405,861 research outputs found

    A multilingual SLU system based on semantic decoding of graphs of words

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    In this paper, we present a statistical approach to Language Understanding that allows to avoid the effort of obtaining new semantic models when changing the language. This way, it is not necessary to acquire and label new training corpora in the new language. Our approach consists of learning all the semantic models in a target language and to do the semantic decoding of the sentences pronounced in the source language after a translation process. In order to deal with the errors and the lack of coverage of the translations, a mechanism to generalize the result of several translators is proposed. The graph of words generated in this phase is the input to the semantic decoding algorithm specifically designed to combine statistical models and graphs of words. Some experiments that show the good behavior of the proposed approach are also presented.Calvo Lance, M.; Hurtado Oliver, LF.; García Granada, F.; Sanchís Arnal, E. (2012). A multilingual SLU system based on semantic decoding of graphs of words. En Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages. Springer Verlag (Germany). 328:158-167. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8_17S158167328Hahn, S., Dinarelli, M., Raymond, C., Lefèvre, F., Lehnen, P., De Mori, R., Moschitti, A., Ney, H., Riccardi, G.: Comparing stochastic approaches to spoken language understanding in multiple languages. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 6(99), 1569–1583 (2010)Raymond, C., Riccardi, G.: Generative and discriminative algorithms for spoken language understanding. In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2007, pp. 1605–1608 (2007)Tur, G., Mori, R.D.: Spoken Language Understanding: Systems for Extracting Semantic Information from Speech, 1st edn. Wiley (2011)Maynard, H.B., Lefèvre, F.: Investigating Stochastic Speech Understanding. In: Proc. of IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU (2001)Segarra, E., Sanchis, E., Galiano, M., García, F., Hurtado, L.: Extracting Semantic Information Through Automatic Learning Techniques. IJPRAI 16(3), 301–307 (2002)He, Y., Young, S.: Spoken language understanding using the hidden vector state model. Speech Communication 48, 262–275 (2006)De Mori, R., Bechet, F., Hakkani-Tur, D., McTear, M., Riccardi, G., Tur, G.: Spoken language understanding: A survey. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(3), 50–58 (2008)Hakkani-Tür, D., Béchet, F., Riccardi, G., Tur, G.: Beyond ASR 1-best: Using word confusion networks in spoken language understanding. Computer Speech & Language 20(4), 495–514 (2006)Tur, G., Wright, J., Gorin, A., Riccardi, G., Hakkani-Tür, D.: Improving spoken language understanding using word confusion networks. In: Proceedings of the ICSLP. Citeseer (2002)Tur, G., Hakkani-Tür, D., Schapire, R.E.: Combining active and semi-supervised learning for spoken language understanding. Speech Communication 45, 171–186 (2005)Ortega, L., Galiano, I., Hurtado, L.F., Sanchis, E., Segarra, E.: A statistical segment-based approach for spoken language understanding. In: Proc. of InterSpeech 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, pp. 1836–1839 (2010)Sim, K.C., Byrne, W.J., Gales, M.J.F., Sahbi, H., Woodland, P.C.: Consensus network decoding for statistical machine translation system combination. In: IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (2007)Bangalore, S., Bordel, G., Riccardi, G.: Computing Consensus Translation from Multiple Machine Translation Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, ASRU 2001, pp. 351–354 (2001)Larkin, M.A., Blackshields, G., Brown, N.P., Chenna, R., McGettigan, P.A., McWilliam, H., Valentin, F., Wallace, I.M., Wilm, A., Lopez, R., Thompson, J.D., Gibson, T.J., Higgins, D.G.: ClustalW and ClustalX version 2.0. Bioinformatics 23(21), 2947–2948 (2007)Benedí, J.M., Lleida, E., Varona, A., Castro, M.J., Galiano, I., Justo, R., López de Letona, I., Miguel, A.: Design and acquisition of a telephone spontaneous speech dialogue corpus in Spanish: DIHANA. In: Proceedings of LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, pp. 1636–1639 (May 2006

    Identifying Linear Relational Concepts in Large Language Models

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    Transformer language models (LMs) have been shown to represent concepts as directions in the latent space of hidden activations. However, for any given human-interpretable concept, how can we find its direction in the latent space? We present a technique called linear relational concepts (LRC) for finding concept directions corresponding to human-interpretable concepts at a given hidden layer in a transformer LM by first modeling the relation between subject and object as a linear relational embedding (LRE). While the LRE work was mainly presented as an exercise in understanding model representations, we find that inverting the LRE while using earlier object layers results in a powerful technique to find concept directions that both work well as a classifier and causally influence model outputs

    How Do BERT embeddings organize linguistic knowledge?

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    Several studies investigated the linguistic information implicitly encoded in Neural Language Models. Most of these works focused on quantifying the amount and type of information available within their internal representations and across their layers. In line with this scenario, we proposed a different study, based on Lasso regression, aimed at understanding how the information encoded by BERT sentence-level representations is arranged within its hidden units. Using a suite of several probing tasks, we showed the existence of a relationship between the implicit knowledge learned by the model and the number of individual units involved in the encodings of this competence. Moreover, we found that it is possible to identify groups of hidden units more relevant for specific linguistic properties. © 2021 Association for Computational Linguistics

    Enhancing natural language understanding using meaning representation and deep learning

