57 research outputs found

    Balancing Speed and Quality in Online Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval

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    In Online Learning to Rank (OLTR) the aim is to find an optimal ranking model by interacting with users. When learning from user behavior, systems must interact with users while simultaneously learning from those interactions. Unlike other Learning to Rank (LTR) settings, existing research in this field has been limited to linear models. This is due to the speed-quality tradeoff that arises when selecting models: complex models are more expressive and can find the best rankings but need more user interactions to do so, a requirement that risks frustrating users during training. Conversely, simpler models can be optimized on fewer interactions and thus provide a better user experience, but they will converge towards suboptimal rankings. This tradeoff creates a deadlock, since novel models will not be able to improve either the user experience or the final convergence point, without sacrificing the other. Our contribution is twofold. First, we introduce a fast OLTR model called Sim-MGD that addresses the speed aspect of the speed-quality tradeoff. Sim-MGD ranks documents based on similarities with reference documents. It converges rapidly and, hence, gives a better user experience but it does not converge towards the optimal rankings. Second, we contribute Cascading Multileave Gradient Descent (C-MGD) for OLTR that directly addresses the speed-quality tradeoff by using a cascade that enables combinations of the best of two worlds: fast learning and high quality final convergence. C-MGD can provide the better user experience of Sim-MGD while maintaining the same convergence as the state-of-the-art MGD model. This opens the door for future work to design new models for OLTR without having to deal with the speed-quality tradeoff.Comment: CIKM 2017, Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen

    Differentiable Unbiased Online Learning to Rank

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    Online Learning to Rank (OLTR) methods optimize rankers based on user interactions. State-of-the-art OLTR methods are built specifically for linear models. Their approaches do not extend well to non-linear models such as neural networks. We introduce an entirely novel approach to OLTR that constructs a weighted differentiable pairwise loss after each interaction: Pairwise Differentiable Gradient Descent (PDGD). PDGD breaks away from the traditional approach that relies on interleaving or multileaving and extensive sampling of models to estimate gradients. Instead, its gradient is based on inferring preferences between document pairs from user clicks and can optimize any differentiable model. We prove that the gradient of PDGD is unbiased w.r.t. user document pair preferences. Our experiments on the largest publicly available Learning to Rank (LTR) datasets show considerable and significant improvements under all levels of interaction noise. PDGD outperforms existing OLTR methods both in terms of learning speed as well as final convergence. Furthermore, unlike previous OLTR methods, PDGD also allows for non-linear models to be optimized effectively. Our results show that using a neural network leads to even better performance at convergence than a linear model. In summary, PDGD is an efficient and unbiased OLTR approach that provides a better user experience than previously possible.Comment: Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 201

    Transferring Learning To Rank Models for Web Search

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    ABSTRACT Learning to rank techniques provide mechanisms for combining document feature values into learned models that produce effective rankings. However, issues concerning the transferability of learned models between different corpora or subsets of the same corpus are not yet well understood. For instance, is the importance of different feature sets consistent between subsets of a corpus, or whether a learned model obtained on a small subset of the corpus effectively transfer to the larger corpus? By formulating our experiments around two null hypotheses, in this work, we apply a full-factorial experiment design to empirically investigate these questions using the ClueWeb09 and ClueWeb12 corpora, combined with queries from the TREC Web track. Among other observations, our experiments reveal that ClueWeb09 remains an effective choice of training corpus for learning effective models for ClueWeb12, and also that the importance of query independent features varies among the ClueWeb09 and ClueWeb12 corpora. In doing so, this work contributes an important study into the transferability of learning to rank models, as well as empirically-derived best practices for effective retrieval on the ClueWeb12 corpus

    Structured learning for non-smooth ranking losses

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    Learning to rank from relevance judgment is an active research area. Itemwise score regression, pairwise preference satisfaction, and listwise structured learning are the major techniques in use. Listwise structured learning has been applied recently to optimize important non-decomposable ranking criteria like AUC (area under ROC curve) and MAP (mean average precision). We propose new, almost-linear-time algorithms to optimize for two other criteria widely used to evaluate search systems: MRR (mean reciprocal rank) and NDCG (normalized discounted cumulative gain) in the max-margin structured learning framework. We also demonstrate that, for different ranking criteria, one may need to use different feature maps. Search applications should not be optimized in favor of a single criterion, because they need to cater to a variety of queries. E.g. MRR is best for navigational queries, while NDCG is best for informational queries. A key contribution of this paper is to fold multiple ranking loss functions into a multi-criteria max-margin optimization. The result is a single, robust ranking model that is close to the best accuracy of learners trained on individual criteria. In fact, experiments over the popular LETOR and TREC data sets show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, a test criterion is often not best served by training with the same individual criterion

    A cross-benchmark comparison of 87 learning to rank methods

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    Learning to rank is an increasingly important scientific field that comprises the use of machine learning for the ranking task. New learning to rank methods are generally evaluated on benchmark test collections. However, comparison of learning to rank methods based on evaluation results is hindered by the absence of a standard set of evaluation benchmark collections. In this paper we propose a way to compare learning to rank methods based on a sparse set of evaluation results on a set of benchmark datasets. Our comparison methodology consists of two components: (1) Normalized Winning Number, which gives insight in the ranking accuracy of the learning to rank method, and (2) Ideal Winning Number, which gives insight in the degree of certainty concerning its ranking accuracy. Evaluation results of 87 learning to rank methods on 20 well-known benchmark datasets are collected through a structured literature search. ListNet, SmoothRank, FenchelRank, FSMRank, LRUF and LARF are Pareto optimal learning to rank methods in the Normalized Winning Number and Ideal Winning Number dimensions, listed in increasing order of Normalized Winning Number and decreasing order of Ideal Winning Number

    Sensitive and Scalable Online Evaluation with Theoretical Guarantees

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    Multileaved comparison methods generalize interleaved comparison methods to provide a scalable approach for comparing ranking systems based on regular user interactions. Such methods enable the increasingly rapid research and development of search engines. However, existing multileaved comparison methods that provide reliable outcomes do so by degrading the user experience during evaluation. Conversely, current multileaved comparison methods that maintain the user experience cannot guarantee correctness. Our contribution is two-fold. First, we propose a theoretical framework for systematically comparing multileaved comparison methods using the notions of considerateness, which concerns maintaining the user experience, and fidelity, which concerns reliable correct outcomes. Second, we introduce a novel multileaved comparison method, Pairwise Preference Multileaving (PPM), that performs comparisons based on document-pair preferences, and prove that it is considerate and has fidelity. We show empirically that, compared to previous multileaved comparison methods, PPM is more sensitive to user preferences and scalable with the number of rankers being compared.Comment: CIKM 2017, Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Managemen
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