1,440 research outputs found

    The 1990 progress report and future plans

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    This document describes the progress and plans of the Artificial Intelligence Research Branch (RIA) at ARC in 1990. Activities span a range from basic scientific research to engineering development and to fielded NASA applications, particularly those applications that are enabled by basic research carried out at RIA. Work is conducted in-house and through collaborative partners in academia and industry. Our major focus is on a limited number of research themes with a dual commitment to technical excellence and proven applicability to NASA short, medium, and long-term problems. RIA acts as the Agency's lead organization for research aspects of artificial intelligence, working closely with a second research laboratory at JPL and AI applications groups at all NASA centers

    Data Mining for Anomaly Detection

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    The Vehicle Integrated Prognostics Reasoner (VIPR) program describes methods for enhanced diagnostics as well as a prognostic extension to current state of art Aircraft Diagnostic and Maintenance System (ADMS). VIPR introduced a new anomaly detection function for discovering previously undetected and undocumented situations, where there are clear deviations from nominal behavior. Once a baseline (nominal model of operations) is established, the detection and analysis is split between on-aircraft outlier generation and off-aircraft expert analysis to characterize and classify events that may not have been anticipated by individual system providers. Offline expert analysis is supported by data curation and data mining algorithms that can be applied in the contexts of supervised learning methods and unsupervised learning. In this report, we discuss efficient methods to implement the Kolmogorov complexity measure using compression algorithms, and run a systematic empirical analysis to determine the best compression measure. Our experiments established that the combination of the DZIP compression algorithm and CiDM distance measure provides the best results for capturing relevant properties of time series data encountered in aircraft operations. This combination was used as the basis for developing an unsupervised learning algorithm to define "nominal" flight segments using historical flight segments

    Knowledge-Based Aircraft Automation: Managers Guide on the use of Artificial Intelligence for Aircraft Automation and Verification and Validation Approach for a Neural-Based Flight Controller

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    The ultimate goal of this report was to integrate the powerful tools of artificial intelligence into the traditional process of software development. To maintain the US aerospace competitive advantage, traditional aerospace and software engineers need to more easily incorporate the technology of artificial intelligence into the advanced aerospace systems being designed today. The future goal was to transition artificial intelligence from an emerging technology to a standard technology that is considered early in the life cycle process to develop state-of-the-art aircraft automation systems. This report addressed the future goal in two ways. First, it provided a matrix that identified typical aircraft automation applications conducive to various artificial intelligence methods. The purpose of this matrix was to provide top-level guidance to managers contemplating the possible use of artificial intelligence in the development of aircraft automation. Second, the report provided a methodology to formally evaluate neural networks as part of the traditional process of software development. The matrix was developed by organizing the discipline of artificial intelligence into the following six methods: logical, object representation-based, distributed, uncertainty management, temporal and neurocomputing. Next, a study of existing aircraft automation applications that have been conducive to artificial intelligence implementation resulted in the following five categories: pilot-vehicle interface, system status and diagnosis, situation assessment, automatic flight planning, and aircraft flight control. The resulting matrix provided management guidance to understand artificial intelligence as it applied to aircraft automation. The approach taken to develop a methodology to formally evaluate neural networks as part of the software engineering life cycle was to start with the existing software quality assurance standards and to change these standards to include neural network development. The changes were to include evaluation tools that can be applied to neural networks at each phase of the software engineering life cycle. The result was a formal evaluation approach to increase the product quality of systems that use neural networks for their implementation

    A distributed agent architecture for real-time knowledge-based systems: Real-time expert systems project, phase 1

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    We propose a distributed agent architecture (DAA) that can support a variety of paradigms based on both traditional real-time computing and artificial intelligence. DAA consists of distributed agents that are classified into two categories: reactive and cognitive. Reactive agents can be implemented directly in Ada to meet hard real-time requirements and be deployed on on-board embedded processors. A traditional real-time computing methodology under consideration is the rate monotonic theory that can guarantee schedulability based on analytical methods. AI techniques under consideration for reactive agents are approximate or anytime reasoning that can be implemented using Bayesian belief networks as in Guardian. Cognitive agents are traditional expert systems that can be implemented in ART-Ada to meet soft real-time requirements. During the initial design of cognitive agents, it is critical to consider the migration path that would allow initial deployment on ground-based workstations with eventual deployment on on-board processors. ART-Ada technology enables this migration while Lisp-based technologies make it difficult if not impossible. In addition to reactive and cognitive agents, a meta-level agent would be needed to coordinate multiple agents and to provide meta-level control

