7 research outputs found

    Wireless Video Transmission with Over-the-Air Packet Mixing

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    In this paper, we propose a system for wireless video transmission with a wireless physical layer (PHY) that supports cooperative forwarding of interfered/superimposed packets. Our system model considers multiple and independent unicast transmissions between network nodes while a number of them serve as relays of the interfered/superimposed signals. For this new PHY the average transmission rate that each node can achieve is estimated first. Next, we formulate a utility optimization framework for the video transmission problem and we show that it can be simplified due to the features of the new PHY. Simulation results reveal the system operating regions for which superimposing wireless packets is a better choice than a typical cooperative PHY.Comment: 2012 Packet Video Worksho

    Infrastructure dependent wireless multicast - the effect of spatial diversity and error correction

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    The use of multiple Access Points (APs) with one AP placed at the middle of a coverage area and the remaining placed at the edge may reduce the Packet Error Rate (PER) experienced by a group of multicast receivers. This paper shows that Spatial Diversity can augment the channel quality experienced especially by those nodes which are located farther from the Master AP, i.e. the AP at the middle, however this study also demonstrates the need for error correction scheme. The aim of this analysis is to propose a means of enhancing the infrastructure end of an IEEE 802.11n Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), such that multicast data can be delivered reliably in order to guarantee that the received video has an adequate Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), but with the constraint that the Medium Access Control (MAC) and the Physical (PHY) layer of the receivers are not modified, hence a legacy IEEE 802.11n node may join the multicast group and experience good Quality of Service.peer-reviewe

    Layered wireless video multicast using omni-directional relays

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    Framework for Content Distribution over Wireless LANs

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    Wireless LAN (also called as Wi-Fi) is dominantly considered as the most pervasive technology for Intent access. Due to the low-cost of chipsets and support for high data rates, Wi-Fi has become a universal solution for ever-increasing application space which includes, video streaming, content delivery, emergency communication, vehicular communication and Internet-of-Things (IoT). Wireless LAN technology is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. The 802.11 standard has been amended several times over the last two decades, to incorporate the requirement of future applications. The 802.11 based Wi-Fi networks are infrastructure networks in which devices communicate through an access point. However, in 2010, Wi-Fi Alliance has released a specification to standardize direct communication in Wi-Fi networks. The technology is called Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct after 9 years of its release is still used for very basic services (connectivity, file transfer etc.), despite the potential to support a wide range of applications. The reason behind the limited inception of Wi-Fi Direct is some inherent shortcomings that limit its performance in dense networks. These include the issues related to topology design, such as non-optimal group formation, Group Owner selection problem, clustering in dense networks and coping with device mobility in dynamic networks. Furthermore, Wi-Fi networks also face challenges to meet the growing number of Wi Fi users. The next generation of Wi-Fi networks is characterized as ultra-dense networks where the topology changes frequently which directly affects the network performance. The dynamic nature of such networks challenges the operators to design and make optimum planifications. In this dissertation, we propose solutions to the aforementioned problems. We contributed to the existing Wi-Fi Direct technology by enhancing the group formation process. The proposed group formation scheme is backwards-compatible and incorporates role selection based on the device's capabilities to improve network performance. Optimum clustering scheme using mixed integer programming is proposed to design efficient topologies in fixed dense networks, which improves network throughput and reduces packet loss ratio. A novel architecture using Unmanned Aeriel Vehicles (UAVs) in Wi-Fi Direct networks is proposed for dynamic networks. In ultra-dense, highly dynamic topologies, we propose cognitive networks using machine-learning algorithms to predict the network changes ahead of time and self-configuring the network

