1,788 research outputs found

    On the Computation of Common Subsumers in Description Logics

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    Description logics (DL) knowledge bases are often build by users with expertise in the application domain, but little expertise in logic. To support this kind of users when building their knowledge bases a number of extension methods have been proposed to provide the user with concept descriptions as a starting point for new concept definitions. The inference service central to several of these approaches is the computation of (least) common subsumers of concept descriptions. In case disjunction of concepts can be expressed in the DL under consideration, the least common subsumer (lcs) is just the disjunction of the input concepts. Such a trivial lcs is of little use as a starting point for a new concept definition to be edited by the user. To address this problem we propose two approaches to obtain "meaningful" common subsumers in the presence of disjunction tailored to two different methods to extend DL knowledge bases. More precisely, we devise computation methods for the approximation-based approach and the customization of DL knowledge bases, extend these methods to DLs with number restrictions and discuss their efficient implementation

    Topics in Knowledge Bases: Epistemic Ontologies and Secrecy-preserving Reasoning

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    Applications of ontologies/knowledge bases (KBs) in many domains (healthcare, national security, intelligence) have become increasingly important. In this dissertation, we focus on developing techniques for answering queries posed to KBs under the open world assumption (OWA). In the first part of this dissertation, we study the problem of query answering in KBs that contain epistemic information, i.e., knowledge of different experts. We study ALCKm, which extends the description logic ALC by adding modal operators of the basic multi-modal logic Km. We develop a sound and complete tableau algorithm for answering ALCKm queries w.r.t. an ALCKm knowledge base with an acyclic TBox. We then consider answering ALCKm queries w.r.t. an ALCKm knowledge base in which the epistemic operators correspond to those of classical multi-modal logic S4m and provide a sound and complete tableau algorithm. Both algorithms can be implemented in PSpace. In the second part, we study problems that allow autonomous entities or organizations (collectively called querying agents) to be able to selectively share information. In this scenario, the KB must make sure its answers are informative but do not disclose sensitive information. Most of the work in this area has focused on access control mechanisms that prohibit access to sensitive information (secrets). However, such an approach can be too restrictive in that it prohibits the use of sensitive information in answering queries against knowledge bases even when it is possible to do so without compromising secrets. We investigate techniques for secrecy-preserving query answering (SPQA) against KBs under the OWA. We consider two scenarios of increasing difficulty: (a) a KB queried by a single agent; and (b) a KB queried by multiple agents where the secrecy policies can differ across the different agents and the agents can selectively communicate the answers that they receive from the KB with each other subject to the applicable answer sharing policies. We consider classes of KBs that are of interest from the standpoint of practical applications (e.g., description logics and Horn KBs). Given a KB and secrets that need to be protected against the querying agent(s), the SPQA problem aims at designing a secrecy-preserving reasoner that answers queries without compromising secrecy under OWA. Whenever truthfully answering a query risks compromising secrets, the reasoner is allowed to hide the answer to the query by feigning ignorance, i.e., answering the query as Unknown . Under the OWA, the querying agent is not able to infer whether an Unknown answer to a query is obtained because of the incomplete information in the KB or because secrecy protection mechanism is being applied. In each scenario, we provide a general framework for the problem. In the single-agent case, we apply the general framework to the description logic EL and provide algorithms for answering queries as informatively as possible without compromising secrecy. In the multiagent case, we extend the general framework for the single-agent case. To model the communication between querying agents, we use a communication graph, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with self-loops, where each node represents an agent and each edge represents the possibility of information sharing in the direction of the edge. We discuss the relationship between secrecy-preserving reasoners and envelopes (used to protect secrets) and present a special case of the communication graph that helps construct tight envelopes in the sense that removing any information from them will leave some secrets vulnerable. To illustrate our general idea of constructing envelopes, Horn KBs are considered

    Converting Instance Checking to Subsumption: A Rethink for Object Queries over Practical Ontologies

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    Efficiently querying Description Logic (DL) ontologies is becoming a vital task in various data-intensive DL applications. Considered as a basic service for answering object queries over DL ontologies, instance checking can be realized by using the most specific concept (MSC) method, which converts instance checking into subsumption problems. This method, however, loses its simplicity and efficiency when applied to large and complex ontologies, as it tends to generate very large MSC's that could lead to intractable reasoning. In this paper, we propose a revision to this MSC method for DL SHI, allowing it to generate much simpler and smaller concepts that are specific-enough to answer a given query. With independence between computed MSC's, scalability for query answering can also be achieved by distributing and parallelizing the computations. An empirical evaluation shows the efficacy of our revised MSC method and the significant efficiency achieved when using it for answering object queries

