16 research outputs found

    Diretrizes para o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras na indústria da construção

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    O mundo está mudando rapidamente devido a novos avanços significativos, embora a indústria da construção tenha sido relativamente lenta para inovar. No entanto, soluções inovadoras recentes relacionadas à novas tecnologias e materiais e estratégias de gestão estão sendo desenvolvidas para aprimorar os processos construtivos. Recentes estudos mostram o desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços inovadores para outros setores usando métodos inovadores (Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Metodologias Ágeis e Modelo de Negócio), mas na literatura da indústria da construção ainda permanece pouco explorada. Esta tese propõe diretrizes para startups desenvolverem produtos e serviços para o mercado de construção com base em insights da literatura e da prática de startups deste setor. Primeiro, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de literatura e o mapeamento dos estudos encontrados em três comunidades relacionadas com os métodos inovadores. Apesar de todas as comunidades abordarem o desenvolvimento de soluções, apenas a primeira utilizava mais de um método inovador com o objetivo de criar produtos e serviços por novos negócios em diferentes contextos, como saúde, educação e engenharia. Assim, os modelos de métodos inovadores e as ferramentas utilizadas nesta comunidade foram identificados para servir como ponto de partida para investigar como as startups da construção estão desenvolvendo soluções. Baseando-se nas etapas e nas ferramentas identificadas nesta comunidade, sete startups do setor da construção civil detalharam em workshops como desenvolvem suas soluções a partir do uso de métodos inovadores. A análise do processo de desenvolvimento das soluções e a combinação das etapas e ferramentas descritas pelas sete startups foram a base para o desenvolvimento da primeira versão do modelo integrador para auxiliar na criação de soluções para o mercado da construção baseadas em métodos inovadores. O modelo inclui etapas específicas relacionadas com as estratégias comerciais e operacionais da startup e a incorporação do ponto de vista de diferentes stakeholders para a tomada de decisões, diferente do que ocorre em modelos existentes. A validação da primeira versão por cinco startups da construção em termos de utilidade e facilidade de uso mostrou que o pequeno grupo de startups da construção tinham dificuldades para realizar as etapas do modelo e identificar as ferramentas que auxiliaram na sua aplicação. Desta forma, foi desenvolvida uma survey com o objetivo de entender de forma mais ampla quais eram as etapas que as startups da construção tinham mais dificuldades na aplicação dos métodos inovadores e quais ferramentas mais utilizaram. As etapas que as startups tiveram mais dificuldades (identificação do problema, ideação e desenvolvimento da primeira versão da solução) foram identificadas a fim de serem aprofundadas na versão final do modelo integrador. A validação desta versão por cinco especialistas em inovação em termos de utilidade e facilidade de uso permitiu a identificação de atividades que deveriam estar associadas com as etapas, como realizar o contrato com a equipe, participar em processos de incubação e precificar a solução no começo do desenvolvimento. Assim, foram desenvolvidas diretrizes e o infográfico com atividades que auxiliam as startups da construção a desenvolver soluções a partir do uso de métodos inovadores.The world is changing faster due to significant new advances, although the construction industry has been relatively slow to innovate. Nevertheless, recent innovative solutions related to new technologies, new materials, and management strategies are being developed to enhance construction processes. Although studies are already being conducted to investigate how innovative solutions for other industries are being created using innovative methods, such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile methodologies, and Business Model Canvas, the literature on the construction industry remains underexplored. Based on insights from the literature and startup practice in this sector, this thesis proposes guidelines for startups to develop products and services for the construction market. First, a systematic literature review was conducted, and the studies related to innovative methods explored in three communities were mapped. Even though all communities focused on finding solutions, only the first community employed multiple innovative methods in order to develop new businesses in a variety of fields, including engineering, health, and education. As a result, models of innovative methods and tools used in this community were identified as a starting point for researching how construction startups develop solutions. Seven startups from the civil construction sector detailed in workshops how they develop their solutions using innovative methods based on the steps and tools identified in the community. The analysis of the solution development process and the combination of steps and tools described by the seven startups served as the foundation for the creation of the first version of the integrative model to aid in the creation of innovative solutions for the construction market. Unlike existing models, the model incorporates specific steps related to the startup's commercial and operational strategies, as well as the incorporation of different stakeholders' points of view for decision-making. The validation of the first version by five construction startups in terms of usefulness and usability revealed that the small group of construction startups struggled to carry out the model's steps and apply the tools. As a result, a survey was created with the goal of better understanding which steps construction startups had the most difficulty applying innovative methods and which tools they used the most. The steps that startups had the most difficulty with (problem identification, ideation, and development of the first version of the solution) were identified and expanded in the integrator model's final version. It was possible to identify the activities that should be connected to the steps, such as hiring the team with a formal contract, taking part in incubation processes, and pricing the solution, due to the validation of this version by five innovation specialists in terms of usefulness and usability. As a result, guidelines and an infographic with activities were created to assist construction startups in developing innovative solutions

    Modern computing: Vision and challenges

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    Over the past six decades, the computing systems field has experienced significant transformations, profoundly impacting society with transformational developments, such as the Internet and the commodification of computing. Underpinned by technological advancements, computer systems, far from being static, have been continuously evolving and adapting to cover multifaceted societal niches. This has led to new paradigms such as cloud, fog, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), which offer fresh economic and creative opportunities. Nevertheless, this rapid change poses complex research challenges, especially in maximizing potential and enhancing functionality. As such, to maintain an economical level of performance that meets ever-tighter requirements, one must understand the drivers of new model emergence and expansion, and how contemporary challenges differ from past ones. To that end, this article investigates and assesses the factors influencing the evolution of computing systems, covering established systems and architectures as well as newer developments, such as serverless computing, quantum computing, and on-device AI on edge devices. Trends emerge when one traces technological trajectory, which includes the rapid obsolescence of frameworks due to business and technical constraints, a move towards specialized systems and models, and varying approaches to centralized and decentralized control. This comprehensive review of modern computing systems looks ahead to the future of research in the field, highlighting key challenges and emerging trends, and underscoring their importance in cost-effectively driving technological progress

    Modern computing: vision and challenges

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    Over the past six decades, the computing systems field has experienced significant transformations, profoundly impacting society with transformational developments, such as the Internet and the commodification of computing. Underpinned by technological advancements, computer systems, far from being static, have been continuously evolving and adapting to cover multifaceted societal niches. This has led to new paradigms such as cloud, fog, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), which offer fresh economic and creative opportunities. Nevertheless, this rapid change poses complex research challenges, especially in maximizing potential and enhancing functionality. As such, to maintain an economical level of performance that meets ever-tighter requirements, one must understand the drivers of new model emergence and expansion, and how contemporary challenges differ from past ones. To that end, this article investigates and assesses the factors influencing the evolution of computing systems, covering established systems and architectures as well as newer developments, such as serverless computing, quantum computing, and on-device AI on edge devices. Trends emerge when one traces technological trajectory, which includes the rapid obsolescence of frameworks due to business and technical constraints, a move towards specialized systems and models, and varying approaches to centralized and decentralized control. This comprehensive review of modern computing systems looks ahead to the future of research in the field, highlighting key challenges and emerging trends, and underscoring their importance in cost-effectively driving technological progress

    Towards an understanding of the outcomes of Rapid Design Interventions on participants and organisations

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    This study explores Rapid Design Interventions and their outcomes on participants and organisations. Rapid Design Interventions (RDI) involve high-paced and intense workshops delivered by design facilitators according to design principles, using design methods and tools, in a hands-on fashion. It differentiates Rapid Design-Driven Interventions (RDDI) from Rapid Design-Led Interventions (RDLI). The former are aiming at the development or betterment of a product, service, or system; the latter, exploration of potential futures for an organisation aiming at the creation of a strategy to achieve preferred future(s). Although numerous studies highlight the business value of design, most are interested in quantifiable results - the outputs. As such, there is still limited knowledge about the softer change that occurs as a result of design, the outcomes, and specifically as a result of Rapid Design Interventions. This study addresses this gap. This study addresses the research question ‘How do organisations and individuals recognise and sustain the outcomes of RDI and what are the influencers of these outcomes?’ through a Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) approach. It draws on data gathered from participants of RDI, design facilitators and design thinkers, as well as leaders of organisations using RDI in the United Kingdom, Armenia and the United States. In line with the principles of CGT, the author was embedded in the research situation as a practitioner-researcher. The findings from this study indicate that RDI deliver three main outcomes. They help the participants develop an enhanced (1) entrepreneurial agency and creative confidence and (2) a strategic understanding of their organisation. Further, the participants start to integrate a design innovation approach into their day-to-day practice and their teams’, leading their organisations (3) towards a Design Innovation culture. The theory developed from this study contextualises these outcomes as being influenced by interactions between the DFs and their designerly approach, and the RDI participants, their organisational context and the external environment within which the organisation sits. Further, it identifies factors supporting the sustainment of these outcomes, from a supportive organisational culture, to a regular Design Innovation practice and exposure as well as the establishment of long-term relationships between participants and Design Facilitators. The study contributes to the understanding of Design Facilitation as a practice by identifying the phenomenon of Design Listening, which the author proposes as a key skill in enabling the creation of outcomes. Further, by focusing on the outcomes of Rapid Design Interventions, the research demonstrates that Design Facilitation aids in better understanding of the role of such activities in relation to the innovation readiness of an organisation as well as the role of RDI participants as key catalysts for innovation. Finally, the contribution of this research is significant to academics interested in the field of design facilitation, to practitioners and design facilitators to enable a more purposeful design and deployment of RDI and to organisations in developing the potential power of design practice and directing their resources towards it. To this end, RDI stakeholder recommendations based on the study’s findings are offered

