13 research outputs found

    Spatially-constrained clustering of ecological networks

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    Spatial ecological networks are widely used to model interactions between georeferenced biological entities (e.g., populations or communities). The analysis of such data often leads to a two-step approach where groups containing similar biological entities are firstly identified and the spatial information is used afterwards to improve the ecological interpretation. We develop an integrative approach to retrieve groups of nodes that are geographically close and ecologically similar. Our model-based spatially-constrained method embeds the geographical information within a regularization framework by adding some constraints to the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters. A simulation study and the analysis of real data demonstrate that our approach is able to detect complex spatial patterns that are ecologically meaningful. The model-based framework allows us to consider external information (e.g., geographic proximities, covariates) in the analysis of ecological networks and appears to be an appealing alternative to consider such data

    Clustering framework to identify traffic conflicts and determine thresholds based on trajectory data

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    Traffic conflict indicators are essential for evaluating traffic safety and analyzing trajectory data, especially in the absence of crash data. Previous studies have used traffic conflict indicators to predict and identify conflicts, including time-to-collision (TTC), proportion of stopping distance (PSD), and deceleration rate to avoid a crash (DRAC). However, limited research is conducted to understand how to set thresholds for these indicators while accounting for traffic flow characteristics at different traffic states. This paper proposes a clustering framework for determining surrogate safety measures (SSM) thresholds and identifying traffic conflicts in different traffic states using high-resolution trajectory data from the Citysim dataset. In this study, unsupervised clustering is employed to identify different traffic states and their transitions under a three-phase theory framework. The resulting clusters can then be utilized in conjunction with surrogate safety measures (SSM) to identify traffic conflicts and assess safety performance in each traffic state. From different perspectives of time, space, and deceleration, we chose three compatible conflict indicators: TTC, DRAC, and PSD, considering functional differences and empirical correlations of different SSMs. A total of three models were chosen by learning these indicators to identify traffic conflict and non-conflict clusters. It is observed that Mclust outperforms the other two. The results show that the distribution of traffic conflicts varies significantly across traffic states. A wide moving jam (J) is found to be the phase with largest amount of conflicts, followed by synchronized flow phase (S) and free flow phase(F). Meanwhile, conflict risk and thresholds exhibit similar levels across transitional states

    Switching Markov Gaussian models for dynamic power system inertia estimation

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    Future power systems could benefit considerably from having a continuous real-time estimate of system inertia. If realized, this could provide reference inputs to proactive control and protection systems which could enhance not only system stability but also operational economics through, for example, more informed ancillary reserve planning using knowledge of prevailing system conditions and stability margins. Performing these predictions in real time is a significant challenge owing to the complex stochastic and temporal relationships between available measurements. This paper proposes a statistical model capable of estimating system inertia in real time through observed steady-state and relatively small frequency variations; it is trained to learn the features that inter-relate steady-state averaged frequency variations and system inertia, using historical system data demonstrated over two consecutive years. The proposed algorithm is formulated as Gaussian Mixture Model with temporal dependence encoded as a Markov chains. Applied within a UK power system scenario, it produces an optimized mean squared error within 0.1s2 for 95% of the daily estimation if being calibrated on a half-hourly basis and maintains robustness through measurement interruptions of up to a period of three hours

    Techno-economic-environmental evaluation of aircraft propulsion electrification: Surrogate-based multi-mission optimal design approach

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    Driven by the sustainability initiatives in the aviation sector, the emerging technologies of aircraft propulsion electrification have been identified as the promising approach to realize sustainable and decarbonized aviation. This study proposes a surrogate-based multi-mission optimal design approach for aircraft propulsion electrification, which innovatively incorporates realistic aviation operations into the electric aircraft design, with the aim of improving the overall aircraft fuel economy over multiple flight missions and conditions in practical scenarios. The proposed optimal design approach starts with the flight route data analysis to cluster the flight operational data using gaussian mixture model, so that a concise representation of flight mission profiles can be achieved. Then, an optimal orthogonal array-based Latin hypercubes are employed to generate sampling points of design variables for electrified aircraft propulsion. The mission analysis is performed with coupled propulsion-airframe integration in order to propose energy management strategy for mission-dependent aircraft performance. Consequently, fuel economy surrogate model is established via support vector machines to obtain the optimal design points of electrified aircraft propulsion. For assessing the viability of novel propulsion technologies, techno-economic evaluation is conducted using sensitivity analysis and breakeven electricity prices under a series of environmental regulatory policy scenarios

    An overview of clustering methods with guidelines for application in mental health research

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    Cluster analyzes have been widely used in mental health research to decompose inter-individual heterogeneity by identifying more homogeneous subgroups of individuals. However, despite advances in new algorithms and increasing popularity, there is little guidance on model choice, analytical framework and reporting requirements. In this paper, we aimed to address this gap by introducing the philosophy, design, advantages/disadvantages and implementation of major algorithms that are particularly relevant in mental health research. Extensions of basic models, such as kernel methods, deep learning, semi-supervised clustering, and clustering ensembles are subsequently introduced. How to choose algorithms to address common issues as well as methods for pre-clustering data processing, clustering evaluation and validation are then discussed. Importantly, we also provide general guidance on clustering workflow and reporting requirements. To facilitate the implementation of different algorithms, we provide information on R functions and librarie