31 research outputs found

    Can NMT Understand Me? Towards Perturbation-based Evaluation of NMT Models for Code Generation

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    Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has reached a level of maturity to be recognized as the premier method for the translation between different languages and aroused interest in different research areas, including software engineering. A key step to validate the robustness of the NMT models consists in evaluating the performance of the models on adversarial inputs, i.e., inputs obtained from the original ones by adding small amounts of perturbation. However, when dealing with the specific task of the code generation (i.e., the generation of code starting from a description in natural language), it has not yet been defined an approach to validate the robustness of the NMT models. In this work, we address the problem by identifying a set of perturbations and metrics tailored for the robustness assessment of such models. We present a preliminary experimental evaluation, showing what type of perturbations affect the model the most and deriving useful insights for future directions.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of The 1st Intl. Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE) to be held with ICSE 202

    NLBSE’22 tool competition

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    We report on the organization and results of the first edition of the Tool Competition from the International Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE’22). This year, five teams submitted multiple classification models to automatically classify issue reports as bugs, enhancements, or questions. Most of them are based on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and were fine-tuned and evaluated on a benchmark dataset of 800k issue reports. The goal of the competition was to improve the classification performance of a baseline model based on fastText. This report provides details of the competition, including its rules, the teams and contestant models, and the ranking of models based on their average classification performance across the issue types

    Issue Report Validation in an Industrial Context

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    Effective issue triaging is crucial for software development teams to improve software quality, and thus customer satisfaction. Validating issue reports manually can be time-consuming, hindering the overall efficiency of the triaging process. This paper presents an approach on automating the validation of issue reports to accelerate the issue triaging process in an industrial set-up. We work on 1,200 randomly selected issue reports in banking domain, written in Turkish, an agglutinative language, meaning that new words can be formed with linear concatenation of suffixes to express entire sentences. We manually label these reports for validity, and extract the relevant patterns indicating that they are invalid. Since the issue reports we work on are written in an agglutinative language, we use morphological analysis to extract the features. Using the proposed feature extractors, we utilize a machine learning based approach to predict the issue reports' validity, performing a 0.77 F1-score.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE'23

    On the Evaluation of NLP-based Models for Software Engineering

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    NLP-based models have been increasingly incorporated to address SE problems. These models are either employed in the SE domain with little to no change, or they are greatly tailored to source code and its unique characteristics. Many of these approaches are considered to be outperforming or complementing existing solutions. However, an important question arises here: "Are these models evaluated fairly and consistently in the SE community?". To answer this question, we reviewed how NLP-based models for SE problems are being evaluated by researchers. The findings indicate that currently there is no consistent and widely-accepted protocol for the evaluation of these models. While different aspects of the same task are being assessed in different studies, metrics are defined based on custom choices, rather than a system, and finally, answers are collected and interpreted case by case. Consequently, there is a dire need to provide a methodological way of evaluating NLP-based models to have a consistent assessment and preserve the possibility of fair and efficient comparison.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 1sth International Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE), co-located with ICSE, 202

    Dynamic Decentralization Domains for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing are fostering a future of ecosystems hosting complex decentralized computations that are deeply integrated with our very dynamic environments. Digitalized buildings, communities of people, and cities will be the next-generation "hardware and platform,"counting myriads of interconnected devices, on top of which intrinsically distributed computational processes will run and self-organize. They will spontaneously spawn, diffuse to pertinent logical/physical regions, cooperate and compete, opportunistically summon required resources, collect and analyze data, compute results, trigger distributed actions, and eventually decay. What would a programming model for such ecosystems look like? Based on research findings on self-adaptive/self-organizing systems, this article proposes design abstractions based on "dynamic decentralization domains": regions of space opportunistically formed to support situated recognition and action. We embody the approach into a Scala application program interface (API) enacting distributed execution and show its applicability in a case study of environmental monitoring

    CatIss: An Intelligent Tool for Categorizing Issues Reports using Transformers

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    Users use Issue Tracking Systems to keep track and manage issue reports in their repositories. An issue is a rich source of software information that contains different reports including a problem, a request for new features, or merely a question about the software product. As the number of these issues increases, it becomes harder to manage them manually. Thus, automatic approaches are proposed to help facilitate the management of issue reports. This paper describes CatIss, an automatic CATegorizer of ISSue reports which is built upon the Transformer-based pre-trained RoBERTa model. CatIss classifies issue reports into three main categories of Bug reports, Enhancement/feature requests, and Questions. First, the datasets provided for the NLBSE tool competition are cleaned and preprocessed. Then, the pre-trained RoBERTa model is fine-tuned on the preprocessed dataset. Evaluating CatIss on about 80 thousand issue reports from GitHub, indicates that it performs very well surpassing the competition baseline, TicketTagger, and achieving 87.2% F1-score (micro average). Additionally, as CatIss is trained on a wide set of repositories, it is a generic prediction model, hence applicable for any unseen software project or projects with little historical data. Scripts for cleaning the datasets, training CatIss, and evaluating the model are publicly available.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 1sth International Workshop on Natural Language-based Software Engineering (NLBSE), co-located with ICSE, 202

    Vary: An IDE for Designing Algorithms and Measuring Quality

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    Pseudocode is one of the recommended methods for teaching students to design algorithms. Having a tool that performs the automatic translation of an algorithm into pseudocode to a programming language would allow the student to understand the complete process of program development. In addition, the introduction of quality measurement of algorithms designed from the first steps of learning programming would enable the student to understand the importance of code quality for maintenance of software processes. This work describes Vary, an integrated development environment based on Eclipse for writing and running pseudocode algorithms. The environment automatically transforms abstract pseudocode into runnable C/C++ source code that can be later executed. Computer programming learners and even computational scientists can use Vary to write and run algorithms, while taking advantage of modern development environment features. Vary is provided with an additional extension to automatically carry out algorithm analysis with SonarQube

    Breaking the Silence: the Threats of Using LLMs in Software Engineering

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained considerable traction within the Software Engineering (SE) community, impacting various SE tasks from code completion to test generation, from program repair to code summarization. Despite their promise, researchers must still be careful as numerous intricate factors can influence the outcomes of experiments involving LLMs. This paper initiates an open discussion on potential threats to the validity of LLM-based research including issues such as closed-source models, possible data leakage between LLM training data and research evaluation, and the reproducibility of LLM-based findings. In response, this paper proposes a set of guidelines tailored for SE researchers and Language Model (LM) providers to mitigate these concerns. The implications of the guidelines are illustrated using existing good practices followed by LLM providers and a practical example for SE researchers in the context of test case generation.Comment: Accepted at the ICSE'24 conference, NIER trac

    Understanding issues related to personal data and data protection in open source projects on GitHub

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    Context: Data protection regulations such as the GDPR and the CCPA affect how software may handle the personal data of its users and how consent for handling of such data may be given. Prior literature focused on how this works in operation, but lacks a perspective of the impact on the software development process. Objective: Within our work, we will address this gap and explore how software development itself is impacted. We want to understand which data protection-related issues are reported, who reports them, and how developers react to such issues. Method: We will conduct an exploratory study based on issues that are reported with respect to data protection in open source software on GitHub. We will determine the roles of the actors involved, the status of such issues, and we use inductive coding to understand the data protection issues. We qualitatively analyze the issues as part of the inductive coding and further explore the reasoning for resolutions. We quantitatively analyze the relation between the roles, resolutions, and data protection issues to understand correlations.Comment: Registered Report with Continuity Acceptance (CA) for submission to Empirical Software Engineering granted by RR-Committee of the MSR'2