450 research outputs found

    High Dimensional Data Set Analysis Using a Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach

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    Because of technological advances, a trend occurs for data sets increasing in size and dimensionality. Processing these large scale data sets is challenging for conventional computers due to computational limitations. A framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction on large databases is presented that alleviates the issue of large data sets through sampling, graph construction, manifold learning, and embedding. Neighborhood selection is a key step in this framework and a potential area of improvement. The standard approach to neighborhood selection is setting a fixed neighborhood. This could be a fixed number of neighbors or a fixed neighborhood size. Each of these has its limitations due to variations in data density. A novel adaptive neighbor-selection algorithm is presented to enhance performance by incorporating sparse ℓ 1-norm based optimization. These enhancements are applied to the graph construction and embedding modules of the original framework. As validation of the proposed ℓ1-based enhancement, experiments are conducted on these modules using publicly available benchmark data sets. The two approaches are then applied to a large scale magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data set for brain tumor progression prediction. Results showed that the proposed approach outperformed linear methods and other traditional manifold learning algorithms

    Landmark Localization, Feature Matching and Biomarker Discovery from Magnetic Resonance Images

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    The work presented in this thesis proposes several methods that can be roughly divided into three different categories: I) landmark localization in medical images, II) feature matching for image registration, and III) biomarker discovery in neuroimaging. The first part deals with the identification of anatomical landmarks. The motivation stems from the fact that the manual identification and labeling of these landmarks is very time consuming and prone to observer errors, especially when large datasets must be analyzed. In this thesis we present three methods to tackle this challenge: A landmark descriptor based on local self-similarities (SS), a subspace building framework based on manifold learning and a sparse coding landmark descriptor based on data-specific learned dictionary basis. The second part of this thesis deals with finding matching features between a pair of images. These matches can be used to perform a registration between them. Registration is a powerful tool that allows mapping images in a common space in order to aid in their analysis. Accurate registration can be challenging to achieve using intensity based registration algorithms. Here, a framework is proposed for learning correspondences in pairs of images by matching SS features and random sample and consensus (RANSAC) is employed as a robust model estimator to learn a deformation model based on feature matches. Finally, the third part of the thesis deals with biomarker discovery using machine learning. In this section a framework for feature extraction from learned low-dimensional subspaces that represent inter-subject variability is proposed. The manifold subspace is built using data-driven regions of interest (ROI). These regions are learned via sparse regression, with stability selection. Also, probabilistic distribution models for different stages in the disease trajectory are estimated for different class populations in the low-dimensional manifold and used to construct a probabilistic scoring function.Open Acces

    Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Brain Disease Diagnosis : Principles and Recent Advances

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    This work was supported in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea-Grant funded by the Korean Government (Ministry of Science and ICT) under Grant NRF 2020R1A2B5B02002478, and in part by Sejong University through its Faculty Research Program under Grant 20212023.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Graph Priors, Optimal Transport, and Deep Learning in Biomedical Discovery

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    Recent advances in biomedical data collection allows the collection of massive datasets measuring thousands of features in thousands to millions of individual cells. This data has the potential to advance our understanding of biological mechanisms at a previously impossible resolution. However, there are few methods to understand data of this scale and type. While neural networks have made tremendous progress on supervised learning problems, there is still much work to be done in making them useful for discovery in data with more difficult to represent supervision. The flexibility and expressiveness of neural networks is sometimes a hindrance in these less supervised domains, as is the case when extracting knowledge from biomedical data. One type of prior knowledge that is more common in biological data comes in the form of geometric constraints. In this thesis, we aim to leverage this geometric knowledge to create scalable and interpretable models to understand this data. Encoding geometric priors into neural network and graph models allows us to characterize the models’ solutions as they relate to the fields of graph signal processing and optimal transport. These links allow us to understand and interpret this datatype. We divide this work into three sections. The first borrows concepts from graph signal processing to construct more interpretable and performant neural networks by constraining and structuring the architecture. The second borrows from the theory of optimal transport to perform anomaly detection and trajectory inference efficiently and with theoretical guarantees. The third examines how to compare distributions over an underlying manifold, which can be used to understand how different perturbations or conditions relate. For this we design an efficient approximation of optimal transport based on diffusion over a joint cell graph. Together, these works utilize our prior understanding of the data geometry to create more useful models of the data. We apply these methods to molecular graphs, images, single-cell sequencing, and health record data

    Can machine learning methods contribute as a decision support system in sequential oligometastatic radioablation therapy?

