by its forward model and the imaging prior characterized by a denoising deep neural net. SIMBA easily scales to very large 3D tomographic datasets by processing only a small subset of measurements at each iteration. We establish the theoretical fixedpoint convergence of SIMBA under nonexpansive denoisers for convex data-fidelity terms. We validate SIMBA on both simulated and experimentally collected intensity diffraction tomography (IDT) datasets. Our results show that SIMBA can significantly reduce the computational burden of 3D image formation without sacrificing the imaging quality.https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.13241First author draf

    TV-based conjugate gradient method and discrete L-curve for few-view CT reconstruction of X-ray in vivo data

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    High-resolution, three-dimensional (3D) imaging of soft tissues requires the solution of two inverse problems: phase retrieval and the reconstruction of the 3D image from a tomographic stack of two-dimensional (2D) projections. The number of projections per stack should be small to accommodate fast tomography of rapid processes and to constrain X-ray radiation dose to optimal levels to either increase the duration of in vivo time-lapse series at a given goal for spatial resolution and/or the conservation of structure under X-ray irradiation. In pursuing the 3D reconstruction problem in the sense of compressive sampling theory, we propose to reduce the number of projections by applying an advanced algebraic technique subject to the minimisation of the total variation (TV) in the reconstructed slice. This problem is formulated in a Lagrangian multiplier fashion with the parameter value determined by appealing to a discrete L-curve in conjunction with a conjugate gradient method. The usefulness of this reconstruction modality is demonstrated for simulated and in vivo data, the latter acquired in parallel-beam imaging experiments using synchrotron radiation
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