63 research outputs found

    Lattice-extended Coloured Petri Net Rewriting for Adaptable User Interface Models

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    Adaptable user interfaces (UI) have shown a great variety of advantages in human computer interaction compared to classic UI designs. We show how adaptable UIs can be built by introducing coloured Petri nets to connect the UI’s physical representation with the system to be controlled. UI development benefits from formal modelling approaches regarding the derived close integration of creation, execution, and reconfiguration of formal UI models. Thus, adaptation does not only change the physical representation, but also the connecting Petri net. For the latter transformation, we enhance the DPO rewriting formalism by using an order on the set of labels and softening the label-preserving property of morphisms, i.e., an element can also be mapped to another element if the label is larger. We use lattices to ensure correctness and state application conditions of rewriting steps. Finally we define an order compatible with our framework for the use in our implementation

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    We present a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation. We called it CODA, for COntrol Data Adaptation, since it is based on the notion of control data. CODA promotes a neat separation between application and adaptation logic through a clear identification of the set of data that is relevant for the latter. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey a representative set of approaches to adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models and architectural solutions

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions

    Proceedings of Monterey Workshop 2001 Engineering Automation for Sofware Intensive System Integration

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    The 2001 Monterey Workshop on Engineering Automation for Software Intensive System Integration was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office and the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency. It is our pleasure to thank the workshop advisory and sponsors for their vision of a principled engineering solution for software and for their many-year tireless effort in supporting a series of workshops to bring everyone together.This workshop is the 8 in a series of International workshops. The workshop was held in Monterey Beach Hotel, Monterey, California during June 18-22, 2001. The general theme of the workshop has been to present and discuss research works that aims at increasing the practical impact of formal methods for software and systems engineering. The particular focus of this workshop was "Engineering Automation for Software Intensive System Integration". Previous workshops have been focused on issues including, "Real-time & Concurrent Systems", "Software Merging and Slicing", "Software Evolution", "Software Architecture", "Requirements Targeting Software" and "Modeling Software System Structures in a fastly moving scenario".Office of Naval ResearchAir Force Office of Scientific Research Army Research OfficeDefense Advanced Research Projects AgencyApproved for public release, distribution unlimite

    Foundations of Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This open access book coherently gathers well-founded information on the fundamentals of and formalisms for modelling cyber-physical systems (CPS). Highlighting the cross-disciplinary nature of CPS modelling, it also serves as a bridge for anyone entering CPS from related areas of computer science or engineering. Truly complex, engineered systems—known as cyber-physical systems—that integrate physical, software, and network aspects are now on the rise. However, there is no unifying theory nor systematic design methods, techniques or tools for these systems. Individual (mechanical, electrical, network or software) engineering disciplines only offer partial solutions. A technique known as Multi-Paradigm Modelling has recently emerged suggesting to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s), and then weaving the results together to form a representation of the system. If properly applied, it enables, among other global aspects, performance analysis, exhaustive simulation, and verification. This book is the first systematic attempt to bring together these formalisms for anyone starting in the field of CPS who seeks solid modelling foundations and a comprehensive introduction to the distinct existing techniques that are multi-paradigmatic. Though chiefly intended for master and post-graduate level students in computer science and engineering, it can also be used as a reference text for practitioners

    Verification of Well-Structured Graph Transformation Systems

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    The aim of this thesis is the definition of a high-level framework for verifying concurrent and distributed systems. Verification in computer science is challenging, since models that are sufficiently expressive to describe real-life case studies suffer from the undecidability of interesting problems. This also holds for the graph transformation systems used in this thesis. To still be able to analyse these system we have to restrict either the class of systems we can model, the class of states we can express or the properties we can verify. In fact, in the framework we will present, all these limitations are possible and each allows to solve different verification problems. For modelling we use graphs as the states of the system and graph transformation rules to model state changes. More precisely, we use hypergraphs, where an edge may be incident to an arbitrary long sequence of nodes. As rule formalism we use the single pushout approach based on category theory. This provides us with a powerful formalisms that allows us to use a finite set of rules to describe an infinite transition system. To obtain decidability results while still maintaining an infinite state space we use the theory of well-structured transition systems (WSTS), the main source of decidability results in the infinite case. We need to equip our state space with a well-quasi-order (wqo) which is a simulation relation for the transition relation (this is also known as compatibility condition or monotonicity requirement). If a system can be seen as a WSTS and some additional conditions are satisfied, one can decide the coverability problem, i.e., the problem of verifying whether, from a given initial state one can reach a state that covers a final state, i.e. is larger than the final state with respect to a chosen order. This problem can be used for verification by giving a finite set of minimal error states that represent an infinite class of erroneous states (i.e. all larger states). By checking whether one of these minimal states is coverable, we verify whether an error is reachable. The theory of WSTS provides us with a generic backwards algorithm to solve this problem. For graphs we will introduce three orders, the minor ordering, the subgraph ordering and the induced subgraph ordering, and investigate which graph transformation systems form WSTS with these orders. Since only the minor ordering is a wqo on all graphs, we will first define so-called Q-restricted WSTS, where we only require that the chosen order is a wqo on the downward-closed class Q. We examine how this affects the decidability of the coverability problem and present appropriate classes Q such that the subgraph ordering and induced subgraph ordering form Q-restricted WSTS. Furthermore, we will prove the computability of the backward algorithm for these Q-restricted WSTS. More precisely, we will do this in the form of a framework and give necessary conditions for orders to be compatible with this framework. For the three mentioned orders we prove that they satisfy these conditions. Being compatible with different orders strengthens the framework in the following way: On the one hand error specifications have to be invariant wrt. the order, meaning that different orders can describe different properties. On the other hand, there is the following trade-off: coarser orders are wqos on larger sets of graphs, but fewer GTS are well-structured wrt. coarse orders (analogously the reverse holds for fine orders). Finally, we will present the tool Uncover which implements most of the theoretical framework defined in this thesis. The practical value of our approach is illustrated by several case studies and runtime results

    Transformation by example

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    La transformation de modèles consiste à transformer un modèle source en un modèle cible conformément à des méta-modèles source et cible. Nous distinguons deux types de transformations. La première est exogène où les méta-modèles source et cible représentent des formalismes différents et où tous les éléments du modèle source sont transformés. Quand elle concerne un même formalisme, la transformation est endogène. Ce type de transformation nécessite généralement deux étapes : l’identification des éléments du modèle source à transformer, puis la transformation de ces éléments. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons trois principales contributions liées à ces problèmes de transformation. La première contribution est l’automatisation des transformations des modèles. Nous proposons de considérer le problème de transformation comme un problème d'optimisation combinatoire où un modèle cible peut être automatiquement généré à partir d'un nombre réduit d'exemples de transformations. Cette première contribution peut être appliquée aux transformations exogènes ou endogènes (après la détection des éléments à transformer). La deuxième contribution est liée à la transformation endogène où les éléments à transformer du modèle source doivent être détectés. Nous proposons une approche pour la détection des défauts de conception comme étape préalable au refactoring. Cette approche est inspirée du principe de la détection des virus par le système immunitaire humain, appelée sélection négative. L’idée consiste à utiliser de bonnes pratiques d’implémentation pour détecter les parties du code à risque. La troisième contribution vise à tester un mécanisme de transformation en utilisant une fonction oracle pour détecter les erreurs. Nous avons adapté le mécanisme de sélection négative qui consiste à considérer comme une erreur toute déviation entre les traces de transformation à évaluer et une base d’exemples contenant des traces de transformation de bonne qualité. La fonction oracle calcule cette dissimilarité et les erreurs sont ordonnées selon ce score. Les différentes contributions ont été évaluées sur d’importants projets et les résultats obtenus montrent leurs efficacités.Model transformations take as input a source model and generate as output a target model. The source and target models conform to given meta-models. We distinguish between two transformation categories. Exogenous transformations are transformations between models expressed using different languages, and the whole source model is transformed. Endogenous transformations are transformations between models expressed in the same language. For endogenous transformations, two steps are needed: identifying the source model elements to transform and then applying the transformation on them. In this thesis, we propose three principal contributions. The first contribution aims to automate model transformations. The process is seen as an optimization problem where different transformation possibilities are evaluated and, for each possibility, a quality is associated depending on its conformity with a reference set of examples. This first contribution can be applied to exogenous as well as endogenous transformation (after determining the source model elements to transform). The second contribution is related precisely to the detection of elements concerned with endogenous transformations. In this context, we present a new technique for design defect detection. The detection is based on the notion that the more a code deviates from good practice, the more likely it is bad. Taking inspiration from artificial immune systems, we generate a set of detectors that characterize the ways in which a code can diverge from good practices. We then use these detectors to determine how far the code in the assessed systems deviates from normality. The third contribution concerns transformation mechanism testing. The proposed oracle function compares target test cases with a base of examples containing good quality transformation traces, and assigns a risk level based on the dissimilarity between the two. The traces help the tester understand the origin of an error. The three contributions are evaluated with real software projects and the obtained results confirm their efficiencies

    Formal aspects of component software

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    This is the pre-proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'09)