449 research outputs found

    Deep learning that scales: leveraging compute and data

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    Deep learning has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence in the past decade. Although the development of these techniques spans over several years, the recent advent of deep learning is explained by an increased availability of data and compute that have unlocked the potential of deep neural networks. They have become ubiquitous in domains such as natural language processing, computer vision, speech processing, and control, where enough training data is available. Recent years have seen continuous progress driven by ever-growing neural networks that benefited from large amounts of data and computing power. This thesis is motivated by the observation that scale is one of the key factors driving progress in deep learning research, and aims at devising deep learning methods that scale gracefully with the available data and compute. We narrow down this scope into two main research directions. The first of them is concerned with designing hardware-aware methods which can make the most of the computing resources in current high performance computing facilities. We then study bottlenecks preventing existing methods from scaling up as more data becomes available, providing solutions that contribute towards enabling training of more complex models. This dissertation studies the aforementioned research questions for two different learning paradigms, each with its own algorithmic and computational characteristics. The first part of this thesis studies the paradigm where the model needs to learn from a collection of examples, extracting as much information as possible from the given data. The second part is concerned with training agents that learn by interacting with a simulated environment, which introduces unique challenges such as efficient exploration and simulation

    Combined optimization algorithms applied to pattern classification

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    Accurate classification by minimizing the error on test samples is the main goal in pattern classification. Combinatorial optimization is a well-known method for solving minimization problems, however, only a few examples of classifiers axe described in the literature where combinatorial optimization is used in pattern classification. Recently, there has been a growing interest in combining classifiers and improving the consensus of results for a greater accuracy. In the light of the "No Ree Lunch Theorems", we analyse the combination of simulated annealing, a powerful combinatorial optimization method that produces high quality results, with the classical perceptron algorithm. This combination is called LSA machine. Our analysis aims at finding paradigms for problem-dependent parameter settings that ensure high classifica, tion results. Our computational experiments on a large number of benchmark problems lead to results that either outperform or axe at least competitive to results published in the literature. Apart from paxameter settings, our analysis focuses on a difficult problem in computation theory, namely the network complexity problem. The depth vs size problem of neural networks is one of the hardest problems in theoretical computing, with very little progress over the past decades. In order to investigate this problem, we introduce a new recursive learning method for training hidden layers in constant depth circuits. Our findings make contributions to a) the field of Machine Learning, as the proposed method is applicable in training feedforward neural networks, and to b) the field of circuit complexity by proposing an upper bound for the number of hidden units sufficient to achieve a high classification rate. One of the major findings of our research is that the size of the network can be bounded by the input size of the problem and an approximate upper bound of 8 + √2n/n threshold gates as being sufficient for a small error rate, where n := log/SL and SL is the training set
