8 research outputs found

    Deep Learning for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA): A Survey

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    Modern communication systems and networks, e.g., Internet of Things (IoT) and cellular networks, generate a massive and heterogeneous amount of traffic data. In such networks, the traditional network management techniques for monitoring and data analytics face some challenges and issues, e.g., accuracy, and effective processing of big data in a real-time fashion. Moreover, the pattern of network traffic, especially in cellular networks, shows very complex behavior because of various factors, such as device mobility and network heterogeneity. Deep learning has been efficiently employed to facilitate analytics and knowledge discovery in big data systems to recognize hidden and complex patterns. Motivated by these successes, researchers in the field of networking apply deep learning models for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA) applications, e.g., traffic classification and prediction. This paper provides a comprehensive review on applications of deep learning in NTMA. We first provide fundamental background relevant to our review. Then, we give an insight into the confluence of deep learning and NTMA, and review deep learning techniques proposed for NTMA applications. Finally, we discuss key challenges, open issues, and future research directions for using deep learning in NTMA applications.publishedVersio

    Parameterizing and Aggregating Activation Functions in Deep Neural Networks

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    The nonlinear activation functions applied by each neuron in a neural network are essential for making neural networks powerful representational models. If these are omitted, even deep neural networks reduce to simple linear regression due to the fact that a linear combination of linear combinations is still a linear combination. In much of the existing literature on neural networks, just one or two activation functions are selected for the entire network, even though the use of heterogenous activation functions has been shown to produce superior results in some cases. Even less often employed are activation functions that can adapt their nonlinearities as network parameters along with standard weights and biases. This dissertation presents a collection of papers that advance the state of heterogenous and parameterized activation functions. Contributions of this dissertation include three novel parametric activation functions and applications of each, a study evaluating the utility of the parameters in parametric activation functions, an aggregated activation approach to modeling time-series data as an alternative to recurrent neural networks, and an improvement upon existing work that aggregates neuron inputs using product instead of sum

    Real-time inflation forecasting using non-linear dimension reduction techniques

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    In this paper, we assess whether using non-linear dimension reduction techniques pays off for forecasting inflation in real-time. Several recent methods from the machine learning literature are adopted to map a large dimensional dataset into a lower-dimensional set of latent factors. We model the relationship between inflation and the latent factors using constant and time-varying parameter (TVP) regressions with shrinkage priors. Our models are then used to forecast monthly US inflation in real-time. The results suggest that sophisticated dimension reduction methods yield inflation forecasts that are highly competitive with linear approaches based on principal components. Among the techniques considered, the Autoencoder and squared principal components yield factors that have high predictive power for one-month- and one-quarter-ahead inflation. Zooming into model performance over time reveals that controlling for non-linear relations in the data is of particular importance during recessionary episodes of the business cycle or the current COVID-19 pandemic

    A machine-learning based nonintrusive smart home appliance status recognition

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    Abstract: In a smart home, the nonintrusive load monitoring recognition scheme normally achieves high appliance recognition performance in the case where the appliance signals have widely varying power levels and signature characteristics. However, it becomes more difficult to recognize appliances with equal or very close power specifications, often with almost identical signature characteristics. In literature, complex methods based on transient event detection and multiple classifiers that operate on different hand crafted features of the signal have been proposed to tackle this issue. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach that dispenses with the complex transient event detection and hand crafting of signal features to provide high performance recognition of close tolerance appliances. ,e appliance classification is premised on the deep multilayer perceptron having three appliance signal parameters as input to increase the number of trainable samples and hence accuracy. In the case where we have limited data, we implement a transfer learning-based appliance classification strategy. With the view of obtaining an appropriate high performing disaggregation deep learning network for the said problem, we explore individually three deep learning disaggregation algorithms based on the multiple parallel structure convolutional neural networks, the recurrent neural network with parallel dense layers for a shared input, and the hybrid convolutional recurrent neural network. We disaggregate a total of three signal parameters per appliance in each case. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, some simulations and comparisons have been carried out, and the results show that the proposed method can achieve promising performance

    Deep neural networks for video classification in ecology

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    Analyzing large volumes of video data is a challenging and time-consuming task. Automating this process would very valuable, especially in ecological research where massive amounts of video can be used to unlock new avenues of ecological research into the behaviour of animals in their environments. Deep Neural Networks, particularly Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, are a powerful class of models for computer vision. When combined with Recurrent Neural Networks, Deep Convolutional models can be applied to video for frame level video classification. This research studies two datasets: penguins and seals. The purpose of the research is to compare the performance of image-only CNNs, which treat each frame of a video independently, against a combined CNN-RNN approach; and to assess whether incorporating the motion information in the temporal aspect of video improves the accuracy of classifications in these two datasets. Video and image-only models offer similar out-of-sample performance on the simpler seals dataset but the video model led to moderate performance improvements on the more complex penguin action recognition dataset

    Social Media Analysis for Social Good

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    Data on social media is abundant and offers valuable information that can be utilised for a range of purposes. Users share their experiences and opinions on various topics, ranging from their personal life to the community and the world, in real-time. In comparison to conventional data sources, social media is cost-effective to obtain, is up-to-date and reaches a larger audience. By analysing this rich data source, it can contribute to solving societal issues and promote social impact in an equitable manner. In this thesis, I present my research in exploring innovative applications using \ac{NLP} and machine learning to identify patterns and extract actionable insights from social media data to ultimately make a positive impact on society. First, I evaluate the impact of an intervention program aimed at promoting inclusive and equitable learning opportunities for underrepresented communities using social media data. Second, I develop EmoBERT, an emotion-based variant of the BERT model, for detecting fine-grained emotions to gauge the well-being of a population during significant disease outbreaks. Third, to improve public health surveillance on social media, I demonstrate how emotions expressed in social media posts can be incorporated into health mention classification using an intermediate task fine-tuning and multi-feature fusion approach. I also propose a multi-task learning framework to model the literal meanings of disease and symptom words to enhance the classification of health mentions. Fourth, I create a new health mention dataset to address the imbalance in health data availability between developing and developed countries, providing a benchmark alternative to the traditional standards used in digital health research. Finally, I leverage the power of pretrained language models to analyse religious activities, recognised as social determinants of health, during disease outbreaks