6 research outputs found

    Qualité des modèles : retours d'expériences

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    National audienceAvec la complexification des systèmes d'information (systèmes ubiquitaires, entreprises ouvertes etc.), de nombreux nouveaux langages de modélisation sont proposés. Face à ce développement de langages spécifiques, on peut s'interroger sur la qualité des modèles qui en sont issus. Cet article traite de ce problème en tirant les leçons de nos expériences passées. Elles mettent en évidence les besoins d'outillage automatisé pour l'évaluation de la qualité de modèles, la participation conjointe des différentes parties prenantes dans le processus d'évaluation, et la nécessité d'envisager une véritable ingénierie des langages et des modèles centrée sur l'humain

    A Pragmatic Means for Measuring the Complexity of Source Code Ensembles

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    Abstract-Most of the software metrics known and applied today are measured on a per file or even per function basis so that it is difficult to interpret their results for higher-order code ensembles such as components or whole systems. In order to overcome this weakness, we propose the hm-Index as a simple metric to condense the dependencies, i.e. the Fan-out, between source units in such code ensembles into a single number. As it is inspired by the h-Index in bibliometrics, it is based on a wellknown procedure that already had significant impact in a different field. We expect the hm-Index to become a simple metric for comparing the code complexity of different components or systems in software engineering and present promising preliminary results from real-world systems confirming our assumption in this paper

    Business Process Reengineering based on Measures

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    Business Process Reengineering (BPR) allows organizations to change their processes in order to improve their activities according to their own objectives. Measurement is needed to evaluate the reengineering process. The Cancer Registry of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) needs a redesign of some processes. So a systematic review is carried to define the state of the art on the use of metrics in BPR. As a result of the review, the PRiM methodology is selected as the most appropriate for measuring the redesign of the Cancer Registry, which then is modeled using the i* paradigm. Both the “as‐is” model and the “to‐be” model are presented, and metrics are defined to see if the redesign adapts to the expected goals

    Avaliação de softwares legados com base em métricas : em um órgão público federal

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Curso de Engenharia de Software, 2015.A contratação de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) é uma prática comum em órgãos públicos. A terceirização envolve um elevado consumo de recursos públicos e uma alta complexidade de gestão. No cenário público federal brasileiro, o serviço de manutenção de software é terceirizado. Softwares legados são sistemas já desenvolvidos e que executam tarefas importantes para a organização em que eles estão inseridos. Para que os softwares legados se mantenham alinhados às expectativas da organização é necessário que sejam constantemente modificados, o que acarreta esforço e custo com atividades de manutenção e por isso é necessário que a organização tenha uma visão clara sobre o atual estado de seus sistemas legados. A falta de conhecimento sobre aspectos dos sistemas legados motiva uma análise aprofundada dos sistemas. Dessa forma esse trabalho visa aplicar métricas nos softwares legados a partir da utilização do método GQM (goal question metric) para caracterizar três aspectos principais dos softwares legados que são: qualidade interna do código, documentação e registros de manutenção corretiva. Essa caracterização visa identificar as fraquezas e proporcionar dados quantitativos e quantitativos, que possibilitem uma maior visão do gestor de TI sobre seus softwares legados.Hiring of Information Technology (IT) services is a common practice in public agencies. Outsourcing involves a high consumption of public resources and a highly complex management. In the Brazilian federal public arena, the software maintenance service is outsourced. Legacy software systems are already developed and performing important tasks for the organization in which they are inserted. For legacy software remain aligned with the organization's expectations they must be constantly modified, resulting effort and cost of maintenance activities and therefore it is necessary that the organization has a clear view about the current state of their legacy systems. The lack of knowledge about aspects of legacy systems motivates a thorough examination of the systems. Thus this work aims to apply metrics in legacy software from using the GQM method (goal question metric) to characterize three main aspects of legacy software that are internal code quality, documentation and corrective maintenance records. This characterization is to identify weaknesses and provide quantitative and quantitative data that enable greater insight into the IT manager about your legacy software

    A complex situation in data recovery

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    The research considers an unusual situation in data recovery. Data recovery is the process of recovering data from recording media that is not accessible by normal means. Providing that the data has not been overwritten or the recording medium physically damaged, this is usually a relatively simple process of either repairing the file system so that the file(s) may be accessed as usual or finding the data on the medium and copying it directly from the medium into normal file(s). The data in this recovery situation is recorded by specialist call centre recording equipment and is stored on the recording medium in a proprietary format whereby simultaneous conversations are multiplexed together and can only be accessed by using associated metadata records. The value of the recorded data may be very high especially in the financial sector where it may be considered a legal audit of business transactions. When a failure occurs and data needs to be recovered, both the data and metadata information must be recreated before a single call can be replayed. A key component to accessing this information is the location metadata that identifies the location of the required components on the medium. If the metadata is corrupted, incomplete or wrong then a repair cannot proceed until it is corrected. This research focuses on the problem of verifying this location metadata. Initially it was believed that only a small set of errors would exist and work centred on detecting these errors by presenting the information to engineers in an at-a-glance image. When the extent of the possible errors was realised, an attempt was made to deduce location metadata by exploring the content of the recorded medium. Although successful in one instance, the process was not able to distinguish between current and previous uses. Eventually insights gained from exploration of the recording application's source code, permitted an intelligent trial and error process which deduced the underlying medium apportioning formula. It was then possible to incorporate this formula into the heuristics, generating the at-a-glance image, to create an artefact that could verify the location metadata for any given repair. After discovering the formula, the research returned to the media exploration and the produced disk fingerprinting technique. The disk fingerprinting technique gave valuable insights into error states in call centre recording and provided a new way of seeing the contents of a hard drive. This research provided the following contributions: 1. It has provided a means by which the recording systems' location metadata can be verified and repaired. 2. As a result of this verification, greater automation of the recovery process is now possible before the need for human verification is required. 3. The disk fingerprinting process. This has already given insights into the recording system's problems and is able to provide a new way of seeing the contents of recording media.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo