8 research outputs found

    Accurate Cardinality Estimation of Co-occurring Words Using Suffix Trees (Extended Version)

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    Estimating the cost of a query plan is one of the hardest problems in query optimization. This includes cardinality estimates of string search patterns, of multi-word strings like phrases or text snippets in particular. At first sight, suffix trees address this problem. To curb the memory usage of a suffix tree, one often prunes the tree to a certain depth. But this pruning method "takes away" more information from long strings than from short ones. This problem is particularly severe with sets of long strings, the setting studied here. In this article, we propose respective pruning techniques. Our approaches remove characters with low information value. The various variants determine a character\u27s information value in different ways, e.g., by using conditional entropy with respect to previous characters in the string. Our experiments show that, in contrast to the well-known pruned suffix tree, our technique provides significantly better estimations when the tree size is reduced by 60% or less. Due to the redundancy of natural language, our pruning techniques yield hardly any error for tree-size reductions of up to 50%

    Analyzing very large time series using suffix arrays

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    Large-Scale Pattern Search Using Reduced-Space On-Disk Suffix Arrays

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    Abstract—The suffix array is an efficient data structure for in-memory pattern search. Suffix arrays can also be used for external-memory pattern search, via two-level structures that use an internal index to identify the correct block of suffix pointers. In this paper we describe a new two-level suffix array-based index structure that requires significantly less disk space than previous approaches. Key to the saving is the use of disk blocks that are based on prefixes rather than the more usual uniform-sampling approach, allowing reductions between blocks and subparts of other blocks. We also describe a new in-memory structure – the condensed BWT – and show that it allows common patterns to be resolved without access to the text. Experiments using 64 GB of English web text on a computer with 4 GB of main memory demonstrate the speed and versatility of the new approach. For this data the index is around one-third the size of previous twolevel mechanisms; and the memory footprint of as little as 1 % of the text size means that queries can be processed more quickly than is possible with a compact FM-INDEX. Index Terms—String search, pattern matching, suffix array, Burrows-Wheeler transform, succinct data structure, disk-based algorithm, experimental evaluation. I

    Large-Scale Pattern Search Using Reduced-Space On-Disk Suffix Arrays

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    Parallel text index construction

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    In dieser Dissertation betrachten wir die parallele Konstruktion von Text-Indizes. Text-Indizes stellen Zusatzinformationen über Texte bereit, die Anfragen hinsichtlich dieser Texte beschleunigen können. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind Volltext-Indizes, welche für eine effiziente Phrasensuche genutzt werden, also etwa für die Frage, ob eine Phrase in einem Text vorkommt oder nicht. Diese Dissertation befasst sich hauptsächlich, aber nicht ausschließlich mit der parallelen Konstruktion von Text-Indizes im geteilten und verteilten Speicher. Im ersten Teil der Dissertation betrachten wir Wavelet-Trees. Dabei handelt es sich um kompakte Indizes, welche Rank- und Select-Anfragen von binären Alphabeten auf Alphabete beliebiger Größe verallgemeinern. Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation betrachten wir das Suffix-Array, den am besten erforschten Text-Index überhaupt. Das Suffix-Array enthält die Startpositionen aller lexikografisch sortierten Suffixe eines Textes, d.h., wir möchten alle Suffixe eines Textes sortieren. Oft wird das Suffix-Array um das Longest-Common-Prefix-Array (LCP-Array) erweitert. Das LCP-Array enthält die Länge der längsten gemeinsamen Präfixe zweier lexikografisch konsekutiven Suffixe. Abschließend nutzen wir verteilte Suffix- und LCP-Arrays, um den Distributed-Patricia-Trie zu konstruieren. Dieser erlaubt es uns, verschiedene Phrase-Anfragen effizienter zu beantworten, als wenn wir nur das Suffix-Array nutzen.The focus of this dissertation is the parallel construction of text indices. Text indices provide additional information about a text that allow to answer queries faster. Full-text indices for example are used to efficiently answer phrase queries, i.e., if and where a phrase occurs in a text. The research in this dissertation is focused on but not limited to parallel construction algorithms for text indices in both shared and distributed memory. In the first part, we look at wavelet trees: a compact index that generalizes rank and select queries from binary alphabets to alphabets of arbitrary size. In the second part of this dissertation, we consider the suffix array---one of the most researched text indices.The suffix array of a text contains the starting positions of the text's lexicographically sorted suffixes, i.e., we want to sort all its suffixes. Finally, we use the distributed suffix arrays (and LCP arrays) to compute distributed Patricia tries. This allows us to answer different phrase queries more efficiently than using only the suffix array

    Scalable String and Suffix Sorting: Algorithms, Techniques, and Tools

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    This dissertation focuses on two fundamental sorting problems: string sorting and suffix sorting. The first part considers parallel string sorting on shared-memory multi-core machines, the second part external memory suffix sorting using the induced sorting principle, and the third part distributed external memory suffix sorting with a new distributed algorithmic big data framework named Thrill.Comment: 396 pages, dissertation, Karlsruher Instituts f\"ur Technologie (2018). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1101.3448 by other author

    Statistical and repetition-based compressed data structures

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    [Abstract] In this thesis we present several practical compressed data structures that address open problems related to statistically-compressible and highly repetitive databases. In a the first part, we focus on statistical-based compressed data structures, targeting the problem of managing large alphabets. This problem arises when typical sequence-based compression is used as a basis for compressed data structures representing more general structures like grids and graphs. Concretely, (a) we provide space-efficient solutions to represent prefix-free codes when the alphabet is large; (b) we also present a new wavelet-tree based data structure to solve rank and select queries that obtains zero-order compression and outperforms previous wavelet tree implementations on large alphabets. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on highly repetitive datasets. We present (c) a very space efficient grammar-based compressed data structure to solve rank and select on these scenarios; (d) the first LZ77-space bounded compressed data structure that solves rank and select queries in O(1) time and is in practice almost as fast as statistically-compressed structures; and (e) the first practical version of grammar-compressed tree topologies, obtaining unprecedented results in the representation of repetitive trees. Additionally, we apply our new solutions to several problems of interest: point grids, inverted indexes, self-indexes, XPath systems, and compressed suffix trees of highly repetitive inputs, displaying various space-time tradeoffs of interest.[Resumen] En esta tesis presentamos varias estructuras de datos comprimidas de naturaleza práctica, centradas en problemas abiertos relacionados con bases de datos estadísticamente compresibles y bases de datos cuyo contenido es altamente repetitivo. En la primera parte, nos centramos en las estructuras de datos comprimidas para bases de datos estadísticamente compresibles, más concretamente, en problemas relativos al manejo de alfabetos grandes. Este tipo de problemas aparecen cuando usamos técnicas clásicas de compresión estadística en estructuras de datos comprimidas para secuencias, y éstas a su vez se aplican a problemas tales como la representación de grillas de puntos o grafos. Concretamente, (a) presentamos soluciones muy eficientes en términos de espacio para representar códigos libres de prefijo cuando el alfabeto el grande; (b) y también presentamos una nueva estructura de datos comprimida basada en wavelet trees para resolver consultas rank y select que obtiene compresión de orden cero y mejora las implementaciones previas de wavelet trees en alfabetos grandes. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, nos centramos en las bases de datos altamente repetitivas. Presentamos (c) una estructura de datos comprimida basada en gramáticas para resolver consultas rank y select en este tipo de contextos y que usa muy poco espacio; (d) la primera estructura de datos comprimida que obtiene espacio proporcional al de un compresor LZ77 y resuelve consultas rank y select en tiempo O(1), siendo en la práctica casi tan rápido como las estructuras de datos basadas en compresión estadística; (e) la primera estructura de datos práctica que utiliza gramáticas para comprimir topologías de árboles, obteniendo resultados sin precedentes para la representación de árboles repetitivos. Adicionalmente, mostramos varias aplicaciones en las que las estructuras de datos que proponemos a lo largo de la tesis resultan de utilidad. Desde representaciones de grillas de puntos, índices invertidos, auto-índices, sistemas XPath, hasta árboles de sufijos comprimidos para colecciones altamente repetitivas, mostrando diferentes resultados de interés tanto en términos de tiempo como de espacio.[Resumo] Nesta tese presentamos varias estruturas de datos comprimidas de natureza práctica, centradas en problemas abertos no ámbito das bases de datos estatisticamente compresibles e das bases de datos altamente repetitivas. Na primeira parte da tese, centrámonos nas estruturas de datos comprimidas para as bases de datos estatisticamente compresibles. Máis concretamente en problemas relativos ó manexo de alfabetos grandes. Este tipo de problemas aparecen cando usamos técnicas de compresión estatística en estruturas de datos comprimidas para secuencias, e esta á sua vez se utilizan para aplicacións tales como a representación de grellas de puntos ou para a representación de grafos. Concretamente, (a) presentamos solucións que son moi eficientes en termos espaciais para representar códigos libres de prefixo cando o alfabeto é grande; e (b) tamén presentamos unha nova estructura de datos comprimida baseada en wavelet trees para resolver consultas rank e select que obtén compresión de orde cero e mellora as implementacións previas de wavelet trees para alfabetos grandes. Na segunda parte da tese, centrámosnos nas bases de datos con contido altamente repetitivo. Presentamos (c) unha estrutura de datos comprimida baseada en gramáticas que usa moi pouco espazo e resolve eficientemente consultas rank e select en este tipo de contextos repetitivos; (d) a primeira estrutura de datos comprimida que obtén espazo proporcional ó que obtén un compresor LZ77 e resolve consultas rank e select en tempo O(1), sendo na práctica tan rápido coma as estruturas de datos baseadas en compresión estatística; (e) a primeira estrutura de datos práctica que utiliza gramáticas para comprimir topoloxías de árbores, obtendo uns resultados sin precedentes para a representación de árbores repetitivos. Adicionalmente, mostramos varias aplicacións nas que as estruturas de datos que propoñemos ó longo da tese resultan de utilidade: representacións de grellas de puntos, índices invertidos, auto-índices, sistemas XPath e árbores de sufixos comprimidos para colecións altamente repetitivas, mostrando diferentes resultados de interese, tanto en termos de espazo coma de tempo