4,803 research outputs found

    Terahertz imaging with sub-wavelength resolution by femtosecond laser filament in air

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    Terahertz (THz) imaging provides cutting edge technique in biology, medical sciences and non-destructive evaluation. However, due to the long wavelength of the THz wave, the obtained resolution of THz imaging is normally a few hundred microns and is much lower than that of the traditional optical imaging. We introduce a sub-wavelength resolution THz imaging technique which uses the THz radiation generated by a femtosecond laser filament in air as the probe. This method is based on the fact that the femtosecond laser filament forms a waveguide for the THz wave in air. The diameter of the THz beam, which propagates inside the filament, varies from 20 {\mu}m to 50 {\mu}m, which is significantly smaller than the wavelength of the THz wave. Using this highly spatially confined THz beam as the probe, THz imaging with resolution as high as 20 {\mu}m (~{\lambda}/38) can be realized.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Laser Terahertz Emission Microscope

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    Abstract: Laser terahertz (THz) emission microscope (LTEM) is reviewed. Femtosecond lasers can excite the THz waves in various electronic materials due to ultrafast current modulation. The current modulation is realized by acceleration or deceleration of photo-excited carriers, and thus LTEM visualizes dynamic photo-response of substances. We construct free-space type and scanning probe one with transmission or reflection modes. The developed systems have a minimum spatial resolution better than 2 µm, which is defined by the laser beam diameter. We also present some examples of LTEM applications

    A dual-grating InGaAsP/InP DFB laser integrated with an SOA for THz generation

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    We report a dual-mode semiconductor laser that has two gratings with different periods below and above the active layer. A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), which is integrated with the dual-mode laser, plays an important role in balancing the optical power and reducing the linewidths of the emission modes. A stable two mode emission with the 13.92-nm spacing can be obtained over a wide range of distributed feedback and SOA injection currents. Compared with other types of dual-mode lasers, our device has the advantages of simple structure, compact size, and low fabrication cost

    Optimization of photomixers and antennas for continuous-wave terahertz emission

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    We have studied terahertz emission from interdigitated finger photomixers coupled to planar antenna structures. Using both pulsed and continuous-wave excitation, polarization measurements reveal that the antenna design dominates the properties of the radiated output at frequencies below 0.6 THz, while the efficiency at higher frequencies is additionally dependent on the design of the photomixer fingers. We have produced terahertz maps of the device, characterizing the photomixer by measuring the generated power as a function of the excitation position. Together, these measurements have allowed us to understand better the distinct roles of the photomixer and antenna in emission at different fre

    Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation

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    Terahertz electromagnetic radiation is extremely useful for numerous applications such as imaging and spectroscopy. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have an efficient table-top emitter covering the 1-to-30-THz window whilst being driven by a low-cost, low-power femtosecond laser oscillator. So far, all solid-state emitters solely exploit physics related to the electron charge and deliver emission spectra with substantial gaps. Here, we take advantage of the electron spin to realize a conceptually new terahertz source which relies on tailored fundamental spintronic and photonic phenomena in magnetic metal multilayers: ultrafast photo-induced spin currents, the inverse spin-Hall effect and a broadband Fabry-P\'erot resonance. Guided by an analytical model, such spintronic route offers unique possibilities for systematic optimization. We find that a 5.8-nm-thick W/CoFeB/Pt trilayer generates ultrashort pulses fully covering the 1-to-30-THz range. Our novel source outperforms laser-oscillator-driven emitters such as ZnTe(110) crystals in terms of bandwidth, terahertz-field amplitude, flexibility, scalability and cost.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure
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