7 research outputs found

    Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent

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    The Spaceport Processing Systems Branch at NASA Kennedy Space Center has developed and deployed a software agent to monitor the Space Shuttle's ground processing telemetry stream. The application, the Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent, increases situational awareness for system and hardware engineers during Shuttle launch countdown. The agent provides autonomous monitoring of the telemetry stream, automatically alerts system engineers when predefined criteria have been met, identifies limit warnings and violations of launch commit criteria, aids Shuttle engineers through troubleshooting procedures, and provides additional insight to verify appropriate troubleshooting of problems by contractors. The agent has successfully detected launch commit criteria warnings and violations on a simulated playback data stream. Efficiency and safety are improved through increased automation

    Monitoring Agents for Assisting NASA Engineers with Shuttle Ground Processing

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    The Spaceport Processing Systems Branch at NASA Kennedy Space Center has designed, developed, and deployed a rule-based agent to monitor the Space Shuttle's ground processing telemetry stream. The NASA Engineering Shuttle Telemetry Agent increases situational awareness for system and hardware engineers during ground processing of the Shuttle's subsystems. The agent provides autonomous monitoring of the telemetry stream and automatically alerts system engineers when user defined conditions are satisfied. Efficiency and safety are improved through increased automation. Sandia National Labs' Java Expert System Shell is employed as the agent's rule engine. The shell's predicate logic lends itself well to capturing the heuristics and specifying the engineering rules within this domain. The declarative paradigm of the rule-based agent yields a highly modular and scalable design spanning multiple subsystems of the Shuttle. Several hundred monitoring rules have been written thus far with corresponding notifications sent to Shuttle engineers. This chapter discusses the rule-based telemetry agent used for Space Shuttle ground processing. We present the problem domain along with design and development considerations such as information modeling, knowledge capture, and the deployment of the product. We also present ongoing work with other condition monitoring agents

    SPD-safe: Secure administration of railway intelligent transportation systems

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    The railway transport system is critical infrastructure that is exposed to numerous manmade and natural threats, thus protecting this physical asset is imperative. Cyber security, privacy, and dependability (SPD) are also important, as the railway operation relies on cyber-physical systems (CPS) systems. This work presents SPD-Safe—an administration framework for railway CPS, leveraging artificial intelligence for monitoring and managing the system in real-time. The network layer protections integrated provide the core security properties of confidentiality, integrity, and authentication, along with energy-aware secure routing and authorization. The effectiveness in mitigating attacks and the efficiency under normal operation are assessed through simulations with the average delay in real equipment being 0.2–0.6 s. SPD metrics are incorporated together with safety semantics for the application environment. Considering an intelligent transportation scenario, SPD-Safe is deployed on railway critical infrastructure, safeguarding one outdoor setting on the railway’s tracks and one in-carriage setting on a freight train that contains dangerous cargo. As demonstrated, SPD-Safe provides higher security and scalability, while enhancing safety response procedures. Nonetheless, emergence response operations require a seamless interoperation of the railway system with emergency authorities’ equipment (e.g., drones). Therefore, a secure integration with external systems is considered as future work

    Advances in Public Transport Platform for the Development of Sustainability Cities

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    Modern societies demand high and varied mobility, which in turn requires a complex transport system adapted to social needs that guarantees the movement of people and goods in an economically efficient and safe way, but all are subject to a new environmental rationality and the new logic of the paradigm of sustainability. From this perspective, an efficient and flexible transport system that provides intelligent and sustainable mobility patterns is essential to our economy and our quality of life. The current transport system poses growing and significant challenges for the environment, human health, and sustainability, while current mobility schemes have focused much more on the private vehicle that has conditioned both the lifestyles of citizens and cities, as well as urban and territorial sustainability. Transport has a very considerable weight in the framework of sustainable development due to environmental pressures, associated social and economic effects, and interrelations with other sectors. The continuous growth that this sector has experienced over the last few years and its foreseeable increase, even considering the change in trends due to the current situation of generalized crisis, make the challenge of sustainable transport a strategic priority at local, national, European, and global levels. This Special Issue will pay attention to all those research approaches focused on the relationship between evolution in the area of transport with a high incidence in the environment from the perspective of efficiency

    Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent

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    The Spaceport Processing Systems Branch at NASA Kennedy Space Center has developed and deployed a software agent to monitor the Space Shuttle\u27s ground processing telemetry stream. The application, the Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent, increases situational awareness for system and hardware engineers during Shuttle launch countdown. The agent provides autonomous monitoring of the telemetry stream, automatically alerts system engineers when predefined criteria have been met, identifies limit warnings and violations of launch commit criteria, aids Shuttle engineers through troubleshooting procedures, and provides additional insight to verify appropriate troubleshooting of problems by contractors. The agent has successfully detected launch commit criteria warnings and violations on a simulated playback data stream. Efficiency and safety are improved through increased automation. Copyright 2005 ACM

    Una propuesta de modelado del estudiante basada en ontologías y diagnóstico pedagógico-cognitivo no monótono

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    Los recientes avances tecnológicos han encontrado un potencial campo de explotación en la educación asistida por computador. A finales de los años 90 surgió un nuevo campo de investigación denominado Entornos Virtuales Inteligentes para el Entrenamiento y/o Enseñanza (EVIEs), que combinan dos áreas de gran complejidad: Los Entornos Virtuales (EVs) y los Sistemas de Tutoría Inteligente (STIs). De este modo, los beneficios de los entornos 3D (simulación de entornos de alto riesgo o entornos de difícil uso, etc.) pueden combinarse con aquéllos de un STIs (personalización de materias y presentaciones, adaptación de la estrategia de tutoría a las necesidades del estudiante, etc.) para proporcionar soluciones educativas/de entrenamiento con valores añadidos. El Modelo del Estudiante, núcleo de un SIT, representa el conocimiento y características del estudiante, y refleja el proceso de razonamiento del estudiante. Su complejidad es incluso superior cuando los STIs se aplican a EVs porque las nuevas posibilidades de interacción proporcionadas por estos entornos deben considerarse como nuevos elementos de información clave para el modelado del estudiante, incidiendo en todo el proceso educativo: el camino seguido por el estudiante durante su navegación a través de escenarios 3D; el comportamiento no verbal tal como la dirección de la mirada; nuevos tipos de pistas e instrucciones que el módulo de tutoría puede proporcionar al estudiante; nuevos tipos de preguntas que el estudiante puede formular, etc. Por consiguiente, es necesario que la estructura de los STIs, embebida en el EVIE, se enriquezca con estos aspectos, mientras mantiene una estructura clara, estructurada, y bien definida. La mayoría de las aproximaciones al Modelo del Estudiante en STIs y en IVETs no consideran una taxonomía de posibles conocimientos acerca del estudiante suficientemente completa. Además, la mayoría de ellas sólo tienen validez en ciertos dominios o es difícil su adaptación a diferentes STIs. Para vencer estas limitaciones, hemos propuesto, en el marco de esta tesis doctoral, un nuevo mecanismo de Modelado del Estudiante basado en la Ingeniería Ontológica e inspirado en principios pedagógicos, con un modelo de datos sobre el estudiante amplio y flexible que facilita su adaptación y extensión para diferentes STIs y aplicaciones de aprendizaje, además de un método de diagnóstico con capacidades de razonamiento no monótono. El método de diagnóstico es capaz de inferir el estado de los objetivos de aprendizaje contenidos en el SIT y, a partir de él, el estado de los conocimientos del estudiante durante su proceso de aprendizaje. La aproximación almodelado del estudiante propuesta ha sido implementada e integrada en un agente software (el agente de modelado del estudiante) dentro de una plataforma software existente para el desarrollo de EVIEs denominadaMAEVIF. Esta plataforma ha sido diseñada para ser fácilmente configurable para diferentes aplicaciones de aprendizaje. El modelado del estudiante presentado ha sido implementado e instanciado para dos tipos de entornos de aprendizaje: uno para aprendizaje del uso de interfaces gráficas de usuario en una aplicación software y para un Entorno Virtual para entrenamiento procedimental. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para guiar en la aplicación del esta aproximación de modelado del estudiante a cada sistema concreto.---ABSTRACT---Recent technological advances have found a potential field of exploitation in computeraided education. At the end of the 90’s a new research field emerged, the so-called Intelligent Virtual Environments for Training and/or Education (IVETs), which combines two areas of great complexity: Virtual Environments (VE) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). In this way, the benefits of 3D environments (simulation of high risk or difficult-to-use environments, etc.) may be combined with those of an ITS (content and presentation customization, adaptation of the tutoring strategy to the student requirements, etc.) in order to provide added value educational/training solutions. The StudentModel, core of an ITS, represents the student’s knowledge and characteristics, and reflects the student’s reasoning process. Its complexity is even higher when the ITSs are applied on VEs because the new interaction possibilities offered by these environments must be considered as new key information pieces for student modelling, impacting all the educational process: the path followed by the student during their navigation through 3D scenarios; non-verbal behavior such as gaze direction; new types of hints or instructions that the tutoring module can provide to the student; new question types that the student can ask, etc. Thus, it is necessary for the ITS structure, which is embedded in the IVET, to be enriched by these aspects, while keeping a clear, structured and well defined architecture. Most approaches to SM on ITSs and IVETs don’t consider a complete enough taxonomy of possible knowledge about the student. In addition, most of them have validity only in certain domains or they are hard to be adapted for different ITSs. In order to overcome these limitations, we have proposed, in the framework of this doctoral research project, a newStudentModeling mechanism that is based onOntological Engineering and inspired on pedagogical principles, with a wide and flexible data model about the student that facilitates its adaptation and extension to different ITSs and learning applications, as well as a rich diagnosis method with non-monotonic reasoning capacities. The diagnosis method is able to infer the state of the learning objectives encompassed by the ITS and, fromit, the student’s knowledge state during the student’s process of learning. The proposed student modelling approach has been implemented and integrated in a software agent (the student modeling agent) within an existing software platform for the development of IVETs called MAEVIF. This platform was designed to be easily configurable for different learning applications. The proposed student modeling has been implemented and it has been instantiated for two types of learning environments: one for learning to use the graphical user interface of a software application and a Virtual Environment for procedural training. In addition, a methodology to guide on the application of this student modeling approach to each specific system has been developed

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    Space Center has developed and deployed a software agent to monitor the Space Shuttle’s ground processing telemetry stream. The application, the Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent, increases situational awareness for system and hardware engineers during Shuttle launch countdown. The agent provides autonomous monitoring of the telemetry stream, automatically alerts system engineers when predefined criteria have been met, identifies limit warnings and violations of launch commit criteria, aids Shuttle engineers through troubleshooting procedures, and provides additional insight to verify appropriate troubleshooting of problems by contractors. The agent has successfully detected launch commit criteria warnings and violations on a simulated playback data stream. Efficiency and safety are improved through increased automation. Categories and Subject Descriptor