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsCancer treatment is among the major medical challenges of this century. Sequential oligometastatic radio-ablation (SOMA) is a novel treatment method that aims at ablating reoccurring metastasis in a single session with a targeted high dose of radiation. To know if SOMA is the best possible treatment method for a patient, the benefits of each available therapy need to be understood and evaluated. The ability to model complex systems, such as cancer treatment, is the strength of machine learning techniques. These techniques have improved the understanding of numerous medical therapies already. In some cases, they can serve as medical support systems if they deliver reliable results that doctors can trust and understand. The results obtained from applying numerous machine learning techniques to the data of SOMA-treated patients show that there are favorable techniques in some cases. It was observed that the Random Forest algorithm proved superior at different classification tasks. Additionally, regression problems opposed a great challenge, as the amount of data is very limited. Finally, SHAP values - a novel machine learning interpretation technique – provided valuable insights into understanding the rationale of each algorithm. They proved that the machine learning algorithms could learn patterns aligned with the human intuition in the problems presented. SHAP values show great potential in bridging the gap between complex machine learning algorithms and their interpretability. They display how an algorithm learns from the data and derives results. This opens up exciting possibilities for applying machine learning algorithms in the real world

    Finite Element Modeling Driven by Health Care and Aerospace Applications

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    This thesis concerns the development, analysis, and computer implementation of mesh generation algorithms encountered in finite element modeling in health care and aerospace. The finite element method can reduce a continuous system to a discrete idealization that can be solved in the same manner as a discrete system, provided the continuum is discretized into a finite number of simple geometric shapes (e.g., triangles in two dimensions or tetrahedrons in three dimensions). In health care, namely anatomic modeling, a discretization of the biological object is essential to compute tissue deformation for physics-based simulations. This thesis proposes an efficient procedure to convert 3-dimensional imaging data into adaptive lattice-based discretizations of well-shaped tetrahedra or mixed elements (i.e., tetrahedra, pentahedra and hexahedra). This method operates directly on segmented images, thus skipping a surface reconstruction that is required by traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD)-based meshing techniques and is convoluted, especially in complex anatomic geometries. Our approach utilizes proper mesh gradation and tissue-specific multi-resolution, without sacrificing the fidelity and while maintaining a smooth surface to reflect a certain degree of visual reality. Image-to-mesh conversion can facilitate accurate computational modeling for biomechanical registration of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in image-guided neurosurgery. Neuronavigation with deformable registration of preoperative MRI to intraoperative MRI allows the surgeon to view the location of surgical tools relative to the preoperative anatomical (MRI) or functional data (DT-MRI, fMRI), thereby avoiding damage to eloquent areas during tumor resection. This thesis presents a deformable registration framework that utilizes multi-tissue mesh adaptation to map preoperative MRI to intraoperative MRI of patients who have undergone a brain tumor resection. Our enhancements with mesh adaptation improve the accuracy of the registration by more than 5 times compared to rigid and traditional physics-based non-rigid registration, and by more than 4 times compared to publicly available B-Spline interpolation methods. The adaptive framework is parallelized for shared memory multiprocessor architectures. Performance analysis shows that this method could be applied, on average, in less than two minutes, achieving desirable speed for use in a clinical setting. The last part of this thesis focuses on finite element modeling of CAD data. This is an integral part of the design and optimization of components and assemblies in industry. We propose a new parallel mesh generator for efficient tetrahedralization of piecewise linear complex domains in aerospace. CAD-based meshing algorithms typically improve the shape of the elements in a post-processing step due to high complexity and cost of the operations involved. On the contrary, our method optimizes the shape of the elements throughout the generation process to obtain a maximum quality and utilizes high performance computing to reduce the overheads and improve end-user productivity. The proposed mesh generation technique is a combination of Advancing Front type point placement, direct point insertion, and parallel multi-threaded connectivity optimization schemes. The mesh optimization is based on a speculative (optimistic) approach that has been proven to perform well on hardware-shared memory. The experimental evaluation indicates that the high quality and performance attributes of this method see substantial improvement over existing state-of-the-art unstructured grid technology currently incorporated in several commercial systems. The proposed mesh generator will be part of an Extreme-Scale Anisotropic Mesh Generation Environment to meet industries expectations and NASA\u27s CFD visio

