20 research outputs found

    Novel Approach for Detection and Removal of Moving Cast Shadows Based on RGB, HSV and YUV Color Spaces

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    Cast shadow affects computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, object detection and tracking since objects and shadows share the same visual motion characteristics. This unavoidable problem decreases video surveillance system performance. The basic idea of this paper is to exploit the evidence that shadows darken the surface which they are cast upon. For this reason, we propose a simple and accurate method for detection of moving cast shadows based on chromatic properties in RGB, HSV and YUV color spaces. The method requires no a priori assumptions regarding the scene or lighting source. Starting from a normalization step, we apply canny filter to detect the boundary between self-shadow and cast shadow. This treatment is devoted only for the first sequence. Then, we separate between background and moving objects using an improved version of Gaussian mixture model. In order to remove these unwanted shadows completely, we use three change estimators calculated according to the intensity ratio in HSV color space, chromaticity properties in RGB color space, and brightness ratio in YUV color space. Only pixels that satisfy threshold of the three estimators are labeled as shadow and will be removed. Experiments carried out on various video databases prove that the proposed system is robust and efficient and can precisely remove shadows for a wide class of environment and without any assumptions. Experimental results also show that our approach outperforms existing methods and can run in real-time systems

    Detection and Removal of Chromatic Moving Shadows in Surveillance Scenarios<em/>

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    A statistical approach for shadow detection using spatio-temporal contexts

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    Background subtraction is an important step used to segment moving regions in surveillance videos. However, cast shadows are often falsely labeled as foreground objects, which may severely degrade the accuracy of object localization and detection. Effective shadow detection is necessary for accurate foreground segmentation, especially for outdoor scenes. Based on the characteristics of shadows, such as luminance reduction, chromaticity consistency and texture consistency, we introduce a nonparametric framework for modeling surface behavior under cast shadows. To each pixel, we assign a potential shadow value with a confidence weight, indicating the probability that the pixel location is an actual shadow point. Given an observed RGB value for a pixel in a new frame, we use its recent spatio-temporal context to compute an expected shadow RGB value. The similarity between the observed and the expected shadow RGB values determines whether a pixel position is a true shadow. Experimental results show the performance of the proposed method on a suite of standard indoor and outdoor video sequences

    A Comprehensive Review of Vehicle Detection Techniques Under Varying Moving Cast Shadow Conditions Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning

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    Design of a vision-based traffic analytic system for urban traffic video scenes has a great potential in context of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). It offers useful traffic-related insights at much lower costs compared to their conventional sensor based counterparts. However, it remains a challenging problem till today due to the complexity factors such as camera hardware constraints, camera movement, object occlusion, object speed, object resolution, traffic flow density, and lighting conditions etc. ITS has many applications including and not just limited to queue estimation, speed detection and different anomalies detection etc. All of these applications are primarily dependent on sensing vehicle presence to form some basis for analysis. Moving cast shadows of vehicles is one of the major problems that affects the vehicle detection as it can cause detection and tracking inaccuracies. Therefore, it is exceedingly important to distinguish dynamic objects from their moving cast shadows for accurate vehicle detection and recognition. This paper provides an in-depth comparative analysis of different traffic paradigm-focused conventional and state-of-the-art shadow detection and removal algorithms. Till date, there has been only one survey which highlights the shadow removal methodologies particularly for traffic paradigm. In this paper, a total of 70 research papers containing results of urban traffic scenes have been shortlisted from the last three decades to give a comprehensive overview of the work done in this area. The study reveals that the preferable way to make a comparative evaluation is to use the existing Highway I, II, and III datasets which are frequently used for qualitative or quantitative analysis of shadow detection or removal algorithms. Furthermore, the paper not only provides cues to solve moving cast shadow problems, but also suggests that even after the advent of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-based vehicle detection methods, the problems caused by moving cast shadows persists. Therefore, this paper proposes a hybrid approach which uses a combination of conventional and state-of-the-art techniques as a pre-processing step for shadow detection and removal before using CNN for vehicles detection. The results indicate a significant improvement in vehicle detection accuracies after using the proposed approach

    Vision-based traffic surveys in urban environments

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    This paper presents a state-of-the-art, vision-based vehicle detection and type classification to perform traffic surveys from a roadside closed-circuit television camera. Vehicles are detected using background subtraction based on a Gaussian mixture model that can cope with vehicles that become stationary over a significant period of time. Vehicle silhouettes are described using a combination of shape and appearance features using an intensity-based pyramid histogram of orientation gradients (HOG). Classification is performed using a support vector machine, which is trained on a small set of hand-labeled silhouette exemplars. These exemplars are identified using a model-based preclassifier that utilizes calibrated images mapped by Google Earth to provide accurately surveyed scene geometry matched to visible image landmarks. Kalman filters track the vehicles to enable classification by majority voting over several consecutive frames. The system counts vehicles and separates them into four categories: car, van, bus, and motorcycle (including bicycles). Experiments with real-world data have been undertaken to evaluate system performance and vehicle detection rates of 96.45% and classification accuracy of 95.70% have been achieved on this data.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Royal Borough of Kingston for providing the video data. S.A. Velastin is grateful to funding received from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nÂș 600371, el Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) and Banco Santander

    Shadow detection in still road images using chrominance properties of shadows and spectral power distribution of the illumination

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    A well-known challenge in vision-based driver assistance systems is cast shadows on the road, which makes fundamental tasks such as road and lane detections difficult. In as much as shadow detection relies on shadow features, in this paper, we propose a set of new chrominance properties of shadows based on the skylight and sunlight contributions to the road surface chromaticity. Six constraints on shadow and non-shadowed regions are derived from these properties. The chrominance properties and the associated constraints are used as shadow features in an effective shadow detection method intended to be integrated on an onboard road detection system where the identification of cast shadows on the road is a determinant stage. Onboard systems deal with still outdoor images; thus, the approach focuses on distinguishing shadow boundaries from material changes by considering two illumination sources: sky and sun. A non-shadowed road region is illuminated by both skylight and sunlight, whereas a shadowed one is illuminated by skylight only; thus, their chromaticity varies. The shadow edge detection strategy consists of the identification of image edges separating shadowed and non-shadowed road regions. The classification is achieved by verifying whether the pixel chrominance values of regions on both sides of the image edges satisfy the six constraints. Experiments on real traffc scenes demonstrated the effectiveness of our shadow detection system in detecting shadow edges on the road and material-change edges, outperforming previous shadow detection methods based on physical features, and showing the high potential of the new chrominance properties