419 research outputs found

    Return Codes from Lattice Assumptions

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    We present an approach for creating return codes for latticebased electronic voting. For a voting system with four control components and two rounds of communication our scheme results in a total of 2.3MB of communication per voter, taking less than 1 s of computation. Together with the shuffle and the decryption protocols by Aranha et al. [1,2], the return codes presented can be used to build a post-quantum secure cryptographic voting scheme

    Signature Schemes with Efficient Protocols and Dynamic Group Signatures from Lattice Assumptions

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    International audienceA recent line of works – initiated by Gordon, Katz and Vaikuntanathan (Asiacrypt 2010) – gave lattice-based realizations of privacy-preserving protocols allowing users to authenticate while remaining hidden in a crowd. Despite five years of efforts, known constructions remain limited to static populations of users, which cannot be dynamically updated. For example, none of the existing lattice-based group signatures seems easily extendable to the more realistic setting of dynamic groups. This work provides new tools enabling the design of anonymous authen-tication systems whereby new users can register and obtain credentials at any time. Our first contribution is a signature scheme with efficient protocols, which allows users to obtain a signature on a committed value and subsequently prove knowledge of a signature on a committed message. This construction, which builds on the lattice-based signature of Böhl et al. (Eurocrypt'13), is well-suited to the design of anonymous credentials and dynamic group signatures. As a second technical contribution, we provide a simple, round-optimal joining mechanism for introducing new members in a group. This mechanism consists of zero-knowledge arguments allowing registered group members to prove knowledge of a secret short vector of which the corresponding public syndrome was certified by the group manager. This method provides similar advantages to those of structure-preserving signatures in the realm of bilinear groups. Namely, it allows group members to generate their public key on their own without having to prove knowledge of the underlying secret key. This results in a two-round join protocol supporting concurrent enrollments, which can be used in other settings such as group encryption

    More Efficient Commitments from Structured Lattice Assumptions

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    We present a practical construction of an additively homomorphic commitment scheme based on structured lattice assumptions, together with a zero-knowledge proof of opening knowledge. Our scheme is a design improvement over the previous work of Benhamouda et al. in that it is not restricted to being statistically binding. While it is possible to instantiate our scheme to be statistically binding or statistically hiding, it is most efficient when both hiding and binding properties are only computational. This results in approximately a factor of 4 reduction in the size of the proof and a factor of 6 reduction in the size of the commitment over the aforementioned scheme

    Private Puncturable PRFs From Standard Lattice Assumptions

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    A puncturable pseudorandom function (PRF) has a master key kk that enables one to evaluate the PRF at all points of the domain, and has a punctured key kxk_x that enables one to evaluate the PRF at all points but one. The punctured key kxk_x reveals no information about the value of the PRF at the punctured point xx. Punctured PRFs play an important role in cryptography, especially in applications of indistinguishability obfuscation. However, in previous constructions, the punctured key kxk_x completely reveals the punctured point xx: given kxk_x it is easy to determine xx. A {\em private} puncturable PRF is one where kxk_x reveals nothing about~xx. This concept was defined by Boneh, Lewi, and Wu, who showed the usefulness of private puncturing, and gave constructions based on multilinear maps. The question is whether private puncturing can be built from a standard (weaker) cryptographic assumption. We construct the first privately puncturable PRF from standard lattice assumptions, namely from the hardness of learning with errors (LWE) and 1 dimensional short integer solutions (1D-SIS), which have connections to worst-case hardness of general lattice problems. Our starting point is the (non-private) PRF of Brakerski and Vaikuntanathan. We introduce a number of new techniques to enhance this PRF, from which we obtain a privately puncturable PRF. In addition, we also study the simulation based definition of private constrained PRFs for general circuits, and show that the definition is not satisfiable

    Watermarking Cryptographic Functionalities from Standard Lattice Assumptions

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    A software watermarking scheme allows one to embed a mark into a program without significantly altering the behavior of the program. Moreover, it should be difficult to remove the watermark without destroying the functionality of the program. Recently, Cohen et al. (STOC 2016) and Boneh et al. (PKC 2017) showed how to watermark cryptographic functions such as PRFs using indistinguishability obfuscation. Notably, in their constructions, the watermark remains intact even against arbitrary removal strategies. A natural question is whether we can build watermarking schemes from standard assumptions that achieve this strong mark-unremovability property. We give the first construction of a watermarkable family of PRFs that satisfy this strong mark-unremovability property from standard lattice assumptions (namely, the learning with errors (LWE) and the one-dimensional short integer solution (SIS) problems). As part of our construction, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called a translucent PRF. Next, we give a concrete construction of a translucent PRF family from standard lattice assumptions. Finally, we show that using our new lattice-based translucent PRFs, we obtain the first watermarkable family of PRFs with strong unremovability against arbitrary strategies from standard assumptions

    LATKE: An identity-binding PAKE from lattice assumptions

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    In a recent work, Cremers, Naor, Paz, and Ronen (CRYPTO \u2722) point out the problem of catastrophic impersonation in balanced password authenticated key exchange protocols (PAKEs). Namely, in a balanced PAKE, when a single party is compromised, the attacker learns the password and can subsequently impersonate anyone to anyone using the same password. The authors of the work present two solutions to this issue: CHIP, an identity-binding PAKE (iPAKE), and CRISP, a strong identity-binding PAKE (siPAKE). These constructions prevent the impersonation attack by generating a secret key on setup that is inextricably tied to the party\u27s identity, and then deleting the password. Thus, upon compromise, all an attacker can immediately do is impersonate the victim. The strong variant goes further, preventing attackers from performing any precomputation before the compromise occurs. In this work we present LATKE, an iPAKE from lattice assumptions in the random oracle model. In order to achieve security and correctness, we must make changes to CHIP\u27s primitives, security models, and protocol structure

    Bootstrapping Homomorphic Encryption via Functional Encryption

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    Homomorphic encryption is a central object in modern cryptography, with far-reaching applications. Constructions supporting homomorphic evaluation of arbitrary Boolean circuits have been known for over a decade, based on standard lattice assumptions. However, these constructions are leveled, meaning that they only support circuits up to some a-priori bounded depth. These leveled constructions can be bootstrapped into fully homomorphic ones, but this requires additional circular security assumptions, which are construction-dependent, and where reductions to standard lattice assumptions are no longer known. Alternative constructions are known based on indistinguishability obfuscation, which has been recently constructed under standard assumptions. However, this alternative requires subexponential hardness of the underlying primitives. We prove a new bootstrapping theorem based on functional encryption, which is known based on standard polynomial hardness assumptions. As a result we obtain the first fully homomorphic encryption scheme that avoids both circular security assumptions and super-polynomial hardness assumptions. The construction is secure against uniform adversaries, and can be made non-uniformly secure assuming a generalization of the time-hierarchy theorem, which follows for example from non-uniform ETH. At the heart of the construction is a new proof technique based on cryptographic puzzles and decomposable obfuscation. Unlike most cryptographic reductions, our security reduction does not fully treat the adversary as a black box, but rather makes explicit use of its running time (or circuit size)

    Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Low Amortized Communication from Lattice Assumptions

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    We construct zero-knowledge proofs of plaintext knowledge (PoPK) and correct multiplication (PoPC) for the Regev encryption scheme with low amortized communication complexity. Previous constructions of both PoPK and PoPC had communication cost linear in the size of the public key (roughly quadratic in the lattice dimension, ignoring logarithmic factors). Furthermore, previous constructions of PoPK suffered from one of the following weaknesses: either the message and randomness space were restricted, or there was a super-polynomial gap between the size of the message and randomness that an honest prover chose and the size of which an accepting verifier would be convinced. The latter weakness was also present in the existent PoPC protocols. In contrast, O(n) proofs (for lattice dimension n) in our PoPK and PoPC protocols have communication cost linear in the public key. Thus, we improve the amortized communication cost of each proof by a factor linear in the security parameter. Furthermore, we allow the message space to be \Z_p and the randomness distribution to be the discrete Gaussian, both of which are natural choices for the Regev encryption scheme. Finally, in our schemes there is no gap between the the size of the message and randomness that an honest prover chooses and the size of which an accepting verifier is convinced. Our constructions use the ``MPC-in-the-head\u27\u27 technique of Ishai et al. (STOC 2007). At the heart of our constructions is a protocol for proving that a value is bounded by some publicly known bound. This uses Lagrange\u27s Theorem that states that any positive integer can be expressed as the sum of four squares (an idea previously used by Boudot (EUROCRYPT 2000)), as well as techniques from Cramer and Damgård (CRYPTO 2009)

    Multi-Theorem Preprocessing NIZKs from Lattices

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    Non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs are fundamental to modern cryptography. Numerous NIZK constructions are known in both the random oracle and the common reference string (CRS) models. In the CRS model, there exist constructions from several classes of cryptographic assumptions such as trapdoor permutations, pairings, and indistinguishability obfuscation. Notably absent from this list, however, are constructions from standard lattice assumptions. While there has been partial progress in realizing NIZKs from lattices for specific languages, constructing NIZK proofs (and arguments) for all of NP from standard lattice assumptions remains open. In this work, we make progress on this problem by giving the first construction of a multi-theorem NIZK for NP from standard lattice assumptions in the preprocessing model. In the preprocessing model, a (trusted) setup algorithm generates proving and verification keys. The proving key is needed to construct proofs and the verification key is needed to check proofs. In the multi-theorem setting, the proving and verification keys should be reusable for an unbounded number of theorems without compromising soundness or zero-knowledge. Existing constructions of NIZKs in the preprocessing model (or even the designated-verifier model) that rely on weaker assumptions like one-way functions or oblivious transfer are only secure in a single-theorem setting. Thus, constructing multi-theorem NIZKs in the preprocessing model does not seem to be inherently easier than constructing them in the CRS model. We begin by constructing a multi-theorem preprocessing NIZK directly from context-hiding homomorphic signatures. Then, we show how to efficiently implement the preprocessing step using a new cryptographic primitive called blind homomorphic signatures. This primitive may be of independent interest. Finally, we show how to leverage our new lattice-based preprocessing NIZKs to obtain new malicious-secure MPC protocols purely from standard lattice assumptions