6,707 research outputs found

    weSPOT: A personal and social approach to inquiry-based learning

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    weSPOT is a new European initiative proposing a novel approach for personal and social inquiry-based learning in secondary and higher education. weSPOT aims at enabling students to create their mash-ups out of cloud based tools and services in order to perform scientific investigations. Students will also be able to share their inquiry accomplishments in social networks and receive feedback from the learning environment and their peers. This paper presents the research framework of the weSPOT project, as well as the initial inquiry-based learning scenarios that will be piloted by the project in real-life educational settings

    Time-varying Learning and Content Analytics via Sparse Factor Analysis

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    We propose SPARFA-Trace, a new machine learning-based framework for time-varying learning and content analytics for education applications. We develop a novel message passing-based, blind, approximate Kalman filter for sparse factor analysis (SPARFA), that jointly (i) traces learner concept knowledge over time, (ii) analyzes learner concept knowledge state transitions (induced by interacting with learning resources, such as textbook sections, lecture videos, etc, or the forgetting effect), and (iii) estimates the content organization and intrinsic difficulty of the assessment questions. These quantities are estimated solely from binary-valued (correct/incorrect) graded learner response data and a summary of the specific actions each learner performs (e.g., answering a question or studying a learning resource) at each time instance. Experimental results on two online course datasets demonstrate that SPARFA-Trace is capable of tracing each learner's concept knowledge evolution over time, as well as analyzing the quality and content organization of learning resources, the question-concept associations, and the question intrinsic difficulties. Moreover, we show that SPARFA-Trace achieves comparable or better performance in predicting unobserved learner responses than existing collaborative filtering and knowledge tracing approaches for personalized education

    Remote laboratories: new technology and standard based architecture

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    E-Laboratories are important components of e- learning environments, especially in scientific and technical disciplines. First widespread E-Labs consisted in proposing simulations of real systems (virtual labs), as building remote labs (remote control of real systems) was difficult by lack of industrial standards and common protocols. Nowadays, robotics and automation technologies make easier the interfacing of systems with computers. In this frame, many researchers (such as those mentioned in [1]) focus on how to set up such a remote control. But, only a few of them deal with the educational point of view of the problem. This paper outlines our current research and reflection about remote laboratory modelling

    Integration of New Technologies and Alternative Methods in Laboratory-Based Scenarios

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    In this study, we report a preliminary requirements analysis to recognize needs and possibilities for integrating new technologies and methods for lab-based learning in the field of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things. To this aim, different scenarios, such as real, remote and virtual labs, are considered to be addressable within an integrated learning environment that focuses on alternative methods (i.e. Serious Games, Self-Regulated and Collaborative Learning) and new technologies (i.e. Open Badges, Mixed Reality and Learning Analytics). To support the design of the laboratory-based learning environment, qualitative interviews were conducted with both expert lecturers and relevant students in the field of engineering, to provide complementary perspectives. These interviews were carried out to analyze the requirements, and to identify possible benefits that relevant stakeholders expect by using these teaching and learning methods and technologies. A qualitative content analysis has been started on the interviews to define which is the perception of the new technologies and teaching methods. The different points of view about technologies and methods coming from expert lecturers’ and relevant students’ interviews are provided

    Augmenting E-learning tools for STE disciplinesand resource constrained environments

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    Designing intelligent support for learning from and in everyday contexts

