164 research outputs found

    Complexity of Lexical Descriptions and its Relevance to Partial Parsing

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    In this dissertation, we have proposed novel methods for robust parsing that integrate the flexibility of linguistically motivated lexical descriptions with the robustness of statistical techniques. Our thesis is that the computation of linguistic structure can be localized if lexical items are associated with rich descriptions (supertags) that impose complex constraints in a local context. However, increasing the complexity of descriptions makes the number of different descriptions for each lexical item much larger and hence increases the local ambiguity for a parser. This local ambiguity can be resolved by using supertag co-occurrence statistics collected from parsed corpora. We have explored these ideas in the context of Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) framework wherein supertag disambiguation provides a representation that is an almost parse. We have used the disambiguated supertag sequence in conjunction with a lightweight dependency analyzer to compute noun groups, verb groups, dependency linkages and even partial parses. We have shown that a trigram-based supertagger achieves an accuracy of 92.1‰ on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) texts. Furthermore, we have shown that the lightweight dependency analysis on the output of the supertagger identifies 83‰ of the dependency links accurately. We have exploited the representation of supertags with Explanation-Based Learning to improve parsing effciency. In this approach, parsing in limited domains can be modeled as a Finite-State Transduction. We have implemented such a system for the ATIS domain which improves parsing eciency by a factor of 15. We have used the supertagger in a variety of applications to provide lexical descriptions at an appropriate granularity. In an information retrieval application, we show that the supertag based system performs at higher levels of precision compared to a system based on part-of-speech tags. In an information extraction task, supertags are used in specifying extraction patterns. For language modeling applications, we view supertags as syntactically motivated class labels in a class-based language model. The distinction between recursive and non-recursive supertags is exploited in a sentence simplification application

    D6.1: Technologies and Tools for Lexical Acquisition

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    This report describes the technologies and tools to be used for Lexical Acquisition in PANACEA. It includes descriptions of existing technologies and tools which can be built on and improved within PANACEA, as well as of new technologies and tools to be developed and integrated in PANACEA platform. The report also specifies the Lexical Resources to be produced. Four main areas of lexical acquisition are included: Subcategorization frames (SCFs), Selectional Preferences (SPs), Lexical-semantic Classes (LCs), for both nouns and verbs, and Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs)

    Memory-Based Grammatical Relation Finding

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    Syntactic and semantic features for statistical and neural machine translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) for language pairs with long distance dependencies and word reordering, such as German–English, is prone to producing output that is lexically or syntactically incoherent. Statistical MT (SMT) models used explicit or latent syntax to improve reordering, however failed at capturing other long distance dependencies. This thesis explores how explicit sentence-level syntactic information can improve translation for such complex linguistic phenomena. In particular, we work at the level of the syntactic-semantic interface with representations conveying the predicate-argument structures. These are essential to preserving semantics in translation and SMT systems have long struggled to model them. String-to-tree SMT systems use explicit target syntax to handle long-distance reordering, but make strong independence assumptions which lead to inconsistent lexical choices. To address this, we propose a Selectional Preferences feature which models the semantic affinities between target predicates and their argument fillers using the target dependency relations available in the decoder. We found that our feature is not effective in a string-to-tree system for German→English and that often the conditioning context is wrong because of mistranslated verbs. To improve verb translation, we proposed a Neural Verb Lexicon Model (NVLM) incorporating sentence-level syntactic context from the source which carries relevant semantic information for verb disambiguation. When used as an extra feature for re-ranking the output of a German→ English string-to-tree system, the NVLM improved verb translation precision by up to 2.7% and recall by up to 7.4%. While the NVLM improved some aspects of translation, other syntactic and lexical inconsistencies are not being addressed by a linear combination of independent models. In contrast to SMT, neural machine translation (NMT) avoids strong independence assumptions thus generating more fluent translations and capturing some long-distance dependencies. Still, incorporating additional linguistic information can improve translation quality. We proposed a method for tightly coupling target words and syntax in the NMT decoder. To represent syntax explicitly, we used CCG supertags, which encode subcategorization information, capturing long distance dependencies and attachments. Our method improved translation quality on several difficult linguistic constructs, including prepositional phrases which are the most frequent type of predicate arguments. These improvements over a strong baseline NMT system were consistent across two language pairs: 0.9 BLEU for German→English and 1.2 BLEU for Romanian→English

    Input and Intake in Language Acquisition

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    This dissertation presents an approach for a productive way forward in the study of language acquisition, sealing the rift between claims of an innate linguistic hypothesis space and powerful domain general statistical inference. This approach breaks language acquisition into its component parts, distinguishing the input in the environment from the intake encoded by the learner, and looking at how a statistical inference mechanism, coupled with a well defined linguistic hypothesis space could lead a learn to infer the native grammar of their native language. This work draws on experimental work, corpus analyses and computational models of Tsez, Norwegian and English children acquiring word meanings, word classes and syntax to highlight the need for an appropriate encoding of the linguistic input in order to solve any given problem in language acquisition

    A computational approach to Latin verbs: new resources and methods

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    Questa tesi presenta l'applicazione di metodi computazionali allo studio dei verbi latini. In particolare, mostriamo la creazione di un lessico di sottocategorizzazione estratto automaticamente da corpora annotati; inoltre presentiamo un modello probabilistico per l'acquisizione di preferenze di selezione a partire da corpora annotati e da un'ontologia (Latin WordNet). Infine, descriviamo i risultati di uno studio diacronico e quantitativo sui preverbi spaziali latini
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