1,741 research outputs found

    Enhancing Power Efficient Design Techniques in Deep Submicron Era

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    Excessive power dissipation has been one of the major bottlenecks for design and manufacture in the past couple of decades. Power efficient design has become more and more challenging when technology scales down to the deep submicron era that features the dominance of leakage, the manufacture variation, the on-chip temperature variation and higher reliability requirements, among others. Most of the computer aided design (CAD) tools and algorithms currently used in industry were developed in the pre deep submicron era and did not consider the new features explicitly and adequately. Recent research advances in deep submicron design, such as the mechanisms of leakage, the source and characterization of manufacture variation, the cause and models of on-chip temperature variation, provide us the opportunity to incorporate these important issues in power efficient design. We explore this opportunity in this dissertation by demonstrating that significant power reduction can be achieved with only minor modification to the existing CAD tools and algorithms. First, we consider peak current, which has become critical for circuit's reliability in deep submicron design. Traditional low power design techniques focus on the reduction of average power. We propose to reduce peak current while keeping the overhead on average power as small as possible. Second, dual Vt technique and gate sizing have been used simultaneously for leakage savings. However, this approach becomes less effective in deep submicron design. We propose to use the newly developed process-induced mechanical stress to enhance its performance. Finally, in deep submicron design, the impact of on-chip temperature variation on leakage and performance becomes more and more significant. We propose a temperature-aware dual Vt approach to alleviate hot spots and achieve further leakage reduction. We also consider this leakage-temperature dependency in the dynamic voltage scaling approach and discover that a commonly accepted result is incorrect for the current technology. We conduct extensive experiments with popular design benchmarks, using the latest industry CAD tools and design libraries. The results show that our proposed enhancements are promising in power saving and are practical to solve the low power design challenges in deep submicron era

    Analysis of Dynamic Logic Circuits in Deep Submicron CMOS Technologies

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    Dynamic logic circuits are utilized to minimize the delay in the critical path of high-performance designs such as the datapath circuits in state-of-the-art microprocessors. However, as integrated circuits (ICs) scale to the very deep submicron (VDSM) regime, dynamic logic becomes susceptible to a variety of failure modes due to decreasing noise margins and increasing leakage currents. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the performance of dynamic logic circuits in VDSM technologies and to evaluate various design strategies to mitigate the effects of leakage currents and small noise margins

    Analysis and application of improved feedthrough logic

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    Continuous technology scaling and increased frequency of operation of VLSI circuits leads to increase in power density which raises thermal management problem. Therefore design of low power VLSI circuit technique is a challenging task without sacrificing its performance. This thesis presents the design of a low power dynamic circuit using a new CMOS domino logic family called feedthrough (FTL) logic. Dynamic logic circuits are more significant because of its faster speed and lesser transistor requirement as compared to static CMOS logic circuits. The need for faster circuits compels designers to use FTL as compared static and domino CMOS logic and the requirement of output inverter for cascading of various logic blocks in domino logic are eliminated in the proposed design. The proposed circuit for low power (LP-FTL) improves dynamic power consumption as compared to the existing FTL and to further improve its speed we propose another circuit (HS-FTL). This logic family improves speed at the cost of dynamic power consumption and area. Proposed modified FTL circuit families provide better PDP as compared to the existing FTL. Simulation results of both the proposed circuit using 0.18 µm, 1.8 V CMOS process technology indicate that the LP-FTL structure reduces the dynamic power approximately by 42% and the HS-FTL structure achieves a speed up- 1.4 for 10-stage of inverters and 8-bit ripple carry adder in comparison to existing FTL logic. Furthermore, we present various circuit design techniques to improve noise tolerance of the proposed FTL logic families. Noise in deep submicron technology limits the reliability and performance of ICs. The ANTE (average noise threshold energy) metric is used for the analysis of noise tolerance of proposed FTL. A 2-input NAND and NOR gate is designed by the proposed technique. Simulation results for a 2-input NAND gate at 0.18-µm, 1.8 V CMOS process technology show that the proposed noise tolerant circuit achieves 1.79X ANTE improvement along with the reduction in leakage power. Continuous scaling of technology towards the nanometer range significantly increases leakage current level and the effect of noise. This research can be further extended for performance optimization in terms of power, speed, area and noise immunity


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    In CMOS circuits, as the technology scales down to nanoscale, the sub-threshold leakage current increases with the decrease in the threshold voltage. LECTOR, a technique to tackle the leakage problem in CMOS circuits, uses two additional leakage control transistors, which are self-controlled, in a path from supply to ground which provides the additional resistance thereby reducing the leakage current in the path. The main advantage as compared to other techniques which involves the sleep transistor is that LECTOR technique does not require any additional control and monitoring circuitry, thereby limits the area increase and also the power dissipation in active state. Along with this, the other advantage with LECTOR technique is that it does not affect the dynamic power which is the major limitation with the other leakage reduction techniques

