54,222 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Hybrid Learning Environments

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    Hybrid learning environment (HLE) is a classroom- and computer-based environment that is an open system, allowing synchronous and asynchronous interactions and encounters with other participants. This paper assesses the learning effectiveness of students in HLE for two core MSIS courses at DSU. In conclusion, the results attest to the viability of HLE. In-class and video conferencing students get to benefit from the virtual classroom setting (supporting web-site, asynchronous communication via electronic discussion board and email, and the opportunity to review the recorded class), while Internet students get to benefit by reducing the anxiety and feeling of isolation through the opportunity to feel and experience the classroom setting. HLE affords alternative delivery mechanisms, thereby accommodating various learning models

    Maximising Social Interactions and Effectiveness within Distance Learning Courses: Cases from Construction

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    Advanced Internet technologies have revolutionised the delivery of distance learning education. As a result, the physical proximity between learners and the learning providers has become less important. However, whilst the pervasiveness of these technological developments has reached unprecedented levels, critics argue that the student learning experience is still not as effective as conventional face-to-face delivery. In this regard, surveys of distance learning courses reveal that there is often a lack of social interaction attributed to this method of delivery, which tends to leave learners feeling isolated due to a lack of engagement, direction, guidance and support by the tutor. This paper defines and conceptualises this phenomenon by investigating the extent to which distance-learning programmes provide the social interactions of an equivalent traditional classroom setting. In this respect, two distance learning case studies were investigated, covering the UK and Slovenian markets respectively. Research findings identified that delivery success is strongly dependent on the particular context to which the specific distance learning course is designed, structured and augmented. It is therefore recommended that designers of distance learning courses should balance the tensions and nuances associated with commercial viability and pedagogic effectiveness

    Maximising social interactions and effectiveness within distance learning courses : cases from construction

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    Advanced Internet technologies have revolutionised the delivery of distance learning education. As a result, the physical proximity between learners and the learning providers has become less important. However, whilst the pervasiveness of these technological developments has reached unprecedented levels, critics argue that the student learning experience is still not as effective as conventional face-to-face delivery. In this regard, surveys of distance learning courses reveal that there is often a lack of social interaction attributed to this method of delivery, which tends to leave learners feeling isolated due to a lack of engagement, direction, guidance and support by the tutor. This paper defines and conceptualises this phenomenon by investigating the extent to which distance-learning programmes provide the social interactions of an equivalent traditional classroom setting. In this respect, two distance learning case studies were investigated, covering the UK and Slovenian markets respectively. Research findings identified that delivery success is strongly dependent on the particular context to which the specific distance learning course is designed, structured and augmented. It is therefore recommended that designers of distance learning courses should balance the tensions and nuances associated with commercial viability and pedagogic effectiveness

    Peripatetic electronic teachers in higher education

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    This paper explores the idea of information and communications technology providing a medium enabling higher education teachers to act as freelance agents. The notion of a ‘Peripatetic Electronic Teacher’ (PET) is introduced to encapsulate this idea. PETs would exist as multiple telepresences (pedagogical, professional, managerial and commercial) in PET‐worlds; global networked environments which support advanced multimedia features. The central defining rationale of a pedagogical presence is described in detail and some implications for the adoption of the PET‐world paradigm are discussed. The ideas described in this paper were developed by the author during a recently completed Short‐Term British Telecom Research Fellowship, based at the BT Adastral Park

    Initial evaluation and analysis of post graduate trainees use of a virtual learning environment in initial teacher training

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    This paper describes the initial findings of a longitudinal case study that investigates the use of a virtual learning environment to enhance the placement experience for full time post graduate certificate in education (PGCE) students. Initial teacher training (ITT) involves trainees spending approximately two thirds of their time on the course in schools (away from their peers) across a large regional area. Geographically separated trainees can feel very isolated on placement. The purpose of the VLE was to try to alleviate this sense of isolation by offering a way for trainees to maintain contact and offer mutual support to each other while on placement. A space and place for them to meet and discuss their experiences was provided by the VLE which was maintained as a resource and interactive communications site throughout the year, specifically for them to use. Data from a number of sources using a variety of methods was obtained throughout the duration of the course. This included both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. A preliminary analysis of the results is used to offer some insight into how this type of support might be improved for future students, by the construction of minimum pedagogical framework for initial teacher training. Each data set was analysed as a separate entity, looking for themes and patterns. Following this a comparison of the results from all data sets was conducted to determine any emerging patters from across the data. Recommendations for a pedagogical framework based around the use of ICT and VLEs on the PGCE course were then proposed as a way forward for this type of research into teaching and learning for distance based courses

    USAge of Groupware in Software Engineering Education at the Cscw Laboratory of University Duisburg-essen: Possibilities and Limitations

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    This paper analyzes the application level in CSCW laboratory there are Electronic meeting rooms, Video Conferencing, Desktop Conference (Passenger), and BSCW system which conducting in The University Duisburg – Essen Germany. This analysis included short analysis and discussion about possibilities and limitation of each experiment followed by outlook how this lab can be further developed.Multi-user to Multipoint Videoconferences is introduced to cover all of devices join to the conferences. A computer network, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), ISDN Phone, Wireless Infrastructures (accessed by laptop, smart phone, PDA) and videoconferences systems is proposed to be integrate

    Network-Based Classrooms

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    Computer-mediated communication is an increasingly familiar part of the educational experiences of students from elementary school through graduate school. This is not surprising, because electronic mail, bulletin boards, gopher servers, and other forms of telecommunication offer conveniences and exciting new possibilities for learning. The rapid expansion of the Internet, the availability of low-cost modems and high-speed data lines, and a growing awareness of the educational possibilities are leading to major changes in classrooms. The many ways in which network-based classrooms are used highlights questions about the goals and means of education that are too often pushed aside. By affording new ways of communicating, these classrooms ask us to rethink questions such as: What role should the teacher have in the classroom? How can students support each other???s learning? What kinds of writing should students learn to do? How should we accommodate, or balance, student interests with other curricular concerns? What is needed to make a classroom become a true learning community? In addition to raising these questions, they provide us with new possibilities for answering them.published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Adjusting the community of inquiry approach to a synchronous mathematical context

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    This paper applies the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework previously used in asynchronous discussion forums to synchronous chats in a mathematically-based undergraduate course. While the three presences described in the CoI framework - cognitive, social and teaching presence - are still identified, it is argued that categories and indicators tailored for coding asynchronous discussion may need adjustment when applied to this new context. Preliminary results based on the transcript analysis of one chat log and using two coders are presented in this paper