87 research outputs found

    Query Preserving Watermarking Schemes for Locally Treelike Databases

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    Watermarking is a way of embedding information in digital documents. Much research has been done on techniques for watermarking relational databases and XML documents, where the process of embedding information shouldn\u27t distort query outputs too much. Recently, techniques have been proposed to watermark some classes of relational structures preserving first-order and monadic second order queries. For relational structures whose Gaifman graphs have bounded degree, watermarking can be done preserving first-order queries. We extend this line of work and study watermarking schemes for other classes of structures. We prove that for relational structures whose Gaifman graphs belong to a class of graphs that have locally bounded tree-width and is closed under minors, watermarking schemes exist that preserve first-order queries. We use previously known properties of logical formulas and graphs, and build on them with some technical work to make them work in our context. This constitutes a part of the first steps to understand the extent to which techniques from algorithm design and computational learning theory can be adapted for watermarking

    Learning algebraic structures with the help of Borel equivalence relations

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    We study algorithmic learning of algebraic structures. In our framework, a learner receives larger and larger pieces of an arbitrary copy of a computable structure and, at each stage, is required to output a conjecture about the isomorphism type of such a structure. The learning is successful if the conjectures eventually stabilize to a correct guess. We prove that a family of structures is learnable if and only if its learning domain is continuously reducible to the relation E0 of eventual agreement on reals. This motivates a novel research program, that is, using descriptive set theoretic tools to calibrate the (learning) complexity of nonlearnable families. Here, we focus on the learning power of well-known benchmark Borel equivalence relations (i.e., E1, E2, E3, Z0, and Eset)

    Reverse engineering queries in ontology-enriched systems: the case of expressive horn description logic ontologies

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    We introduce the query-by-example (QBE) paradigm for query answering in the presence of ontologies. Intuitively, QBE permits non-expert users to explore the data by providing examples of the information they (do not) want, which the system then generalizes into a query. Formally, we study the following question: given a knowledge base and sets of positive and negative examples, is there a query that returns all positive but none of the negative examples? We focus on description logic knowledge bases with ontologies formulated in Horn-ALCI and (unions of) conjunctive queries. Our main contributions are characterizations, algorithms and tight complexity bounds for QBE

    A finer reduction of constraint problems to digraphs

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    It is well known that the constraint satisfaction problem over a general relational structure A is polynomial time equivalent to the constraint problem over some associated digraph. We present a variant of this construction and show that the corresponding constraint satisfaction problem is logspace equivalent to that over A. Moreover, we show that almost all of the commonly encountered polymorphism properties are held equivalently on the A and the constructed digraph. As a consequence, the Algebraic CSP dichotomy conjecture as well as the conjectures characterizing CSPs solvable in logspace and in nondeterministic logspace are equivalent to their restriction to digraphs.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.203

    On the Parameterized Complexity of Learning Monadic Second-Order Formulas

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    Within the model-theoretic framework for supervised learning introduced by Grohe and Tur\'an (TOCS 2004), we study the parameterized complexity of learning concepts definable in monadic second-order logic (MSO). We show that the problem of learning a consistent MSO-formula is fixed-parameter tractable on structures of bounded tree-width and on graphs of bounded clique-width in the 1-dimensional case, that is, if the instances are single vertices (and not tuples of vertices). This generalizes previous results on strings and on trees. Moreover, in the agnostic PAC-learning setting, we show that the result also holds in higher dimensions. Finally, via a reduction to the MSO-model-checking problem, we show that learning a consistent MSO-formula is para-NP-hard on general structures

    VC Density of Set Systems Definable in Tree-Like Graphs

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    We study set systems definable in graphs using variants of logic with different expressive power. Our focus is on the notion of Vapnik-Chervonenkis density: the smallest possible degree of a polynomial bounding the cardinalities of restrictions of such set systems. On one hand, we prove that if phi(x,y) is a fixed CMSO_1 formula and C is a class of graphs with uniformly bounded cliquewidth, then the set systems defined by phi in graphs from C have VC density at most |y|, which is the smallest bound that one could expect. We also show an analogous statement for the case when phi(x,y) is a CMSO_2 formula and C is a class of graphs with uniformly bounded treewidth. We complement these results by showing that if C has unbounded cliquewidth (respectively, treewidth), then, under some mild technical assumptions on C, the set systems definable by CMSO_1 (respectively, CMSO_2) formulas in graphs from C may have unbounded VC dimension, hence also unbounded VC density
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