160,469 research outputs found

    Resolving conflicts during human-robot co-manipulation

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    UK Research and Innovation, UKRI: EP/S033718/2, EP/T022493/1, EP/V00784XThis work is partially funded by UKRI and CHIST-ERA (HEAP: EP/S033718/2; Horizon: EP/T022493/1; TAS Hub: EP/V00784X).This paper proposes a machine learning (ML) approach to detect and resolve motion conflicts that occur between a human and a proactive robot during the execution of a physically collaborative task. We train a random forest classifier to distinguish between harmonious and conflicting human-robot interaction behaviors during object co-manipulation. Kinesthetic information generated through the teamwork is used to describe the interactive quality of collaboration. As such, we demonstrate that features derived from haptic (force/torque) data are sufficient to classify if the human and the robot harmoniously manipulate the object or they face a conflict. A conflict resolution strategy is implemented to get the robotic partner to proactively contribute to the task via online trajectory planning whenever interactive motion patterns are harmonious, and to follow the human lead when a conflict is detected. An admittance controller regulates the physical interaction between the human and the robot during the task. This enables the robot to follow the human passively when there is a conflict. An artificial potential field is used to proactively control the robot motion when partners work in harmony. An experimental study is designed to create scenarios involving harmonious and conflicting interactions during collaborative manipulation of an object, and to create a dataset to train and test the random forest classifier. The results of the study show that ML can successfully detect conflicts and the proposed conflict resolution mechanism reduces human force and effort significantly compared to the case of a passive robot that always follows the human partner and a proactive robot that cannot resolve conflicts. © 2023 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).2-s2.0-8515037875

    Distributed neural plasticity for shape learning in the human visual cortex.

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    Expertise in recognizing objects in cluttered scenes is a critical skill for our interactions in complex environments and is thought to develop with learning. However, the neural implementation of object learning across stages of visual analysis in the human brain remains largely unknown. Using combined psychophysics and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we show a link between shape-specific learning in cluttered scenes and distributed neuronal plasticity in the human visual cortex. We report stronger fMRI responses for trained than untrained shapes across early and higher visual areas when observers learned to detect low-salience shapes in noisy backgrounds. However, training with high-salience pop-out targets resulted in lower fMRI responses for trained than untrained shapes in higher occipitotemporal areas. These findings suggest that learning of camouflaged shapes is mediated by increasing neural sensitivity across visual areas to bolster target segmentation and feature integration. In contrast, learning of prominent pop-out shapes is mediated by associations at higher occipitotemporal areas that support sparser coding of the critical features for target recognition. We propose that the human brain learns novel objects in complex scenes by reorganizing shape processing across visual areas, while taking advantage of natural image correlations that determine the distinctiveness of target shapes

    Social distance and face mask detector system exploiting transfer learning

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    As time advances, the use of deep learning-based object detection algorithms has also evolved leading to developments of new human-computer interactions, facilitating an exploration of various domains. Considering the automated process of detection, systems suitable for detecting violations are developed. One such applications is the social distancing and face mask detectors to control air-borne diseases. The objective of this research is to deploy transfer learning on object detection models for spotting violations in face masks and physical distance rules in real-time. The common drawbacks of existing models are low accuracy and inability to detect in real-time. The MobileNetV2 object detection model and YOLOv3 model with Euclidean distance measure have been used for detection of face mask and physical distancing. A proactive transfer learning approach is used to perform the functionality of face mask classification on the patterns obtained from the social distance detector model. On implementing the application on various surveillance footage, it was observed that the system could classify masked and unmasked faces and if social distancing was maintained or not with accuracies 99% and 94% respectively. The models exhibited high accuracy on testing and the system can be infused with the existing internet protocol (IP) cameras or surveillance systems for real-time surveillance of face masks and physical distancing rules effectively

    Detecting Human-Object Interactions via Functional Generalization

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    We present an approach for detecting human-object interactions (HOIs) in images, based on the idea that humans interact with functionally similar objects in a similar manner. The proposed model is simple and efficiently uses the data, visual features of the human, relative spatial orientation of the human and the object, and the knowledge that functionally similar objects take part in similar interactions with humans. We provide extensive experimental validation for our approach and demonstrate state-of-the-art results for HOI detection. On the HICO-Det dataset our method achieves a gain of over 2.5% absolute points in mean average precision (mAP) over state-of-the-art. We also show that our approach leads to significant performance gains for zero-shot HOI detection in the seen object setting. We further demonstrate that using a generic object detector, our model can generalize to interactions involving previously unseen objects.Comment: AAAI 202
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