    Energy efficient offloading techniques for heterogeneous networks

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    Mobile data offloading has been proposed as a solution for the network congestion problem that is continuously aggravating due to the increase in mobile data demand. The concept of offloading refers to the exploitation of network heterogeneity with the objective to mitigate the load of the cellular network infrastructure. In this thesis a multicast protocol for short range networks that exploits the characteristics of physical layer network coding is presented. In the proposed protocol, named CooPNC, a novel cooperative approach is provided that allows collision resolutions with the use of an indirect inter-network cooperation scheme. Through this scheme, a reliable multicast protocol for partially overlapping short range networks with low control overhead is provided. It is shown that with CooPNC, higher throughput and energy efficiency are achieved, while it presents lower delay compared to state-of-the-art multicast protocols. A detailed description of the proposed protocol is provided, with a simple scenario of overlapping networks and also for a generalised scalable scenario. Through mathematical analysis and simulations it is proved that CooPNC presents significant performance gains compared to other state-of-the-art multicast protocols for short range networks. In order to reveal the performance bounds of Physical Layer Network Coding, the so-called Cross Network is investigated under diverse Network Coding (NC) techniques. The impact of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer fairness on the throughput performance of the network is provided, for the cases of pure relaying, digital NC with and without overhearing and physical layer NC with and without overhearing. A comparison among these techniques is presented and the throughput bounds, caused by MAC layer limitations, are discussed. Furthermore, it is shown that significant coding gains are achieved with digital and physical layer NC and the energy efficiency performance of each NC case is presented, when applied on the Cross Network.In the second part of this thesis, the uplink offloading using IP Flow Mobility (IFOM) is also investigated. IFOM allows a LTE mobile User Equipment (UE) to maintain two concurrent data streams, one through LTE and the other through WiFi access technology, that presents uplink limitations due to the inherent fairness design of IEEE 802.11 DCF. To overcome these limitations, a weighted proportionally fair bandwidth allocation algorithm is proposed, regarding the data volume that is being offloaded through WiFi, in conjunction with a pricing-based rate allocation algorithm for the rest of the data volume needs of the UEs that are transmitted through the LTE uplink. With the proposed approach, the energy efficiency of the UEs is improved, and the offloaded data volume is increased under the concurrent use of access technologies that IFOM allows. In the weighted proportionally fair WiFi bandwidth allocation, both the different upload data needs of the UEs, along with their LTE spectrum efficiency are considered, and an access mechanism is proposed that improves the use of WiFi access in uplink offloading. In the LTE part, a two-stage pricing-based rate allocation is proposed, under both linear and exponential pricing approaches, with the objective to satisfy all offloading UEs regarding their LTE uplink access. The existence of a malicious UE is also considered that aims to exploit the WiFi bandwidth against its peers in order to upload less data through the energy demanding LTE uplink and a reputation based method is proposed to combat its selfish operation. This approach is theoretically analysed and its performance is evaluated, regarding the malicious and the truthful UEs in terms of energy efficiency. It is shown that while the malicious UE presents better energy efficiency before being detected, its performance is significantly degraded with the proposed reaction method.La derivaci贸n del tr谩fico de datos m贸viles (en ingl茅s data offloading) ha sido propuesta como una soluci贸n al problema de la congesti贸n de la red, un problema que empeora continuamente debido al incremento de la demanda de datos m贸viles. El concepto de offloading se entiende como la explotaci贸n de la heterogeneidad de la red con el objetivo de mitigar la carga de la infraestructura de las redes celulares. En esta tesis se presenta un protocolo multicast para redes de corto alcance (short range networks) que explota las caracter铆sticas de la codificaci贸n de red en la capa f铆sica (physical layer network coding). En el protocolo propuesto, llamado CooPMC, se implementa una soluci贸n cooperativa que permite la resoluci贸n de colisiones mediante la utilizaci贸n de un esquema indirecto de cooperaci贸n entre redes. Gracias a este esquema, se consigue un protocolo multicast fiable i con poco overhead de control para redes de corto alcance parcialmente solapadas. Se demuestra que el protocolo CooPNC consigue una mayor tasa de transmisi贸n neta (throughput) y una mejor eficiencia energ茅tica, a la vez que el retardo se mantiene por debajo del obtenido con los protocolos multicast del estado del arte. La tesis ofrece una descripci贸n detallada del protocolo propuesto, tanto para un escenario simple de redes solapadas como tambi茅n para un escenario general escalable. Se demuestra mediante an谩lisis matem谩tico y simulaciones que CooPNC ofrece mejoras significativas en comparaci贸n con los protocolos multicast para redes de corto alcance del estado del arte. Con el objetivo de encontrar los l铆mites de la codificaci贸n de red en la capa f铆sica (physical layer network coding), se estudia el llamado Cross Network bajo distintas t茅cnicas de Network Coding (NC). Se proporciona el impacto de la equidad (fairness) de la capa de control de acceso al medio (Medium Access Control, MAC), para los casos de repetidor puro (pure relaying), NC digital con y sin escucha del medio, y NC en la capa f铆sica con y sin escucha del medio. En la segunda parte de la tesis se investiga el offloading en el enlace ascendente mediante IP Flow Mobility (IFOM). El IFOM permite a los usuarios m贸viles de LTE mantener dos flujos de datos concurrentes, uno a trav茅s de LTE y el otro a trav茅s de la tecnolog铆a de acceso WiFi, que presenta limitaciones en el enlace ascendente debido a la equidad (fairness) inherente del dise帽o de IEEE 802.11 DCF. Para superar estas limitaciones, se propone un algoritmo proporcional ponderado de asignaci贸n de banda para el volumen de datos derivado a trav茅s de WiFi, junto con un algoritmo de asignaci贸n de tasa de transmisi贸n basado en pricing para el volumen de datos del enlace ascendente de LTE. Con la soluci贸n propuesta, se mejora la eficiencia energ茅tica de los usuarios m贸viles, y se incrementa el volumen de datos que se pueden derivar gracias a la utilizaci贸n concurrente de tecnolog铆as de acceso que permite IFOM. En el algoritmo proporcional ponderado de asignaci贸n de banda de WiFi, se toman en consideraci贸n tanto las distintas necesidades de los usuarios en el enlace ascendente como su eficiencia espectral en LTE, y se propone un mecanismo de acceso que mejora el uso de WiFi para el tr谩fico derivado en el enlace ascendente. En cuanto a la parte de LTE, se propone un algoritmo en dos etapas de asignaci贸n de tasa de transmisi贸n basada en pricing (con propuestas de pricing exponencial y lineal) con el objetivo de satisfacer el enlace ascendente de los usuarios en LTE. Tambi茅n se contempla la existencia de usuarios maliciosos, que pretenden utilizar el ancho de banda WiFi contra sus iguales para transmitir menos datos a trav茅s del enlace ascendente de LTE (menos eficiente energ茅ticamente). Para ello se propone un m茅todo basado en la reputaci贸n que combate el funcionamiento ego铆sta (selfish).Postprint (published version