18,131 research outputs found

    Level set method with topological derivatives in shape optimization

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    Les Prépublications de l'Institut Elie Carta


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    The boundary element method and the level set method can be used in order to solve the inverse problem for electric field. In this approach the adjoint equation arises in each iteration step. Results of the numerical calculations show that the boundary element method can be applied successfully to obtain approximate solution of the adjoint equation. The proposed solution algorithm is initialized by using topological sensitivity analysis. Shape derivatives and material derivatives have been incorporated with the level set method to investigate shape optimization problems. The shape derivative measures the sensitivity of boundary perturbations. The coupled algorithm is a relatively new procedure to overcome this problem. Experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed approach to achieve the solution of the inverse problem.Metoda elementów brzegowych i metoda zbiorów poziomicowych mogą być wykorzystane to rozwiązania zagadnienia odwrotnego pola elektrycznego. W takim podejściu równanie sprzężone jest rozwiązywane w każdym kroku iteracyjnym. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pokazują, że metoda elementów brzegowych może być zastosowana z powodzeniem do uzyskania przybliżonego rozwiązania równania sprzężonego. Proponowany algorytm jest inicjalizowany za pomocą topologicznej analizy wrażliwościowej. Pochodna kształtu i pochodna materialna zostały połączone z metodą zbiorów poziomicowych w celu zbadania problemów optymalizacji kształtu. Pochodna kształtu mierzy wrażliwość perturbacji brzegowych. Zespolony algorytm jest stosunkowo nową procedurą do rozwiązania tego problemu. Wyniki doświadczenia pokazały skuteczność proponowanego podejścia w rozwiązywaniu zagadnienia odwrotnego

    Topology Optimization of Electric Machines based on Topological Sensitivity Analysis

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    Topological sensitivities are a very useful tool for determining optimal designs. The topological derivative of a domain-dependent functional represents the sensitivity with respect to the insertion of an infinitesimally small hole. In the gradient-based ON/OFF method, proposed by M. Ohtake, Y. Okamoto and N. Takahashi in 2005, sensitivities of the functional with respect to a local variation of the material coefficient are considered. We show that, in the case of a linear state equation, these two kinds of sensitivities coincide. For the sensitivities computed in the ON/OFF method, the generalization to the case of a nonlinear state equation is straightforward, whereas the computation of topological derivatives in the nonlinear case is ongoing work. We will show numerical results obtained by applying the ON/OFF method in the nonlinear case to the optimization of an electric motor.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    On a continuation approach in Tikhonov regularization and its application in piecewise-constant parameter identification

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    We present a new approach to convexification of the Tikhonov regularization using a continuation method strategy. We embed the original minimization problem into a one-parameter family of minimization problems. Both the penalty term and the minimizer of the Tikhonov functional become dependent on a continuation parameter. In this way we can independently treat two main roles of the regularization term, which are stabilization of the ill-posed problem and introduction of the a priori knowledge. For zero continuation parameter we solve a relaxed regularization problem, which stabilizes the ill-posed problem in a weaker sense. The problem is recast to the original minimization by the continuation method and so the a priori knowledge is enforced. We apply this approach in the context of topology-to-shape geometry identification, where it allows to avoid the convergence of gradient-based methods to a local minima. We present illustrative results for magnetic induction tomography which is an example of PDE constrained inverse problem

    Shape and topological sensitivity analysis in domains with cracks

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    Framework for shape and topology sensitivity analysis in geometrical domains with cracks is established for elastic bodies in two spatial dimensions. Equilibrium problem for elastic body with cracks is considered. Inequality type boundary conditions are prescribed at the crack faces providing a non-penetration between the crack faces. Modelling of such problems in two spatial dimensions is presented with all necessary details for further applications in shape optimization in structural mechanics. In the paper, general results on the shape and topology sensitivity analysis of this problem are provided. The results are interesting on its own. In particular, the existence of the shape and topological derivatives of the energy functional is obtained. It is shown, in fact, that the level set type method \cite{Fulman} can be applied to shape and topology opimization of the related variational inequalities for elasticity problems in domains with cracks, with the nonpenetration condition prescribed on the crack faces. The results presented in the paper can be used for numerical solution of shape optimization and inverse problems in structural mechanics

    Variational approach to relaxed topological optimization: closed form solutions for structural problems in a sequential pseudo-time framework

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    The work explores a specific scenario for structural computational optimization based on the following elements: (a) a relaxed optimization setting considering the ersatz (bi-material) approximation, (b) a treatment based on a non-smoothed characteristic function field as a topological design variable, (c) the consistent derivation of a relaxed topological derivative whose determination is simple, general and efficient, (d) formulation of the overall increasing cost function topological sensitivity as a suitable optimality criterion, and (e) consideration of a pseudo-time framework for the problem solution, ruled by the problem constraint evolution. In this setting, it is shown that the optimization problem can be analytically solved in a variational framework, leading to, nonlinear, closed-form algebraic solutions for the characteristic function, which are then solved, in every time-step, via fixed point methods based on a pseudo-energy cutting algorithm combined with the exact fulfillment of the constraint, at every iteration of the non-linear algorithm, via a bisection method. The issue of the ill-posedness (mesh dependency) of the topological solution, is then easily solved via a Laplacian smoothing of that pseudo-energy. In the aforementioned context, a number of (3D) topological structural optimization benchmarks are solved, and the solutions obtained with the explored closed-form solution method, are analyzed, and compared, with their solution through an alternative level set method. Although the obtained results, in terms of the cost function and topology designs, are very similar in both methods, the associated computational cost is about five times smaller in the closed-form solution method this possibly being one of its advantages. Some comments, about the possible application of the method to other topological optimization problems, as well as envisaged modifications of the explored method to improve its performance close the workPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft