5 research outputs found

    Learning to ground in spoken dialogue systems

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    PosterMachine learning methods such as reinforcement learning applied to dialogue strategy optimization has become a leading subject of researches since the mid 90's. Indeed, the great variability of factors to take into account makes the design of a spoken dialogue system a tailoring task and reusability of previous work is very difficult. Yet, techniques such as reinforcement learning are very demanding in training data while obtaining a substantial amount of data in the particular case of spoken dialogues is time-consuming and therefore expansive. In order to expand existing data sets, dialogue simulation techniques are becoming a standard solution. In this paper, we present a user model for realistic spoken dialogue simulation and a method for using this model so as to simulate the grounding process. This allows including grounding subdialogues as actions in the reinforcement learning process and learning adapted strateg

    Machine Learning Methods for Spoken Dialogue Simulation and Optimization

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    Computers and electronic devices are becoming more and more present in our day-to-day life. This can of course be partly explained by their ability to ease the achievement of complex and boring tasks, the important decrease of prices or the new entertainment styles they offer. Yet, this real incursion in everybody's life would not have been possible without an important improvement of Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI). This is why HCI are now widely studied and become a major trend of research among the scientific community. Designing “user-friendly” interfaces usually requires multidisciplinary skills in fields such as computer science, ergonomics, psychology, signal processing etc. In this chapter, we argue that machine learning methods can help in designing efficient speech-based humancomputer interfaces

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsThis thesis focuses on the problem of scalable optimization of dialogue behaviour in speech-based conversational systems using reinforcement learning. Most previous investigations in dialogue strategy learning have proposed flat reinforcement learning methods, which are more suitable for small-scale spoken dialogue systems. This research formulates the problem in terms of Semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs), and proposes two hierarchical reinforcement learning methods to optimize sub-dialogues rather than full dialogues. The first method uses a hierarchy of SMDPs, where every SMDP ignores irrelevant state variables and actions in order to optimize a sub-dialogue. The second method extends the first one by constraining every SMDP in the hierarchy with prior expert knowledge. The latter method proposes a learning algorithm called 'HAM+HSMQ-Learning', which combines two existing algorithms in the literature of hierarchical reinforcement learning. Whilst the first method generates fully-learnt behaviour, the second one generates semi-learnt behaviour. In addition, this research proposes a heuristic dialogue simulation environment for automatic dialogue strategy learning. Experiments were performed on simulated and real environments based on a travel planning spoken dialogue system. Experimental results provided evidence to support the following claims: First, both methods scale well at the cost of near-optimal solutions, resulting in slightly longer dialogues than the optimal solutions. Second, dialogue strategies learnt with coherent user behaviour and conservative recognition error rates can outperform a reasonable hand-coded strategy. Third, semi-learnt dialogue behaviours are a better alternative (because of their higher overall performance) than hand-coded or fully-learnt dialogue behaviours. Last, hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents are feasible and promising for the (semi) automatic design of adaptive behaviours in larger-scale spoken dialogue systems. This research makes the following contributions to spoken dialogue systems which learn their dialogue behaviour. First, the Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) model was proposed to learn spoken dialogue strategies in a scalable way. Second, the concept of 'partially specified dialogue strategies' was proposed for integrating simultaneously hand-coded and learnt spoken dialogue behaviours into a single learning framework. Third, an evaluation with real users of hierarchical reinforcement learning dialogue agents was essential to validate their effectiveness in a realistic environment