    Aus Fehlern in der Softwareentwicklung lernen. Wie durch Fehleranalysen die Prozesse der Anforderungsanalyse und der Qualitätssicherung verbessert werden können

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    Softwarefehler existieren, seit Menschen Software entwickeln. Fehler können mitunter zu erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten und im schlimmsten Fall zum Verlust von Leben führen. Viele Fehler können auf Mängel im Prozess der Anforderungsanalyse zurückgeführt werden. Je später ein Anforderungsfehler entdeckt und behoben wird, desto aufwändiger wird die Korrektur. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt, wie aus Fehlern in der Softwareentwicklung gelernt werden kann. Sie beschreibt ein Verfahren zu Fehleranalyse, auf dessen Basis insbesondere Prozesse der Anforderungsanalyse und der Qualitätssicherung verbessert werden können. Ziel der Verbesserungen ist es, Anforderungsfehler und mögliche Folgefehler im Entwurf und der Implementierung zu vermeiden oder zumindest früher zu finden. In dieser Arbeit wird zunächst ein Modell hergeleitet, das erklärt, warum Anforderungsfehler entstehen. Für bestimmte Typen von Anforderungsfehlern werden auf der Grundlage empirische Befunde konkrete Ursachen im Prozess der Anforderungsanalyse aufgezeigt. Dieses Erklärungsmodell ist Bestandteil eines Verfahrens zur Fehleranalyse, das den Anspruch erhebt, über die Auswertung von Fehlern Rückschlüsse über mögliche Ursachen im Prozess zu ziehen. Das Verfahren ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Orthogonal Defect Classification, kurz ODC. ODC wird in der Arbeit ausführlich dargestellt und auf der Grundlage empirischer Befunde kritisch gewürdigt. Das weiterentwickelte Verfahren zur Fehleranalyse wurde im Rahmen einer einjährigen Fallstudie bei dem IT-Dienstleister einer großen deutschen Versicherung erfolgreich angewandt. Hierbei wurden nachträglich reale Fehler von zwei Softwareentwicklungsprojekten einer geschäftskritischen Anwendungssoftware klassifiziert und analysiert, um Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Verfahren zur Fehleranalyse leistet einen unmittelbaren Beitrag zur Lösung des aufgezeigten Praxisproblems: sie ist ein Instrument, um Prozessmängel der Anforderungsanalyse zu identifizieren, die systematisch Anforderungsfehler und Folgefehler verursachen

    Supply chain management tools and methods

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    In today's business environment, manufacturers need to manage their enterprises as an inseparable part of a supply chain. Key to achieving this is the creation of an extended and integrated information system. In an attempt to find out what needs to be done to improve current supply chain methods and tools, the current research project 1) reviewed the literature to establish current approaches to Supply Chain Management (SCM); 2) identified what tools and methods are available; 3) categorised the current approaches to supply chain management and established a current practice SCM model; 4) identified the requirements for improved SCM; 5) produced an outline requirements specification for improved SCM. The research has made a number of contributions to knowledge. A literature survey on the subject of what SCM involves and what a SCM system is was carried out and was followed by the conclusions that existing software systems have not been classified and tested against the criteria of a true SCM system. A survey of existing SCM software solutions provided data for an analysis of what typical SCM applications include and concluded that a comprehensive SCM solution currently does not exist. That conclusion was verified by a survey based on SCM expert interviews. Three case studies were carried out that looked into different parts of the supply chain and demonstrated the significance of advanced SCM functionality for each one of them. The case studies also involved the design and implementation of a supply chain mapping tool and a supplier relationship management tool. Finally, a conceptual specification of an improved SCM system was developed. The research will be of interest to practitioners in the area of SCM that are looking for ideas to improve SCM procedures and namely, are looking into implementing or developing an already existing software system for SCM. It also suggests ideas for further research, which may be of interest to research students who are interested in the area of SCM.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Proceedings of DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge

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