    Computational approaches for single-cell omics and multi-omics data

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    Single-cell omics and multi-omics technologies have enabled the study of cellular heterogeneity with unprecedented resolution and the discovery of new cell types. The core of identifying heterogeneous cell types, both existing and novel ones, relies on efficient computational approaches, including especially cluster analysis. Additionally, gene regulatory network analysis and various integrative approaches are needed to combine data across studies and different multi-omics layers. This thesis comprehensively compared Bayesian clustering models for single-cell RNAsequencing (scRNA-seq) data and selected integrative approaches were used to study the cell-type specific gene regulation of uterus. Additionally, single-cell multi-omics data integration approaches for cell heterogeneity analysis were investigated. Article I investigated analytical approaches for cluster analysis in scRNA-seq data, particularly, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) models. The comparison of LDA and HDP together with the existing state-of-art methods revealed that topic modeling-based models can be useful in scRNA-seq cluster analysis. Evaluation of the cluster qualities for LDA and HDP with intrinsic and extrinsic cluster quality metrics indicated that the clustering performance of these methods is dataset dependent. Article II and Article III focused on cell-type specific integrative analysis of uterine or decidual stromal (dS) and natural killer (dNK) cells that are important for successful pregnancy. Article II integrated the existing preeclampsia RNA-seq studies of the decidua together with recent scRNA-seq datasets in order to investigate cell-type-specific contributions of early onset preeclampsia (EOP) and late onset preeclampsia (LOP). It was discovered that the dS marker genes were enriched for LOP downregulated genes and the dNK marker genes were enriched for upregulated EOP genes. Article III presented a gene regulatory network analysis for the subpopulations of dS and dNK cells. This study identified novel subpopulation specific transcription factors that promote decidualization of stromal cells and dNK mediated maternal immunotolerance. In Article IV, different strategies and methodological frameworks for data integration in single-cell multi-omics data analysis were reviewed in detail. Data integration methods were grouped into early, late and intermediate data integration strategies. The specific stage and order of data integration can have substantial effect on the results of the integrative analysis. The central details of the approaches were presented, and potential future directions were discussed.  Laskennallisia menetelmiä yksisolusekvensointi- ja multiomiikkatulosten analyyseihin Yksisolusekvensointitekniikat mahdollistavat solujen heterogeenisyyden tutkimuksen ennennäkemättömällä resoluutiolla ja uusien solutyyppien löytämisen. Solutyyppien tunnistamisessa keskeisessä roolissa on ryhmittely eli klusterointianalyysi. Myös geenien säätelyverkostojen sekä eri molekyylidatatasojen yhdistäminen on keskeistä analyysissä. Väitöskirjassa verrataan bayesilaisia klusterointimenetelmiä ja yhdistetään eri menetelmillä kerättyjä tietoja kohdun solutyyppispesifisessä geeninsäätelyanalyysissä. Lisäksi yksisolutiedon integraatiomenetelmiä selvitetään kattavasti. Julkaisu I keskittyy analyyttisten menetelmien, erityisesti latenttiin Dirichletallokaatioon (LDA) ja hierarkkiseen Dirichlet-prosessiin (HDP) perustuvien mallien tutkimiseen yksisoludatan klusterianalyysissä. Kattava vertailu näiden kahden mallin sekä olemassa olevien menetelmien kanssa paljasti, että aihemallinnuspohjaiset menetelmät voivat olla hyödyllisiä yksisoludatan klusterianalyysissä. Menetelmien suorituskyky riippui myös kunkin analysoitavan datasetin ominaisuuksista. Julkaisuissa II ja III keskitytään naisen lisääntymisterveydelle tärkeiden kohdun stroomasolujen ja NK-immuunisolujen solutyyppispesifiseen analyysiin. Artikkelissa II yhdistettiin olemassa olevia tuloksia pre-eklampsiasta viimeisimpiin yksisolusekvensointituloksiin ja löydettiin varhain alkavan pre-eklampsian (EOP) ja myöhään alkavan pre-eklampsian (LOP) solutyyppispesifisiä vaikutuksia. Havaittiin, että erilaistuneen strooman markkerigeenien ilmentyminen vähentyi LOP:ssa ja NK-markkerigeenien ilmentyminen lisääntyi EOP:ssa. Julkaisu III analysoi strooman ja NK-solujen alapopulaatiospesifisiä geeninsäätelyverkostoja ja niiden transkriptiofaktoreita. Tutkimus tunnisti uusia alapopulaatiospesifisiä säätelijöitä, jotka edistävät strooman erilaistumista ja NK-soluvälitteistä immunotoleranssia Julkaisu IV tarkastelee yksityiskohtaisesti strategioita ja menetelmiä erilaisten yksisoludatatasojen (multi-omiikka) integroimiseksi. Integrointimenetelmät ryhmiteltiin varhaisen, myöhäisen ja välivaiheen strategioihin ja kunkin lähestymistavan menetelmiä esiteltiin tarkemmin. Lisäksi keskusteltiin mahdollisista tulevaisuuden suunnista

    Methodological challenges and analytic opportunities for modeling and interpreting Big Healthcare Data

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    Abstract Managing, processing and understanding big healthcare data is challenging, costly and demanding. Without a robust fundamental theory for representation, analysis and inference, a roadmap for uniform handling and analyzing of such complex data remains elusive. In this article, we outline various big data challenges, opportunities, modeling methods and software techniques for blending complex healthcare data, advanced analytic tools, and distributed scientific computing. Using imaging, genetic and healthcare data we provide examples of processing heterogeneous datasets using distributed cloud services, automated and semi-automated classification techniques, and open-science protocols. Despite substantial advances, new innovative technologies need to be developed that enhance, scale and optimize the management and processing of large, complex and heterogeneous data. Stakeholder investments in data acquisition, research and development, computational infrastructure and education will be critical to realize the huge potential of big data, to reap the expected information benefits and to build lasting knowledge assets. Multi-faceted proprietary, open-source, and community developments will be essential to enable broad, reliable, sustainable and efficient data-driven discovery and analytics. Big data will affect every sector of the economy and their hallmark will be ‘team science’.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134522/1/13742_2016_Article_117.pd