22 research outputs found

    Organizāciju mācīšanās un cilvēkresursu vadīšanas ietekme uz organizāciju sasniegumiem: Austrijas uzņēmumu piemērs

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    Promocijas darba mērķis ir izstrādāt saikņu modeli starp teorētiskajiem konstruktiem ar organizāciju mācīšanās objektu un organizāciju mācīšanās priekšmetu un cilvēkresursu vadību, ko arvien vairāk uzskata par galvenajiem ilgstošas konkurences priekšrocību atbalsta elementiem organizācijās, kuras veic uzņēmējdarbību. Pētniecības plānā ir iekļauta metožu triangulācija, tostarp literatūras metaanalīze, pirmsizpēte, empīriskie dati un aprakstošā analīze, kā arī pētījumu novērtējums. Pētniecības ieteikumu praktiskā īstenošana tiek apspriesta, izmantojot starptautiska rūpniecības uzņēmuma labākās prakses piemēru. Galvenie secinājumi ir, ka ekonomisko sniegumu nevar uzskatīt par organizāciju mācīšanās prognozētāju, un cilvēkresursu vadība pozitīvi neietekmē ekonomiskos rādītājus tiešā veidā. Pierādīta galvenā hipotēze, ka organizāciju mācīšanās pozitīvi ietekmē ekonomisko sniegumu un konkurētspēju.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a model of the linkages between theoretical constructs with the object of organizational learning and the subject of organizational learning and human resource management which are increasingly perceived as key elements in supporting lasting competitive advantage in business organizations. The research roadmap incorporates method triangulation including literature meta-analysis, pre-study, empirical data and descriptive analysis, and research evaluation. Practical implementation of research suggestions is discussed via a best-practice-example of an international industrial business enterprise. Main conclusions include that economic performance cannot be seen as predictor for organizational learning and human resource management does not directly positively influence economic performance. The main hypothesis that organizational learning positively influences economic performance and competitive capacity can be substantiated

    Perceptions of nursing competence

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    A qualitative research study has been carried out in order to determine Perceptions of NUrsing Competence. A critical incident technique 'Was used to collect data from patients to determine the cri ter,,:1a used by them in judging whether a nurse is cmnpetent 'or not. This data was analysed by means of a. .cont.ent;analysis, and the findings compared with the available literature and with the r~.quirements of the South African Nursi)l>gCouncil. This study was done in order to dete'!:'millwehether a set of criteria can be developed from the per~eptions of the patients with regard to nUrsing - competence, with the long term aim of designing all evaluation tool based on these criteria. The study was carried out in a large teaching hospital in Johannesburg by means of interViewing in"'patients in selected 'Ylardsinvolved in student training. Five categories were developed rlPom the data which Were built up froln recording units and themes. In. comparing the, findings of the study to the literature, consensus was found to exist between the patients 6riteria and those of nur-se authors. )\ ()GR 201

    The application of the thinking of Paulo Freire to the development of religious education in British schools

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    The thesis begins with a critical analysis of Paulo Freire's work. Brief biographical details are followed by an outline of the roots of Freire's philosophy and an account of his specific literacy method. The study then concentrates on the broader educational perspectives behind his method in an attempt to show that, while his theory has situated origins, its applications are potentially much wider. The Thesis then moves on to an examination of the educational implications of Freire's concept of man. This shorter section is, nevertheless, important, as, for Freire - 'every educational practice implies a concept of men and the world’. Central themes in Freire's ‘vision of man’ are examined and a critical evaluation of the more general educational implications of his concept, offered for consideration. The final section of the Thesis explores the implications of the thought of Paulo Freire for the development of Religious Education. Following a survey of main 'trends' in Religious Education from 1944 to the present day and an examination of the relationship between theology and approaches to Religious Education a new approach is suggested from the perspective of Paulo Freire, who, himself represents the inter-action of educational and theological ideas. Against the background of liberation Theology, the study attempts to show that Freire makes a significant contribution to the development of Religious Education in terms of approach rather than method. Freire's 'Cultural Action for Freedom' is offered as an exciting and genuine opportunity for developments which represent a new unity between theory and praxis. Acknowledging the centrality of 'choice' the Thesis recognises that the new approach may ultimately be rejected, but concludes that the voice of Freire is a challenging one and one that invites us to make our starting point ‘reality and not ideas’

    Trinity College Bulletin, 1971-1972 (Catalogue Issue)

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    A critical analysis of French as taught to beginners in British schools.