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    Motivation and engagement in learning benefit from a good match of learning settings and materials to individual learner contexts. This includes intrinsic context factors such as prior knowledge and personal interests but also extrinsic factors such as the current environment. Recent developments in adaptive and intelligent technology enable the personalisation of context-aware learning. For example, computer vision algorithms, machine translation, and Augmented Reality make it possible to support the creation of meaningful connections between learners and their context. However, for successful adoption in everyday life, these technologies also need to consider the learner experience. This thesis investigates the design of personalised context-aware learning experiences through the lens of ubiquitous and self-directed language learning as a multi-faceted learning domain. Specifically, it presents and discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of technology support for learning in and from learners’ everyday contexts with a strong focus on the learner perspective and user experience. The work is guided by four different roles that technology can take on in context-aware ubiquitous learning: For enhancing learning situations, it can (1) sense and (2) trigger in learners’ everyday contexts. For enhancing learning contents, it can (3) augment activities and (4) generate learning material from learner everyday contexts. With regards to the sensing role, the thesis investigates how learners typically use mobile learning apps in everyday contexts. Activity and context logging, combined with experience sampling, confirm that mobile learning sessions spread across the day and occur in different settings. However, they are typically short and frequently interrupted. This indicates that learners may benefit from better integrating learning into everyday contexts, e.g. by supporting task resumption. Subsequently, we explore how this integration could be supported with intelligent triggers linked to opportune moments for learning. We conceptualise and evaluate different trigger types based on interaction patterns and context detection. Our findings show that simple interactions (e.g. plugging in headphones) are promising for capturing both availability and willingness to engage in a learning activity. We discuss how similar interaction triggers could be adapted to match individual habits. In the area of enhancing learning contents, we first investigate how enjoyable everyday activities could be augmented for learning without disrupting these activities. Specifically, we assess the learner experience with interactive grammar support in e-readers and adapted captions for audio-visual media. Participants in our studies felt that the learning augmentations successfully supported their learning process. The information load of the learning support should match the learners’ current needs to maintain the activity flow. Learners may need encouragement to opt for novel concepts optimised for learning (e.g. time-synchronised captions) rather than sticking to habits (e.g. standard captions). Next, the thesis explores learner needs and preferences in generating their own personalised learning material from their context. We design and evaluate automated content generation methods that generate learning opportunities from objects in the learner’s environment. The connection to the learner’s context is established with state-of-the-art technology, such as object detection and Augmented Reality. Through several user studies, we show that learning performance and engagement with auto-generated personalised learning material is comparable to predefined and manually generated content. Findings further indicate that the success of personalisation depends on the effort required to generate content and whether the generation results match the learner’s expectations. Through the different perspectives examined in this thesis, we provide new insights into challenges and opportunities that we synthesise in a framework for context-aware ubiquitous learning technology. The findings also have more general implications for the interaction design of personalised and context-aware intelligent systems. Notably, for the auto-generation of personalised content, it is essential to consider not only correctness from a technological perspective but also how users may perceive the results.Lernmotivation und Engagement profitieren davon, wenn Lernumgebungen und Lernmaterialien auf den individuellen Kontext der Lernenden abgestimmt sind. Dieser umfasst sowohl intrinsische Faktoren wie Vorkenntnisse und persönliche Interessen, aber auch extrinsische Faktoren wie die aktuelle Umgebung. Aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich adaptiver und intelligenter Technologien ermöglichen es, Lernen kontextbewusst zu personalisieren. So können mithilfe von Computer-Vision-Algorithmen, maschineller Übersetzung und Augmented Reality sinnvolle Verknüpfungen zwischen Lernenden und ihrem Kontext geschaffen werden. Allerdings müssen diese Technologien für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz im Alltag auch die Lernerfahrung mit einbeziehen. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Gestaltung personalisierter kontextbewusster Lernerfahrungen aus der Perspektive des ubiquitären und self-directed Learning im Sprachenlernen, einem vielseitigen Lernbereich. Insbesondere wird die Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung von Technologieunterstützung für das Sprachenlernen in und aus dem Alltagskontext der Lernenden vorgestellt und diskutiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Perspektive der Lernenden und der Nutzererfahrung liegt. Die Arbeit orientiert sich an vier verschiedenen Rollen, die Technologie im kontextbewussten Lernen einnehmen kann. Um Lernsituationen anzureichern, kann Technologie im Alltagskontext von Lernenden (1) erfassen und (2) auslösen. Um Lerninhalte anzureichern, kann Technologie aus dem Alltagskontext (3) Aktivitäten augmentieren und (4) Inhalte generieren. Im Hinblick auf die erfassende Rolle von Technologie wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie die Lernenden mobile Lern-Apps in alltäglichen Kontexten nutzen. Die Aufzeichnung von Aktivitäten und Kontexten in Kombination mit Experience Sampling bestätigt, dass Lerneinheiten im mobilen Lernen über den Tag verteilt sind und in verschiedenen Umgebungen stattfinden. Allerdings sind sie in der Regel kurz und werden häufig unterbrochen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Lernenden von einer besseren Integration des Lernens in ihren Alltagskontext profitieren könnten, z. B. durch Unterstützung des Wiedereinstiegs nach einer Unterbrechung. Anschließend untersuchen wir, wie diese Integration durch intelligente Trigger unterstützt werden könnte, die mit passenden Lernzeitpunkten verknüpft sind. Wir konzipieren und evaluieren verschiedene Arten von Triggern auf Basis von Interaktionsmustern und Kontexterkennung. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass einfache Interaktionen (z. B. das Einstecken von Kopfhörern) vielversprechend dafür sind, sowohl die Verfügbarkeit als auch die Bereitschaft für eine Lernaktivität zu erfassen. Wir diskutieren, wie ähnliche Interaktionstrigger an individuelle Gewohnheiten angepasst werden können. Im Bereich der Augmentierung von Lerninhalten untersuchen wir zunächst, wie unterhaltsame Alltagsaktivitäten für das Lernen aufbereitet werden können, ohne diese Aktivitäten zu beeinträchtigen. Konkret bewerten wir die Lernerfahrung mit interaktiver Grammatikunterstützung in E-Readern und angepassten Untertiteln für audiovisuelle Medien. Die Teilnehmer:innen unserer Studien fanden, dass die Lernunterstützung ihren Lernprozess erfolgreich förderte. Die Informationslast im Lernsystem sollte auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse der Lernenden angepasst werden, damit das Flow-Erlebnis nicht beeinträchtigt wird. Die Lernenden brauchen möglicherweise Ermutigung dafür, sich für neuartige, lernoptimierte Konzepte zu entscheiden (z. B. zeitsynchrone Untertitel), anstatt an Gewohnheiten festzuhalten (z. B. Standarduntertitel). Als Nächstes werden in dieser Arbeit die Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen der Lernenden bei der Erstellung ihres eigenen personalisierten Lernmaterials aus ihrem Kontext untersucht. Insbesondere werden Methoden zur automatischen Generierung von Inhalten entwickelt und evaluiert, die Lernmöglichkeiten aus Objekten in der Umgebung des Lernenden generieren. Die Verbindung zum Kontext des Lernenden wird durch aktuelle Technologien wie Objekterkennung und Augmented Reality hergestellt. Wir zeigen anhand mehrerer Nutzerstudien, dass die Lernleistung und das Engagement bei automatisch personalisiertem Lernmaterial mit vordefinierten und manuell erstellten Inhalten vergleichbar sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen außerdem, dass der Erfolg der Personalisierung vom Aufwand abhängt, der für die Erstellung der Inhalte erforderlich ist, und davon, ob die generierten Materialien den Erwartungen der Lernenden entsprechen. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven, die in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden, bieten neue Einblicke in Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, die wir in einem Framework für kontextbewusste ubiquitäre Lerntechnologie zusammenfassen. Die Ergebnisse haben auch allgemeinere Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung der Interaktion mit personalisierten und kontextbewussten intelligenten Systemen. Beispielsweise ist es bei der automatischen Generierung personalisierter Inhalte wichtig, nicht nur die Korrektheit aus technologischer Sicht zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch, wie die Nutzer die Ergebnisse wahrnehmen

