4 research outputs found

    The perceptron algorithm versus winnow: linear versus logarithmic mistake bounds when few input variables are relevant

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    AbstractWe give an adversary strategy that forces the Perceptron algorithm to make Ω(kN) mistakes in learning monotone disjunctions over N variables with at most k literals. In contrast, Littlestone's algorithm Winnow makes at most O(k log N) mistakes for the same problem. Both algorithms use thresholded linear functions as their hypotheses. However, Winnow does multiplicative updates to its weight vector instead of the additive updates of the Perceptron algorithm. In general, we call an algorithm additive if its weight vector is always a sum of a fixed initial weight vector and some linear combination of already seen instances. Thus, the Perceptron algorithm is an example of an additive algorithm. We show that an adversary can force any additive algorithm to make (N + k −1)2 mistakes in learning a monotone disjunction of at most k literals. Simple experiments show that for k ⪡ N, Winnow clearly outperforms the Perceptron algorithm also on nonadversarial random data

    Characterizing Rational versus Exponential Learning Curves

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    AbstractWe consider the standard problem of learning a concept from random examples. Here alearning curveis defined to be the expected error of a learner's hypotheses as a function of training sample size. Haussler, Littlestone, and Warmuth have shown that, in the distribution-free setting, the smallest expected error a learner can achieve in the worst case over a class of conceptsCconverges rationally to zero error; i.e.,Θ(t−1) in the training sample sizet. However, Cohn and Tesauro have recently demonstrated thatexponentialconvergence can often be observed in experimental settings (i.e., average error decreasing aseΘ−t)). By addressing a simple non-uniformity in the original analysis this paper shows how the dichotomy between rational and exponential worst case learning curves can be recovered in the distribution-free theory. In particular, our results support the experimental findings of Cohn and Tesauro: for finite concept classes any consistent learner achieves exponential convergence, even in the worst case, whereas for continuous concept classes no learner can exhibit sub-rational convergence for every target concept and domain distribution. We also draw a precise boundary between rational and exponential convergence for simple concept chains—showing that somewhere-dense chains always force rational convergence in the worst case, while exponential convergence can always be achieved for nowhere-dense chains

    An improved multi-dimensional CMAC neural network: Receptive field function and placement

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    The standard CMAC has been shown to have fast learning computation as a result of modular receptive field placement, rectangular receptive field shape and a simple weight adaptation algorithm. The standard CMAC, however, suffers from slow convergence at some critical frequency due to the rectangular receptive field shape. A linearly-tapered field, which requires a uniform placement, was used in this research. The receptive field placement of the standard CMAC becomes less uniform locally for a larger receptive field width. This dissertation suggests a new field placement which is more uniform without extra computation. Results show that the slow convergence at the critical frequency is eliminated, and the interaction of the linearly-tapered field with the new placement achieves more accurate function approximation. A theoretical bound on the receptive field width as a function of the input dimension is proposed if a uniform placement is to be achieved. Also, a procedure for adapting receptive field density to minimize the weight usage for a given approximation accuracy is suggested