25 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of robotic neural controllers

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    The results are given of a feasibility study performed to establish if an artificial neural controller could be used to achieve joint space trajectory tracking of a two-link robot manipulator. The study is based on the results obtained by Hecht-Nielsen, who claims that a functional map can be implemented to a desired degree of accuracy with a three layer feedforward artificial neural network. Central to this study is the assumption that the robot model as well as its parameters values are known

    Self-growing neural network architecture using crisp and fuzzy entropy

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    The paper briefly describes the self-growing neural network algorithm, CID2, which makes decision trees equivalent to hidden layers of a neural network. The algorithm generates a feedforward architecture using crisp and fuzzy entropy measures. The results of a real-life recognition problem of distinguishing defects in a glass ribbon and of a benchmark problem of differentiating two spirals are shown and discussed

    A fatigue damage estimator using RBF, backpropagation, and CID4 neural algorithms

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    Fatigue damage estimation using neural networks is described in the paper. Attention is focused on the method of data generation for both the training and test data used by radial basis function (RBF), backpropagation, and CID4 algorithms used in this study. The performance results of the three neural algorithms are analyzed in terms of their strengths and weaknesses in training

    Exact Classification with Two-Layer Neural Nets

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    AbstractThis paper considers the classification properties of two-layer networks of McCulloch–Pitts units from a theoretical point of view. In particular we consider their ability to realise exactly, as opposed to approximate, bounded decision regions in R2. The main result shows that a two-layer network can realise exactly any finite union of bounded polyhedra in R2whose bounding lines lie in general position, except for some well-characterised exceptions. The exceptions are those unions whose boundaries contain a line which is “inconsistent,” as described in the text. Some of the results are valid for Rn,n⩾2, and the problem of generalising the main result to higher-dimensional situations is discussed

    An on-line VAD based on Multi-Normalisation Scoring (MNS) of observation likelihoods

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    Preprint del artículo públicado online el 31 de mayo 2018Voice activity detection (VAD) is an essential task in expert systems that rely on oral interfaces. The VAD module detects the presence of human speech and separates speech segments from silences and non-speech noises. The most popular current on-line VAD systems are based on adaptive parameters which seek to cope with varying channel and noise conditions. The main disadvantages of this approach are the need for some initialisation time to properly adjust the parameters to the incoming signal and uncertain performance in the case of poor estimation of the initial parameters. In this paper we propose a novel on-line VAD based only on previous training which does not introduce any delay. The technique is based on a strategy that we have called Multi-Normalisation Scoring (MNS). It consists of obtaining a vector of multiple observation likelihood scores from normalised mel-cepstral coefficients previously computed from different databases. A classifier is then used to label the incoming observation likelihood vector. Encouraging results have been obtained with a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). This technique can generalise for unseen noise levels and types. A validation experiment with two current standard ITU-T VAD algorithms demonstrates the good performance of the method. Indeed, lower classification error rates are obtained for non-speech frames, while results for speech frames are similar.This work was partially supported by the EU (ERDF) under grant TEC2015-67163-C2-1-R (RESTORE) (MINECO/ERDF, EU) and by the Basque Government under grant KK-2017/00043 (BerbaOla)

    Radon transform-based invariant image recognition

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    Non-linear adaptive equalization based on a multi-layer perceptron architecture.

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