    Dealing with abstraction: Case study generalisation as a method for eliciting design patterns

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    Developing a pattern language is a non-trivial problem. A critical requirement is a method to support pattern writers with abstraction, so as they can produce generalised patterns. In this paper, we address this issue by developing a structured process of generalisation. It is important that this process is initiated through engaging participants in identifying initial patterns, i.e. directly dealing with the 'cold-start' problem. We have found that short case study descriptions provide a productive 'way into' the process for participants. We reflect on a 1-year interdisciplinary pan-European research project involving the development of almost 30 cases and over 150 patterns. We provide example cases, detailing the process by which their associated patterns emerged. This was based on a foundation for generalisation from cases with common attributes. We discuss the merits of this approach and its implications for pattern development

    Investigating the Informational Nature of a Modeled Visual Demonstration.

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    This study investigated the informational nature of a modeled visual demonstration of slalom-ski type movements performed on a ski simulator. Hypotheses exist suggesting that a model may convey information primarily about movement coordination (Newell, 1985), or movement form (Whiting, 1988), but there is no empirical evidence that this information is used by the learner so that skill acquisition is facilitated. To investigate this information question, three experiments were conducted that replicated and extended a study by Whiting, Bijlard, and den Brinker (1987) by analyzing movement kinematics of subjects in addition to movement outcome. In the first experiment, the expert model\u27s performance was analyzed. The second and third experiment investigated the acquisition of slalom-ski type movements for groups that observed the expert model on all 5 days, groups that observed the model only on day 1, and groups that learned the skill under discovery learning conditions. Results of movement outcome variables platform amplitude and frequency revealed that observing a model was advantageous over discovery learning. Analysis of movement kinematics suggested that the expert model may have conveyed information about the relative motion of torso and limbs, or movement coordination, that facilitated the acquisition of the slalom-ski type movements. Results further suggested that the coordination information the model may have conveyed was used early in learning, and that observing a model during later stages of learning was of no further benefit

    Augmented visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback in motor learning: A review

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    It is generally accepted that augmented feedback, provided by a human expert or a technical display, effectively enhances motor learning. However, discussion of the way to most effectively provide augmented feedback has been controversial. Related studies have focused primarily on simple or artificial tasks enhanced by visual feedback. Recently, technical advances have made it possible also to investigate more complex, realistic motor tasks and to implement not only visual, but also auditory, haptic, or multimodal augmented feedback. The aim of this review is to address the potential of augmented unimodal and multimodal feedback in the framework of motor learning theories. The review addresses the reasons for the different impacts of feedback strategies within or between the visual, auditory, and haptic modalities and the challenges that need to be overcome to provide appropriate feedback in these modalities, either in isolation or in combination. Accordingly, the design criteria for successful visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback are elaborate
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