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    In the main, the aims of the thesis consist in: outlining the development of the teaching of French whose methodology "is more extensive than that of almost all other subjects" examining the factors which contributes to the learning of French; demonstrating that the body of facts now available is sufficiently advanced to effect significant improvements with regard to both course design and methodology; drafting a rationale for the teaching of French by bringing the literature heretofore scattered is scholarly treatises into relevant contact with much of the important work which has appeared in article form in journals. There is a consensus of opinion that the rapid development of techniques and attitudes in Modern Language teaching demands a constant reappraisal. Professor Carroll has expressed the view that what is required "is a profound rethinking of current theories of foreign language teaching in the light of contemporary advances in psychological and psycholinguistic theory".2 The search for a much needed theoretical framework has brought out results which have accelerated the retreat from skinner's operant conditioning, whose "stimulus response reinforcement theory is woven into second language teaching everywhere". As a result the Plowden Committee made the plea that "any school embarking on French ought to scrutinize critically the course that it proposes to use". Besides, the aristocracy of theorists is now showing more concern with the learning process than with teaching techniques and teaching aids. Indeed, Professor Fries once decried that, "in spite of the fact that there has been more than a hundred years of vigorous linguistic investigation is accord with sound scientific methods, very little results of this investigation has actually got into the schools to affect the materials and methods of teaching". The study has entailed extensive reading of a multidisciplinary nature. The relevant literature is scattered in diverse professional journals, scholarly treatises, and official documents largely, but not exclusively, published in English. Part I consists of an overview of the sudio-lingual habit theory, which centres on the acquisition of mechanistic causal paradigms. We therefore probe the audio-visual method which, fundamentally, appears to be restricted to the teaching of form in language learning (chapter 1) and to impose a heavy burden onto the pupils in their attitudes towards their cognitive and emotional readjustments (chapter 2). In Part II, we undertake a searching investigation of both psychological theories and Applied Linguistics, with regard to their influence, or the lack of it, on the methodology of Modern Language teaching in general, and the contrasting teaching methods as practiced at the various stages of Modern language teaching is particular. Considering that, is Modern Language teaching, the problems are the most complex of all it is therefore appropriate to deal with several of the methodological issues which must be resolved. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Programs and Courses 1998-2000

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    This catalog is published for students and other persons who want to know more about the University of Northern Iowa. Its purpose is to communicate as objectively and completely as possible what the university is and what it does. The catalog is presented in sections to give a general view of the university as well as the detailed information required for informed decision making.https://scholarworks.uni.edu/uni_catalogs/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Creating Identity and Uniting a Nation - The Development of the Water Motif from Ancient Greek Bucolic to Early Modern English Pastoral Poetry

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    This dissertation aims to perform an intercultural comparison of the history of ancient bucolic (Theocritus, Moschus, Bion and Virgil) and early modern pastoral poetry (e.g. Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Ralegh, Barnfield, Milton, Lanyer and Carew) and its influence on the development of cultural and national identity with the help of the water motif. The transience, steadiness and infinity of water has already been connected to almost every aspect of emotionality and sentimentality and offers an apparent supremacy for metaphors and allegories among the five elements. For these reasons water was chosen as a starting point of analysis and this project focuses on its usage, function and relevance in ancient Greek bucolic and early modern English pastoral poetry to demonstrate similarities and differences and to mark precisely developments in genre, form, content and context and their interpretation towards the development of a national identity. The theories used for the analysis and interpretation of the motif and its developments help to situate bucolic and pastoral poetry and its water reference in the right environmental and cultural context and involve pastoral theory, ecocriticism and the theories of collective and cultural memory as well as national identity. Since Pastoral is one of the first genres of poetry composed and printed in the English language, an interesting relationship between the British and the topic of herdsmen poetry appears to be evident. The intriguing question then arises why and how Pastoral became one of the first ‘truly English’ genres, in how far it was influenced by contemporality or ancient literary role models and what its history can offer