64 research outputs found

    A Neural Networks Committee for the Contextual Bandit Problem

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    This paper presents a new contextual bandit algorithm, NeuralBandit, which does not need hypothesis on stationarity of contexts and rewards. Several neural networks are trained to modelize the value of rewards knowing the context. Two variants, based on multi-experts approach, are proposed to choose online the parameters of multi-layer perceptrons. The proposed algorithms are successfully tested on a large dataset with and without stationarity of rewards.Comment: 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processin

    Bandit Models of Human Behavior: Reward Processing in Mental Disorders

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    Drawing an inspiration from behavioral studies of human decision making, we propose here a general parametric framework for multi-armed bandit problem, which extends the standard Thompson Sampling approach to incorporate reward processing biases associated with several neurological and psychiatric conditions, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addiction, and chronic pain. We demonstrate empirically that the proposed parametric approach can often outperform the baseline Thompson Sampling on a variety of datasets. Moreover, from the behavioral modeling perspective, our parametric framework can be viewed as a first step towards a unifying computational model capturing reward processing abnormalities across multiple mental conditions.Comment: Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI-1

    The Power of Localization for Efficiently Learning Linear Separators with Noise

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    We introduce a new approach for designing computationally efficient learning algorithms that are tolerant to noise, and demonstrate its effectiveness by designing algorithms with improved noise tolerance guarantees for learning linear separators. We consider both the malicious noise model and the adversarial label noise model. For malicious noise, where the adversary can corrupt both the label and the features, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for learning linear separators in d\Re^d under isotropic log-concave distributions that can tolerate a nearly information-theoretically optimal noise rate of η=Ω(ϵ)\eta = \Omega(\epsilon). For the adversarial label noise model, where the distribution over the feature vectors is unchanged, and the overall probability of a noisy label is constrained to be at most η\eta, we also give a polynomial-time algorithm for learning linear separators in d\Re^d under isotropic log-concave distributions that can handle a noise rate of η=Ω(ϵ)\eta = \Omega\left(\epsilon\right). We show that, in the active learning model, our algorithms achieve a label complexity whose dependence on the error parameter ϵ\epsilon is polylogarithmic. This provides the first polynomial-time active learning algorithm for learning linear separators in the presence of malicious noise or adversarial label noise.Comment: Contains improved label complexity analysis communicated to us by Steve Hannek

    Reducing the Effects of Detrimental Instances

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    Not all instances in a data set are equally beneficial for inducing a model of the data. Some instances (such as outliers or noise) can be detrimental. However, at least initially, the instances in a data set are generally considered equally in machine learning algorithms. Many current approaches for handling noisy and detrimental instances make a binary decision about whether an instance is detrimental or not. In this paper, we 1) extend this paradigm by weighting the instances on a continuous scale and 2) present a methodology for measuring how detrimental an instance may be for inducing a model of the data. We call our method of identifying and weighting detrimental instances reduced detrimental instance learning (RDIL). We examine RIDL on a set of 54 data sets and 5 learning algorithms and compare RIDL with other weighting and filtering approaches. RDIL is especially useful for learning algorithms where every instance can affect the classification boundary and the training instances are considered individually, such as multilayer perceptrons trained with backpropagation (MLPs). Our results also suggest that a more accurate estimate of which instances are detrimental can have a significant positive impact for handling them.Comment: 6 pages, 5 tables, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.189

    Incorporating Behavioral Constraints in Online AI Systems

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    AI systems that learn through reward feedback about the actions they take are increasingly deployed in domains that have significant impact on our daily life. However, in many cases the online rewards should not be the only guiding criteria, as there are additional constraints and/or priorities imposed by regulations, values, preferences, or ethical principles. We detail a novel online agent that learns a set of behavioral constraints by observation and uses these learned constraints as a guide when making decisions in an online setting while still being reactive to reward feedback. To define this agent, we propose to adopt a novel extension to the classical contextual multi-armed bandit setting and we provide a new algorithm called Behavior Constrained Thompson Sampling (BCTS) that allows for online learning while obeying exogenous constraints. Our agent learns a constrained policy that implements the observed behavioral constraints demonstrated by a teacher agent, and then uses this constrained policy to guide the reward-based online exploration and exploitation. We characterize the upper bound on the expected regret of the contextual bandit algorithm that underlies our agent and provide a case study with real world data in two application domains. Our experiments show that the designed agent is able to act within the set of behavior constraints without significantly degrading its overall reward performance.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure