10 research outputs found

    Robust Linear Temporal Logic

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    Although it is widely accepted that every system should be robust, in the sense that "small" violations of environment assumptions should lead to "small" violations of system guarantees, it is less clear how to make this intuitive notion of robustness mathematically precise. In this paper, we address this problem by developing a robust version of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), which we call robust LTL and denote by rLTL. Formulas in rLTL are syntactically identical to LTL formulas but are endowed with a many-valued semantics that encodes robustness. In particular, the semantics of the rLTL formula φ⇒ψ\varphi \Rightarrow \psi is such that a "small" violation of the environment assumption φ\varphi is guaranteed to only produce a "small" violation of the system guarantee ψ\psi. In addition to introducing rLTL, we study the verification and synthesis problems for this logic: similarly to LTL, we show that both problems are decidable, that the verification problem can be solved in time exponential in the number of subformulas of the rLTL formula at hand, and that the synthesis problem can be solved in doubly exponential time

    Optimally Resilient Strategies in Pushdown Safety Games

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    Infinite-duration games with disturbances extend the classical framework of infinite-duration games, which captures the reactive synthesis problem, with a discrete measure of resilience against non-antagonistic external influence. This concerns events where the observed system behavior differs from the intended one prescribed by the controller. For games played on finite arenas it is known that computing optimally resilient strategies only incurs a polynomial overhead over solving classical games. This paper studies safety games with disturbances played on infinite arenas induced by pushdown systems. We show how to compute optimally resilient strategies in triply-exponential time. For the subclass of safety games played on one-counter configuration graphs, we show that determining the degree of resilience of the initial configuration is PSPACE-complete and that optimally resilient strategies can be computed in doubly-exponential time

    Being correct is not enough: efficient verification using robust linear temporal logic

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    While most approaches in formal methods address system correctness, ensuring robustness has remained a challenge. In this paper we present and study the logic rLTL which provides a means to formally reason about both correctness and robustness in system design. Furthermore, we identify a large fragment of rLTL for which the verification problem can be efficiently solved, i.e., verification can be done by using an automaton, recognizing the behaviors described by the rLTL formula φ\varphi, of size at most O(3∣φ∣)\mathcal{O} \left( 3^{ |\varphi|} \right), where ∣φ∣|\varphi| is the length of φ\varphi. This result improves upon the previously known bound of O(5∣φ∣)\mathcal{O}\left(5^{|\varphi|} \right) for rLTL verification and is closer to the LTL bound of O(2∣φ∣)\mathcal{O}\left( 2^{|\varphi|} \right). The usefulness of this fragment is demonstrated by a number of case studies showing its practical significance in terms of expressiveness, the ability to describe robustness, and the fine-grained information that rLTL brings to the process of system verification. Moreover, these advantages come at a low computational overhead with respect to LTL verification.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1510.08970. v2 notes: Proof on the complexity of translating rLTL formulae to LTL formulae via the rewriting approach. New case study on the scalability of rLTL formulae in the proposed fragment. Accepted to appear in ACM Transactions on Computational Logi

    Optimally Resilient Strategies in Pushdown Safety Games

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    Infinite-duration games with disturbances extend the classical framework of infinite-duration games, which captures the reactive synthesis problem, with a discrete measure of resilience against non-antagonistic disturbances, i.e., unmodeled situations in which the actual controller action differs from the intended one. For games played on finite arenas it is known that computing optimally resilient strategies only incurs a polynomial overhead over solving classical games. This paper studies safety games with disturbances played on infinite arenas induced by pushdown systems. We show how to compute optimally resilient strategies in triply-exponential time. For the subclass of safety games played on one-counter configuration graphs, we show that determining the degree of resilience of the initial configuration is PSPACE-complete and that optimally resilient strategies can be computed in doubly-exponential time

    Latticed-LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs

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    In the classical synthesis problem, we are given a specification ψ over sets of input and output signals, and we synthesize a finite-state transducer that realizes ψ: with every sequence of input signals, the transducer associates a sequence of output signals so that the generated computation satisfies ψ. In recent years, researchers consider extensions of the classical Boolean setting to a multi-valued one. We study a multi-valued setting in which the truth values of the input and output signals are taken from a finite lattice, and so is the satisfaction value of specifications. We consider specifications in latticed linear temporal logic (LLTL). In LLTL, conjunctions and disjunctions correspond to the meet and join operators of the lattice, respectively, and the satisfaction values of formulas are taken from the lattice too. The lattice setting arises in practice, for example in specifications involving priorities or in systems with inconsistent viewpoints. We solve the LLTL synthesis problem, where the goal is to synthesize a transducer that realizes the given specification in a desired satisfaction value. For the classical synthesis problem, researchers have studied a setting with incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals are hidden and the transducer should nevertheless realize ψ. For the multi-valued setting, we introduce and study a new type of incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals may be noisy, and the transducer should still realize ψ in the desired satisfaction value. We study the problem of noisy LLTL synthesis, as well as the theoretical aspects of the setting, like the amount of noise a transducer may tolerate, or the effect of perturbing input signals on the satisfaction value of a specification. We prove that the noisy-synthesis problem for LLTL is 2EXPTIME-complete, as is traditional LTL synthesis

    Latticed-LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs

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    In the classical synthesis problem, we are given a specification ψ over sets of input and output signals, and we synthesize a finite-state transducer that realizes ψ: with every sequence of input signals, the transducer associates a sequence of output signals so that the generated computation satisfies ψ. In recent years, researchers consider extensions of the classical Boolean setting to a multi-valued one. We study a multi-valued setting in which the truth values of the input and output signals are taken from a finite lattice, and so is the satisfaction value of specifications. We consider specifications in latticed linear temporal logic (LLTL). In LLTL, conjunctions and disjunctions correspond to the meet and join operators of the lattice, respectively, and the satisfaction values of formulas are taken from the lattice too. The lattice setting arises in practice, for example in specifications involving priorities or in systems with inconsistent viewpoints. We solve the LLTL synthesis problem, where the goal is to synthesize a transducer that realizes the given specification in a desired satisfaction value. For the classical synthesis problem, researchers have studied a setting with incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals are hidden and the transducer should nevertheless realize ψ. For the multi-valued setting, we introduce and study a new type of incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals may be noisy, and the transducer should still realize ψ in the desired satisfaction value. We study the problem of noisy LLTL synthesis, as well as the theoretical aspects of the setting, like the amount of noise a transducer may tolerate, or the effect of perturbing input signals on the satisfaction value of a specification. We prove that the noisy-synthesis problem for LLTL is 2EXPTIME-complete, as is traditional LTL synthesis

    Latticed-LTL synthesis in the presence of noisy inputs

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    In the classical synthesis problem, we are given a specification ψ over sets of input and output signals, and we synthesize a finite-state transducer that realizes ψ: with every sequence of input signals, the transducer associates a sequence of output signals so that the generated computation satisfies ψ. In recent years, researchers consider extensions of the classical Boolean setting to a multi-valued one. We study a multi-valued setting in which the truth values of the input and output signals are taken from a finite lattice, and so is the satisfaction value of specifications. We consider specifications in latticed linear temporal logic (LLTL). In LLTL, conjunctions and disjunctions correspond to the meet and join operators of the lattice, respectively, and the satisfaction values of formulas are taken from the lattice too. The lattice setting arises in practice, for example in specifications involving priorities or in systems with inconsistent viewpoints. We solve the LLTL synthesis problem, where the goal is to synthesize a transducer that realizes the given specification in a desired satisfaction value. For the classical synthesis problem, researchers have studied a setting with incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals are hidden and the transducer should nevertheless realize ψ. For the multi-valued setting, we introduce and study a new type of incomplete information, where the truth values of some of the input signals may be noisy, and the transducer should still realize ψ in the desired satisfaction value. We study the problem of noisy LLTL synthesis, as well as the theoretical aspects of the setting, like the amount of noise a transducer may tolerate, or the effect of perturbing input signals on the satisfaction value of a specification. We prove that the noisy-synthesis problem for LLTL is 2EXPTIME-complete, as is traditional LTL synthesis

    Correct-By-Construction Fault-Tolerant Control

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    Correct-by-construction control synthesis methods refer to a collection of model-based techniques to algorithmically generate controllers/strategies that make the systems satisfy some formal specifications. Such techniques attract much attention as they provide formal guarantees on the correctness of cyber-physical systems, where corner cases may arise due to the interaction among different modules. The controllers synthesized through such methods, however, may still malfunction due to faults, such as physical component failures and unexpected operating conditions, which lead to a sudden change of the system model. In these cases, we want to guarantee that the performance of the faulty system degrades gracefully, and hence achieve fault tolerance. This thesis is about 1) incorporating fault detection and detectability analysis algorithms in correct-by-construction control synthesis, 2) formalizing the graceful degradation specification for fault tolerant systems with temporal logic, and 3) developing algorithms to synthesize correct-by-construction controllers that achieve such graceful degradation, with possible delay in the fault detection. In particular, two sets of approaches from the temporal logic planning domain, i.e., abstraction-based synthesis and optimization-based path planning, are considered. First, for abstraction-based approaches, we propose a recursive algorithm to reduce the fault tolerant controller synthesis problem into multiple small synthesis problems with simpler specifications. Such recursive reduction leverages the structure of the fault propagation and hence avoids the high complexity of solving the problem monolithically as one general temporal logic game. Furthermore, by exploring the structural properties in the specifications, we show that, even when the fault is detected with delay, the problem can be solved by a similar recursive algorithm without constructing the belief space. Secondly, optimization-based path planning is considered. The proposed approach leverages the recently developed temporal logic encodings and state-of-art mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers. The novelty of this work is to enhance the open-loop strategy obtained through solving the MIP so that it can react contingently to faults and disturbance. Finally, the control synthesis techniques developed for discrete state systems is shown to be applicable to continuous states systems. This is demonstrated by fuel cell thermal management application. Particularly, to apply the abstraction-based synthesis methods to complex systems such as the fuel cell thermal management system, structural properties (e.g., mixed monotonicity) of the system are explored and leveraged to ease abstraction computation, and techniques are developed to improve the scalability of synthesis process whenever the system has a large number of control actions.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155031/1/yliren_1.pd