    A Lightweight Defeasible Description Logic in Depth: Quantification in Rational Reasoning and Beyond

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    Description Logics (DLs) are increasingly successful knowledge representation formalisms, useful for any application requiring implicit derivation of knowledge from explicitly known facts. A prominent example domain benefiting from these formalisms since the 1990s is the biomedical field. This area contributes an intangible amount of facts and relations between low- and high-level concepts such as the constitution of cells or interactions between studied illnesses, their symptoms and remedies. DLs are well-suited for handling large formal knowledge repositories and computing inferable coherences throughout such data, relying on their well-founded first-order semantics. In particular, DLs of reduced expressivity have proven a tremendous worth for handling large ontologies due to their computational tractability. In spite of these assets and prevailing influence, classical DLs are not well-suited to adequately model some of the most intuitive forms of reasoning. The capability for abductive reasoning is imperative for any field subjected to incomplete knowledge and the motivation to complete it with typical expectations. When such default expectations receive contradicting evidence, an abductive formalism is able to retract previously drawn, conflicting conclusions. Common examples often include human reasoning or a default characterisation of properties in biology, such as the normal arrangement of organs in the human body. Treatment of such defeasible knowledge must be aware of exceptional cases - such as a human suffering from the congenital condition situs inversus - and therefore accommodate for the ability to retract defeasible conclusions in a non-monotonic fashion. Specifically tailored non-monotonic semantics have been continuously investigated for DLs in the past 30 years. A particularly promising approach, is rooted in the research by Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor for preferential (propositional) logics and Rational Closure (RC). The biggest advantages of RC are its well-behaviour in terms of formal inference postulates and the efficient computation of defeasible entailments, by relying on a tractable reduction to classical reasoning in the underlying formalism. A major contribution of this work is a reorganisation of the core of this reasoning method, into an abstract framework formalisation. This framework is then easily instantiated to provide the reduction method for RC in DLs as well as more advanced closure operators, such as Relevant or Lexicographic Closure. In spite of their practical aptitude, we discovered that all reduction approaches fail to provide any defeasible conclusions for elements that only occur in the relational neighbourhood of the inspected elements. More explicitly, a distinguishing advantage of DLs over propositional logic is the capability to model binary relations and describe aspects of a related concept in terms of existential and universal quantification. Previous approaches to RC (and more advanced closures) are not able to derive typical behaviour for the concepts that occur within such quantification. The main contribution of this work is to introduce stronger semantics for the lightweight DL EL_bot with the capability to infer the expected entailments, while maintaining a close relation to the reduction method. We achieve this by introducing a new kind of first-order interpretation that allocates defeasible information on its elements directly. This allows to compare the level of typicality of such interpretations in terms of defeasible information satisfied at elements in the relational neighbourhood. A typicality preference relation then provides the means to single out those sets of models with maximal typicality. Based on this notion, we introduce two types of nested rational semantics, a sceptical and a selective variant, each capable of deriving the missing entailments under RC for arbitrarily nested quantified concepts. As a proof of versatility for our new semantics, we also show that the stronger Relevant Closure, can be imbued with typical information in the successors of binary relations. An extensive investigation into the computational complexity of our new semantics shows that the sceptical nested variant comes at considerable additional effort, while the selective semantics reside in the complexity of classical reasoning in the underlying DL, which remains tractable in our case

    Most specific consequences in the description logic EL

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    The notion of a most specific consequence with respect to some terminological box is introduced, conditions for its existence in the description logic EL and its variants are provided, and means for its computation are developed. Algebraic properties of most specific consequences are explored. Furthermore, several applications that make use of this new notion are proposed and, in particular, it is shown how given terminological knowledge can be incorporated in existing approaches for the axiomatization of observations. For instance, a procedure for an incremental learning of concept inclusions from sequences of interpretations is developed

    Towards a Systematic Repository of Knowledge About Managing Collaborative Design Conflicts

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    Increasingly, complex artifacts such as cars, planes and even software are designed using large-scale and often highly distributed collaborative processes. A key factor in the effectiveness of these processes concerns how well conflicts are managed. Better approaches need to be developed and adopted, but the lack of systematization and dissemination of the knowledge in this field has been a big barrier to the cumulativeness of research in this area as well as to incorporating these ideas into design practice. This paper describes a growing repository of conflict management expertise, built as an augmentation of the MIT Process Handbook, that is designed to address these challenges.