    A novel deep submicron bulk planar sizing strategy for low energy subthreshold standard cell libraries

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    Engineering andPhysical Science ResearchCouncil (EPSRC) and Arm Ltd for providing funding in the form of grants and studentshipsThis work investigates bulk planar deep submicron semiconductor physics in an attempt to improve standard cell libraries aimed at operation in the subthreshold regime and in Ultra Wide Dynamic Voltage Scaling schemes. The current state of research in the field is examined, with particular emphasis on how subthreshold physical effects degrade robustness, variability and performance. How prevalent these physical effects are in a commercial 65nm library is then investigated by extensive modeling of a BSIM4.5 compact model. Three distinct sizing strategies emerge, cells of each strategy are laid out and post-layout parasitically extracted models simulated to determine the advantages/disadvantages of each. Full custom ring oscillators are designed and manufactured. Measured results reveal a close correlation with the simulated results, with frequency improvements of up to 2.75X/2.43X obs erved for RVT/LVT devices respectively. The experiment provides the first silicon evidence of the improvement capability of the Inverse Narrow Width Effect over a wide supply voltage range, as well as a mechanism of additional temperature stability in the subthreshold regime. A novel sizing strategy is proposed and pursued to determine whether it is able to produce a superior complex circuit design using a commercial digital synthesis flow. Two 128 bit AES cores are synthesized from the novel sizing strategy and compared against a third AES core synthesized from a state-of-the-art subthreshold standard cell library used by ARM. Results show improvements in energy-per-cycle of up to 27.3% and frequency improvements of up to 10.25X. The novel subthreshold sizing strategy proves superior over a temperature range of 0 °C to 85 °C with a nominal (20 °C) improvement in energy-per-cycle of 24% and frequency improvement of 8.65X. A comparison to prior art is then performed. Valid cases are presented where the proposed sizing strategy would be a candidate to produce superior subthreshold circuits

    Modified Level Restorers Using Current Sink and Current Source Inverter Structures for BBL-PT Full Adder

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    Full adder is an essential component for the design and development of all types of processors like digital signal processors (DSP), microprocessors etc. In most of these systems adder lies in the critical path that affects the overall speed of the system. So enhancing the performance of the 1-bit full adder cell is a significant goal. In this paper, we proposed two modified level restorers using current sink and current source inverter structures for branch-based logic and pass-transistor (BBL-PT) full adder [1]. In BBL-PT full adder, there lies a drawback i.e. voltage step existence that could be eliminated in the proposed logics by using the current sink inverter and current source inverter structures. The proposed full adders are compared with the two standard and well-known logic styles, i.e. conventional static CMOS logic and Complementary Pass transistor Logic (CPL), demonstrated the good delay performance. The implementation of 8-bit ripple carry adder based on proposed full adders are finally demonstrated. The CPL 8-bit RCA and as well as the proposed ones is having better delay performance than the static CMOS and BBL-PT 8-bit RCA. The performance of the proposed BBL-PT cell with current sink & current source inverter structures are examined using PSPICE and the model parameters of a 0.13 µm CMOS process

    Fault modelling and accelerated simulation of integrated circuits manufacturing defects under process variation

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    As silicon manufacturing process scales to and beyond the 65-nm node, process variation can no longer be ignored. The impact of process variation on integrated circuit performance and power has received significant research input. Variation-aware test, on the other hand, is a relatively new research area that is currently receiving attention worldwide.Research has shown that test without considering process variation may lead to loss of test quality. Fault modelling and simulation serve as a backbone of manufacturing test. This thesis is concerned with developing efficient fault modelling techniques and simulation methodologies that take into account the effect of process variation on manufacturing defects with particular emphasis on resistive bridges and resistive opens.The first contribution of this thesis addresses the problem of long computation time required to generate logic fault of resistive bridges under process variation by developing a fast and accurate modelling technique to model logic fault behaviour of resistive bridges.The new technique is implemented by employing two efficient voltage calculation algorithms to calculate the logic threshold voltage of driven gates and critical resistance of a fault-site to enable the computation of bridge logic faults without using SPICE. Simulation results show that the technique is fast (on average 53 times faster) and accurate (worst case is 2.64% error) when compared with HSPICE. The second contribution analyses the complexity of delay fault simulation of resistive bridges to reduce the computation time of delay fault when considering process variation. An accelerated delay fault simulation methodology of resistive bridges is developed by employing a three-step strategy to speed up the calculation of transient gate output voltage which is needed to accurately compute delay faults. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average 17.4 times faster, with 5.2% error in accuracy, when compared with HSPICE. The final contribution presents an accelerated simulation methodology of resistive opens to address the problem of long simulation time of delay fault when considering process variation. The methodology is implemented by using two efficient algorithms to accelerate the computation of transient gate output voltage and timing critical resistance of an open fault-site. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average up to 52 times faster than HSPICE, with 4.2% error in accuracy