    14th Conference on DATA ANALYSIS METHODS for Software Systems

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    DAMSS-2023 is the 14th International Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, held in Druskininkai, Lithuania. Every year at the same venue and time. The exception was in 2020, when the world was gripped by the Covid-19 pandemic and the movement of people was severely restricted. After a year’s break, the conference was back on track, and the next conference was successful in achieving its primary goal of lively scientific communication. The conference focuses on live interaction among participants. For better efficiency of communication among participants, most of the presentations are poster presentations. This format has proven to be highly effective. However, we have several oral sections, too. The history of the conference dates back to 2009 when 16 papers were presented. It began as a workshop and has evolved into a well-known conference. The idea of such a workshop originated at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, now the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of Vilnius University. The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Computer Society supported this idea, which gained enthusiastic acceptance from both the Lithuanian and international scientific communities. This year’s conference features 84 presentations, with 137 registered participants from 11 countries. The conference serves as a gathering point for researchers from six Lithuanian universities, making it the main annual meeting for Lithuanian computer scientists. The primary aim of the conference is to showcase research conducted at Lithuanian and foreign universities in the fields of data science and software engineering. The annual organization of the conference facilitates the rapid exchange of new ideas within the scientific community. Seven IT companies supported the conference this year, indicating the relevance of the conference topics to the business sector. In addition, the conference is supported by the Lithuanian Research Council and the National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan, R. O. C.). The conference covers a wide range of topics, including Applied Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Bioinformatics, Blockchain Technologies, Business Rules, Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Deep Learning, High-Performance Computing, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics, Modelling Educational Data, Ontological Engineering, Optimization, Quantum Computing, Signal Processing. This book provides an overview of all presentations from the DAMSS-2023 conference

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    A Comprehensive Review of Digital Twin -- Part 1: Modeling and Twinning Enabling Technologies

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    As an emerging technology in the era of Industry 4.0, digital twin is gaining unprecedented attention because of its promise to further optimize process design, quality control, health monitoring, decision and policy making, and more, by comprehensively modeling the physical world as a group of interconnected digital models. In a two-part series of papers, we examine the fundamental role of different modeling techniques, twinning enabling technologies, and uncertainty quantification and optimization methods commonly used in digital twins. This first paper presents a thorough literature review of digital twin trends across many disciplines currently pursuing this area of research. Then, digital twin modeling and twinning enabling technologies are further analyzed by classifying them into two main categories: physical-to-virtual, and virtual-to-physical, based on the direction in which data flows. Finally, this paper provides perspectives on the trajectory of digital twin technology over the next decade, and introduces a few emerging areas of research which will likely be of great use in future digital twin research. In part two of this review, the role of uncertainty quantification and optimization are discussed, a battery digital twin is demonstrated, and more perspectives on the future of digital twin are shared

    Smart Substation Network Fault Classification Based on a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm

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    Accurate network fault diagnosis in smart substations is key to strengthening grid security. To solve fault classification problems and enhance classification accuracy, we propose a hybrid optimization algorithm consisting of three parts: anti-noise processing (ANP), an improved separation interval method (ISIM), and a genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GA-PSO) method. ANP cleans out the outliers and noise in the dataset. ISIM uses a support vector machine (SVM) architecture to optimize SVM kernel parameters. Finally, we propose the GA-PSO algorithm, which combines the advantages of both genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms to optimize the penalty parameter. The experimental results show that our proposed hybrid optimization algorithm enhances the classification accuracy of smart substation network faults and shows stronger performance compared with existing methods

    Smart Substation Network Fault Classification Based on a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm

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    Accurate network fault diagnosis in smart substations is key to strengthening grid security. To solve fault classification problems and enhance classification accuracy, we propose a hybrid optimization algorithm consisting of three parts: anti-noise processing (ANP), an improved separation interval method (ISIM), and a genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GA-PSO) method. ANP cleans out the outliers and noise in the dataset. ISIM uses a support vector machine (SVM) architecture to optimize SVM kernel parameters. Finally, we propose the GA-PSO algorithm, which combines the advantages of both genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms to optimize the penalty parameter. The experimental results show that our proposed hybrid optimization algorithm enhances the classification accuracy of smart substation network faults and shows stronger performance compared with existing methods

    Uncertainty analysis in product service system: Bayesian network modelling for availability contract

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    There is an emerging trend of manufacturing companies offering combined products and services to customers as integrated solutions. Availability contracts are an apt instance of such offerings, where product use is guaranteed to customer and is enforced by incentive-penalty schemes. Uncertainties in such an industry setting, where all stakeholders are striving to achieve their respective performance goals and at the same time collaborating intensively, is increased. Understanding through-life uncertainties and their impact on cost is critical to ensure sustainability and profitability of the industries offering such solutions. In an effort to address this challenge, the aim of this research study is to provide an approach for the analysis of uncertainties in Product Service System (PSS) delivered in business-to-business application by specifying a procedure to identify, characterise and model uncertainties with an emphasis to provide decision support and prioritisation of key uncertainties affecting the performance outcomes. The thesis presents a literature review in research areas which are at the interface of topics such as uncertainty, PSS and availability contracts. From this seven requirements that are vital to enhance the understanding and quantification of uncertainties in Product Service System are drawn. These requirements are synthesised into a conceptual uncertainty framework. The framework prescribes four elements, which include identifying a set of uncertainties, discerning the relationships between uncertainties, tools and techniques to treat uncertainties and finally, results that could ease uncertainty management and analysis efforts. The conceptual uncertainty framework was applied to an industry case study in availability contracts, where each of the four elements was realised. This application phase of the research included the identification of uncertainties in PSS, development of a multi-layer uncertainty classification, deriving the structure of Bayesian Network and finally, evaluation and validation of the Bayesian Network. The findings suggest that understanding uncertainties from a system perspective is essential to capture the network aspect of PSS. This network comprises of several stakeholders, where there is increased flux of information and material flows and this could be effectively represented using Bayesian Networks