35 research outputs found

    Dise帽o y construcci贸n de lenguajes espec铆ficos del dominio

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    En la actualidad existen numerosos problemas, que si bien pueden ser solucionados con herramientas de prop贸sito general, es m谩s apropiado abordarlos con aplicaciones espec铆ficas para ese dominio. En este contexto se encuentran los Lenguajes Espec铆ficos del Dominio (DSL-Domain Specific Language). Un DSL es un conjunto reducido de construcciones y operaciones que brindan una mayor expresividad y optimizaci贸n para un dominio particular. La construcci贸n de DSLs no es una tarea trivial ya que implica tres fases muy importantes como lo son: An谩lisis, Dise帽o e Implementaci贸n. Si bien estas fases coinciden con un proceso de desarrollo de software tradicional tienen otras particularidades relacionadas con los DSL que introducen nuevos desaf铆os para la investigaci贸n y desarrollo de los mismos. En este art铆culo se presenta una l铆nea de investigaci贸n que tiene por objetivo dilucidar las actividades involucradas en el proceso de construcci贸n de DSL

    When and how to develop domain-specific languages

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    Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are languages tailored to a specific application domain. They offer substantial gains in expressiveness and ease of use compared with general purpose programming languages in their domain of application. DSL development is hard, requiring both domain knowledge and language development expertise. Few people have both. Not surprisingly, the decision to develop a DSL is often postponed indefinitely, if considered at all, and most DSLs never get beyond the application library stage. While many articles have been written on the development of particular DSLs, there is very limited literature on DSL development methodologies and many questions remain regarding when and how to develop a DSL. To aid the DSL developer, we identify patterns in the decision, analysis, design, and implementation phases of DSL development. Our patterns try to improve on and extend earlier work on DSL design patterns, in particular by Spinellis (2001). We also discuss domain analysis tools and language development systems that may help to speed up DSL development. Finally, we state a number of open problems

    Reusing Semantics in Visual Editors: A Case for Reference Attribute Grammars

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    The semantic formalism reference attribute grammars (RAGs) allows graphs to be superimposed on abstract syntax trees. This paper investigates how RAGs can be used to model visual languages, with a case study of a control language that also has a textual syntax. The language contains blocks on which a total execution order is defined based on connections and layout information. One strength of RAGs is reusability, and we demonstrate this by reusing the definition of the execution order in the visual editor to provide semantic feedback to the user

    Towards a Standard-based Domain-specific Platform to Solve Machine Learning-based Problems

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    Machine learning is one of the most important subfields of computer science and can be used to solve a variety of interesting artificial intelligence problems. There are different languages, framework and tools to define the data needed to solve machine learning-based problems. However, there is a great number of very diverse alternatives which makes it difficult the intercommunication, portability and re-usability of the definitions, designs or algorithms that any developer may create. In this paper, we take the first step towards a language and a development environment independent of the underlying technologies, allowing developers to design solutions to solve machine learning-based problems in a simple and fast way, automatically generating code for other technologies. That can be considered a transparent bridge among current technologies. We rely on Model-Driven Engineering approach, focusing on the creation of models to abstract the definition of artifacts from the underlying technologies

    Uso de lenguajes espec铆ficos del dominio en ense帽anza de programaci贸n

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    En la actualidad existen numerosos problemas, que si bien pueden ser solucionados con herramientas de prop贸sito general, es m谩s apropiado abordarlos con aplicaciones espec铆ficas para ese dominio. En este contexto se encuentran los Lenguajes Espec铆ficos del Dominio. Un Lenguaje Espec铆fico del Dominio (LED) es un conjunto reducido de construcciones y operaciones que brindan una mayor expresividad y optimizaci贸n para un dominio particular. Un 谩rea de especial aplicaci贸n para los LED es en el 谩mbito de la ense帽anza en programaci贸n, ya que posibilitan abstraerse de los problemas particulares de los Lenguajes de Prop贸sito General (LPG) para centrarse en el tema particular que se desea ense帽ar. En este art铆culo se presenta una l铆nea de investigaci贸n que tiene por objetivo descubrir y proponer mejoras en la ense帽anza de programaci贸n a trav茅s del uso de LED.Eje: Innovaci贸n en Educaci贸n Inform谩ticaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI