116 research outputs found

    On the Lattice Distortion Problem

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    We introduce and study the \emph{Lattice Distortion Problem} (LDP). LDP asks how "similar" two lattices are. I.e., what is the minimal distortion of a linear bijection between the two lattices? LDP generalizes the Lattice Isomorphism Problem (the lattice analogue of Graph Isomorphism), which simply asks whether the minimal distortion is one. As our first contribution, we show that the distortion between any two lattices is approximated up to a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor by a simple function of their successive minima. Our methods are constructive, allowing us to compute low-distortion mappings that are within a 2O(nloglogn/logn)2^{O(n \log \log n/\log n)} factor of optimal in polynomial time and within a nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)} factor of optimal in singly exponential time. Our algorithms rely on a notion of basis reduction introduced by Seysen (Combinatorica 1993), which we show is intimately related to lattice distortion. Lastly, we show that LDP is NP-hard to approximate to within any constant factor (under randomized reductions), by a reduction from the Shortest Vector Problem.Comment: This is the full version of a paper that appeared in ESA 201

    Search-to-Decision Reductions for Lattice Problems with Approximation Factors (Slightly) Greater Than One

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    We show the first dimension-preserving search-to-decision reductions for approximate SVP and CVP. In particular, for any γ1+O(logn/n)\gamma \leq 1 + O(\log n/n), we obtain an efficient dimension-preserving reduction from γO(n/logn)\gamma^{O(n/\log n)}-SVP to γ\gamma-GapSVP and an efficient dimension-preserving reduction from γO(n)\gamma^{O(n)}-CVP to γ\gamma-GapCVP. These results generalize the known equivalences of the search and decision versions of these problems in the exact case when γ=1\gamma = 1. For SVP, we actually obtain something slightly stronger than a search-to-decision reduction---we reduce γO(n/logn)\gamma^{O(n/\log n)}-SVP to γ\gamma-unique SVP, a potentially easier problem than γ\gamma-GapSVP.Comment: Updated to acknowledge additional prior wor

    Linear Depth Integer-Wise Homomorphic Division

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    Part 3: CryptographyInternational audienceWe propose a secure integer-wise homomorphic division algorithm on fully homomorphic encryption schemes (FHE). For integer-wise algorithms, we encrypt plaintexts as integers without encoding them into bit values, while in bit-wise algorithms, plaintexts are encoded into binary and bit values are encrypted one by one. All the publicly available division algorithms are constructed in bit-wise style, and to the best of our knowledge there are no known integer-wise algorithm for secure division. We derive some empirical results on the FHE library HElib and show that our algorithm is 2.45x faster than the fastest bit-wise algorithm. We also show that the multiplicative depth of our algorithm is O(l), where l is the integer bit length, while that of existing division algorithms is O(l2)O(l^2). Furthermore, we generalise our secure division algorithm and propose a method for secure calculation of a general 2-variable function. The order of multiplicative depth of the algorithm, which is a main factor of the complexity of a FHE algorithm, is exactly the same as our secure division algorithm

    A New Batch FHE Scheme over the Integers

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    The FHE (fully homomorphic encryption) schemes [7, 13] based on the modified AGCD problem (noise-free AGCD problem) are vulnerable to quantum attacks, because its security relies partly on the hardness of factoring, and some FHE schemes based on the decisional AGCD without the noise-free assumption, for example [1], has a drawback that its ciphertexts are very large. In this paper, we construct a new batch FHE scheme based on the decisional AGCD problem to overcome these weaknesses and prove its security

    Classical Homomorphic Encryption for Quantum Circuits

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    We present the first leveled fully homomorphic encryption scheme for quantum circuits with classical keys. The scheme allows a classical client to blindly delegate a quantum computation to a quantum server: an honest server is able to run the computation while a malicious server is unable to learn any information about the computation. We show that it is possible to construct such a scheme directly from a quantum secure classical homomorphic encryption scheme with certain properties. Finally, we show that a classical homomorphic encryption scheme with the required properties can be constructed from the learning with errors problem


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    University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Ring Packing and Amortized FHEW Bootstrapping

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    The FHEW fully homomorphic encryption scheme (Ducas and Micciancio, Eurocrypt 2015) offers very fast homomorphic NAND-gate computations (on encrypted data) and a relatively fast refreshing procedure that allows to homomorphically evaluate arbitrary NAND boolean circuits. Unfortunately, the refreshing procedure needs to be executed after every single NAND computation, and each refreshing operates on a single encrypted bit, greatly decreasing the overall throughput of the scheme. We give a new refreshing procedure that simultaneously refreshes n FHEW ciphertexts, at a cost comparable to a single-bit FHEW refreshing operation. As a result, the cost of each refreshing is amortized over n encrypted bits, improving the throughput for the homomorphic evaluation of boolean circuits roughly by a factor n

    Solving the Closest Vector Problem in 2n2^n Time--- The Discrete Gaussian Strikes Again!

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    We give a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time and space randomized algorithm for solving the exact Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on nn-dimensional Euclidean lattices. This improves on the previous fastest algorithm, the deterministic O~(4n)\widetilde{O}(4^{n})-time and O~(2n)\widetilde{O}(2^{n})-space algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris. We achieve our main result in three steps. First, we show how to modify the sampling algorithm from [ADRS15] to solve the problem of discrete Gaussian sampling over lattice shifts, LtL- t, with very low parameters. While the actual algorithm is a natural generalization of [ADRS15], the analysis uses substantial new ideas. This yields a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time algorithm for approximate CVP for any approximation factor γ=1+2o(n/logn)\gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/\log n)}. Second, we show that the approximate closest vectors to a target vector tt can be grouped into "lower-dimensional clusters," and we use this to obtain a recursive reduction from exact CVP to a variant of approximate CVP that "behaves well with these clusters." Third, we show that our discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm can be used to solve this variant of approximate CVP. The analysis depends crucially on some new properties of the discrete Gaussian distribution and approximate closest vectors, which might be of independent interest