3,123 research outputs found

    Perturbation theory for Markov chains via Wasserstein distance

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    Perturbation theory for Markov chains addresses the question how small differences in the transitions of Markov chains are reflected in differences between their distributions. We prove powerful and flexible bounds on the distance of the nnth step distributions of two Markov chains when one of them satisfies a Wasserstein ergodicity condition. Our work is motivated by the recent interest in approximate Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in the analysis of big data sets. By using an approach based on Lyapunov functions, we provide estimates for geometrically ergodic Markov chains under weak assumptions. In an autoregressive model, our bounds cannot be improved in general. We illustrate our theory by showing quantitative estimates for approximate versions of two prominent MCMC algorithms, the Metropolis-Hastings and stochastic Langevin algorithms.Comment: 31 pages, accepted at Bernoulli Journa

    Noisy Monte Carlo: Convergence of Markov chains with approximate transition kernels

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    Monte Carlo algorithms often aim to draw from a distribution π\pi by simulating a Markov chain with transition kernel PP such that π\pi is invariant under PP. However, there are many situations for which it is impractical or impossible to draw from the transition kernel PP. For instance, this is the case with massive datasets, where is it prohibitively expensive to calculate the likelihood and is also the case for intractable likelihood models arising from, for example, Gibbs random fields, such as those found in spatial statistics and network analysis. A natural approach in these cases is to replace PP by an approximation P^\hat{P}. Using theory from the stability of Markov chains we explore a variety of situations where it is possible to quantify how 'close' the chain given by the transition kernel P^\hat{P} is to the chain given by PP. We apply these results to several examples from spatial statistics and network analysis.Comment: This version: results extended to non-uniformly ergodic Markov chain

    Convergence in distribution for filtering processes associated to Hidden Markov Models with densities

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    Consider a filtering process associated to a hidden Markov model with densities for which both the state space and the observation space are complete, separable, metric spaces. If the underlying, hidden Markov chain is strongly ergodic and the filtering process fulfills a certain coupling condition we prove that, in the limit, the distribution of the filtering process is independent of the initial distribution of the hidden Markov chain. If furthermore the hidden Markov chain is uniformly ergodic, then we prove that the filtering process converges in distribution.Comment: 54 pages revision. Rewritten introduction. Theorem 12.1 sharper than Theorem 16.1 (v1). Proofs and results reorganised. Example 18.3 (v1) exclude