5 research outputs found

    Ramsey Problems for Berge Hypergraphs

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    For a graph G, a hypergraph H\mathcal{H} is a Berge copy of G (or a Berge-G in short) if there is a bijection f:E(G)→E(H)f : E(G) \rightarrow E(\mathcal{H}) such that for each e∈E(G)e \in E(G) we have e⊆f(e)e \subseteq f(e). We denote the family of r-uniform hypergraphs that are Berge copies of G by BrGB^rG. For families of r-uniform hypergraphs H\mathbf{H} and H′\mathbf{H}', we denote by R(H,H′)R(\mathbf{H},\mathbf{H}') the smallest number n such that in any red-blue coloring of the (hyper)edges of Knr\mathcal{K}_n^r (the complete r-uniform hypergraph on n vertices) there is a monochromatic blue copy of a hypergraph in H\mathbf{H} or a monochromatic red copy of a hypergraph in H′\mathbf{H}'. Rc(H)R^c(\mathbf{H}) denotes the smallest number n such that in any coloring of the hyperedges of Knr\mathcal{K}_n^r with c colors, there is a monochromatic copy of a hypergraph in H\mathbf{H}. In this paper we initiate the general study of the Ramsey problem for Berge hypergraphs, and show that if r>2cr> 2c, then Rc(BrKn)=nR^c(B^rK_n)=n. In the case r = 2c, we show that Rc(BrKn)=n+1R^c(B^rK_n)=n+1, and if G is a noncomplete graph on n vertices, then Rc(BrG)=nR^c(B^rG)=n, assuming n is large enough. In the case r<2cr < 2c we also obtain bounds on Rc(BrKn)R^c(B^rK_n). Moreover, we also determine the exact value of R(B3T1,B3T2)R(B^3T_1,B^3T_2) for every pair of trees T_1 and T_2. Read More: https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/18M1225227?journalCode=sjdme

    Large monochromatic components in colorings of complete 3-uniform hypergraphs

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    AbstractLet f(n,r) be the largest integer m with the following property: if the edges of the complete 3-uniform hypergraph Kn3 are colored with r colors then there is a monochromatic component with at least m vertices. Here we show that f(n,5)≥5n7 and f(n,6)≥2n3. Both results are sharp under suitable divisibility conditions (namely if n is divisible by 7, or by 6 respectively)