803 research outputs found

    Concatenated spatially-localized random forests for hippocampus labeling in adult and infant MR brain images

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    Automatic labeling of the hippocampus in brain MR images is highly demanded, as it has played an important role in imaging-based brain studies. However, accurate labeling of the hippocampus is still challenging, partially due to the ambiguous intensity boundary between the hippocampus and surrounding anatomies. In this paper, we propose a concatenated set of spatially-localized random forests for multi-atlas-based hippocampus labeling of adult/infant brain MR images. The contribution in our work is two-fold. First, each forest classifier is trained to label just a specific sub-region of the hippocampus, thus enhancing the labeling accuracy. Second, a novel forest selection strategy is proposed, such that each voxel in the test image can automatically select a set of optimal forests, and then dynamically fuses their respective outputs for determining the final label. Furthermore, we enhance the spatially-localized random forests with the aid of the auto-context strategy. In this way, our proposed learning framework can gradually refine the tentative labeling result for better performance. Experiments show that, regarding the large datasets of both adult and infant brain MR images, our method owns satisfactory scalability by segmenting the hippocampus accurately and efficiently

    Deformable MR Prostate Segmentation via Deep Feature Learning and Sparse Patch Matching

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    Automatic and reliable segmentation of the prostate is an important but difficult task for various clinical applications such as prostate cancer radiotherapy. The main challenges for accurate MR prostate localization lie in two aspects: (1) inhomogeneous and inconsistent appearance around prostate boundary, and (2) the large shape variation across different patients. To tackle these two problems, we propose a new deformable MR prostate segmentation method by unifying deep feature learning with the sparse patch matching. First, instead of directly using handcrafted features, we propose to learn the latent feature representation from prostate MR images by the stacked sparse auto-encoder (SSAE). Since the deep learning algorithm learns the feature hierarchy from the data, the learned features are often more concise and effective than the handcrafted features in describing the underlying data. To improve the discriminability of learned features, we further refine the feature representation in a supervised fashion. Second, based on the learned features, a sparse patch matching method is proposed to infer a prostate likelihood map by transferring the prostate labels from multiple atlases to the new prostate MR image. Finally, a deformable segmentation is used to integrate a sparse shape model with the prostate likelihood map for achieving the final segmentation. The proposed method has been extensively evaluated on the dataset that contains 66 T2-wighted prostate MR images. Experimental results show that the deep-learned features are more effective than the handcrafted features in guiding MR prostate segmentation. Moreover, our method shows superior performance than other state-of-the-art segmentation methods

    Brain segmentation based on multi-atlas guided 3D fully convolutional network ensembles

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    In this study, we proposed and validated a multi-atlas guided 3D fully convolutional network (FCN) ensemble model (M-FCN) for segmenting brain regions of interest (ROIs) from structural magnetic resonance images (MRIs). One major limitation of existing state-of-the-art 3D FCN segmentation models is that they often apply image patches of fixed size throughout training and testing, which may miss some complex tissue appearance patterns of different brain ROIs. To address this limitation, we trained a 3D FCN model for each ROI using patches of adaptive size and embedded outputs of the convolutional layers in the deconvolutional layers to further capture the local and global context patterns. In addition, with an introduction of multi-atlas based guidance in M-FCN, our segmentation was generated by combining the information of images and labels, which is highly robust. To reduce over-fitting of the FCN model on the training data, we adopted an ensemble strategy in the learning procedure. Evaluation was performed on two brain MRI datasets, aiming respectively at segmenting 14 subcortical and ventricular structures and 54 brain ROIs. The segmentation results of the proposed method were compared with those of a state-of-the-art multi-atlas based segmentation method and an existing 3D FCN segmentation model. Our results suggested that the proposed method had a superior segmentation performance

    A dynamic tree-based registration could handle possible large deformations among MR brain images

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    Multi-atlas segmentation is a powerful approach to automated anatomy delineation via fusing label information from a set of spatially normalized atlases. For simplicity, many existing methods perform pairwise image registration, leading to inaccurate segmentation especially when shape variation is large. In this paper, we propose a dynamic tree-based strategy for effective large-deformation registration and multi-atlas segmentation. To deal with local minima caused by large shape variation, coarse estimates of deformations are first obtained via alignment of automatically localized landmark points. The dynamic tree capturing the structural relationships between images is then employed to further reduce misalignment errors. Evaluation based on two real human brain datasets, ADNI and LPBA40, shows that our method significantly improves registration and segmentation accuracy

    Automatic labeling of MR brain images by hierarchical learning of atlas forests: Automatic labeling of MR brain images

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    Automatic brain image labeling is highly demanded in the field of medical image analysis. Multiatlas-based approaches are widely used due to their simplicity and robustness in applications. Also, random forest technique is recognized as an efficient method for labeling, although there are several existing limitations. In this paper, the authors intend to address those limitations by proposing a novel framework based on the hierarchical learning of atlas forests

    Multiatlas Segmentation Using Robust Feature-Based Registration

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    This paper presents a pipeline which uses a multiatlas approach for multiorgan segmentation in whole-body CT images. In order to obtain accurate registrations between the target and the atlas images, we develop an adapted feature-based method which uses organ-specific features. These features are learnt during an offline preprocessing step, and thus, the algorithm still benefits from the speed of feature-based registration methods. These feature sets are then used to obtain pairwise non-rigid transformations using RANSAC followed by a thin-plate spline refinement or NiftyReg. The fusion of the transferred atlas labels is performed using a random forest classifier, and finally, the segmentation is obtained using graph cuts with a Potts model as interaction term. Our pipeline was evaluated on 20 organs in 10 whole-body CT images at the VISCERAL Anatomy Challenge, in conjunction with the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Brooklyn, New York, in April 2015. It performed best on majority of the organs, with respect to the Dice index
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