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    Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is one of the complex tasks in artificial intelligence. Machine learning was introduced to address the complex and dynamic nature of natural language. Deep learning gained popularity within the NLU community due to its capability of learning features directly from data, as well as learning from the dynamic nature of natural language. Furthermore, deep learning has shown to be able to learn the hidden feature(s) automatically and outperform most of the other machine learning approaches for NLU. Deep learning models require natural language inputs to be converted to vectors (word embedding). Word2Vec and GloVe are word embeddings which are designed to capture the analogy context-based statistics and provide lexical relations on words. Using the context-based statistical approach does not capture the prior knowledge required to understand language combined with words. Although a deep learning model receives word embedding, language understanding requires Reasoning, Attention and Memory (RAM). RAM are key factors in understanding language. Current deep learning models focus either on reasoning, attention or memory. In order to properly understand a language however, all three factors of RAM should be considered. Also, a language normally has a long sequence. This long sequence creates dependencies which are required in order to understand a language. However, current deep learning models, which are developed to hold longer sequences, either forget or get affected by the vanishing or exploding gradient descent. In this thesis, these three main areas are of focus. A word embedding technique, which integrates analogy context-based statistical and semantic relationships, as well as extracts from a knowledge base to hold enhanced meaning representation, is introduced. Also, a Long Short-Term Reinforced Memory (LSTRM) network is introduced. This addresses RAM and is validated by testing on question answering data sets which require RAM. Finally, a Long Term Memory Network (LTM) is introduced to address language modelling. Good language modelling requires learning from long sequences. Therefore, this thesis demonstrates that integrating semantic knowledge and a knowledge base generates enhanced meaning and deep learning models that are capable of achieving RAM and long-term dependencies so as to improve the capability of NLU

    Speech To Semantics: Improve ASR and NLU Jointly via All-Neural Interfaces

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    We consider the problem of spoken language understanding (SLU) of extracting natural language intents and associated slot arguments or named entities from speech that is primarily directed at voice assistants. Such a system subsumes both automatic speech recognition (ASR) as well as natural language understanding (NLU). An end-to-end joint SLU model can be built to a required specification opening up the opportunity to deploy on hardware constrained scenarios like devices enabling voice assistants to work offline, in a privacy preserving manner, whilst also reducing server costs. We first present models that extract utterance intent directly from speech without intermediate text output. We then present a compositional model, which generates the transcript using the Listen Attend Spell ASR system and then extracts interpretation using a neural NLU model. Finally, we contrast these methods to a jointly trained end-to-end joint SLU model, consisting of ASR and NLU subsystems which are connected by a neural network based interface instead of text, that produces transcripts as well as NLU interpretation. We show that the jointly trained model shows improvements to ASR incorporating semantic information from NLU and also improves NLU by exposing it to ASR confusion encoded in the hidden layer.Comment: Proceedings of INTERSPEEC

    An active learning approach for statistical spoken language understanding

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25085-9_67In general, large amount of segmented and labeled data is needed to estimate statistical language understanding systems. In recent years, different approaches have been proposed to reduce the segmentation and labeling effort by means of unsupervised o semi-supervised learning techniques. We propose an active learning approach to the estimation of statistical language understanding models that involves the transcription, labeling and segmentation of a small amount of data, along with the use of raw data. We use this approach to learn the understanding component of a Spoken Dialog System. Some experiments that show the appropriateness of our approach are also presented.Work partially supported by the Spanish MICINN under contract TIN2008-06856-C05-02, and by the Vicerrectorat d’Investigació, Desenvolupament i Innovació of the Universitat Politècnica de València under contract 20100982.García Granada, F.; Hurtado Oliver, LF.; Sanchís Arnal, E.; Segarra Soriano, E. (2011). An active learning approach for statistical spoken language understanding. En Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7042:565-572. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25085-9_67S5655727042De Mori, R., Bechet, F., Hakkani-Tur, D., McTear, M., Riccardi, G., Tur, G.: Spoken language understanding: A survey. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(3), 50–58 (2008)Fraser, M., Gilbert, G.: Simulating speech systems. Computer Speech and Language 5, 81–99 (1991)Gotab, P., Bechet, F., Damnati, G.: Active learning for rule-based and corpus-based spoken labguage understanding moldes. In: IEEE Workshop Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU 2009), pp. 444–449 (2009)Gotab, P., Damnati, G., Becher, F., Delphin-Poulat, L.: Online slu model adaptation with a partial oracle. In: Proc. of InterSpeech 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, pp. 2862–2865 (2010)He, Y., Young, S.: Spoken language understanding using the hidden vector state model. Speech Communication 48, 262–275 (2006)Ortega, L., Galiano, I., Hurtado, L.F., Sanchis, E., Segarra, E.: A statistical segment-based approach for spoken language understanding. In: Proc. of InterSpeech 2010, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, pp. 1836–1839 (2010)Riccardi, G., Hakkani-Tur, D.: Active learning: theory and applications to automatic speech recognition. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 13(4), 504–511 (2005)Segarra, E., Sanchis, E., Galiano, M., García, F., Hurtado, L.: Extracting Semantic Information Through Automatic Learning Techniques. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 16(3), 301–307 (2002)Tur, G., Hakkani-Tr, D., Schapire, R.E.: Combining active and semi-supervised learning for spoken language understanding. Speech Communication 45, 171–186 (2005

    Semi-supervised learning of statistical models for natural language understanding

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    Natural language understanding is to specify a computational model that maps sentences to their semantic mean representation. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to train the statistical models without using expensive fully annotated data. In particular, the input of our framework is a set of sentences labeled with abstract semantic annotations. These annotations encode the underlying embedded semantic structural relations without explicit word/semantic tag alignment. The proposed framework can automatically induce derivation rules that map sentences to their semantic meaning representations. The learning framework is applied on two statistical models, the conditional random fields (CRFs) and the hidden Markov support vector machines (HM-SVMs). Our experimental results on the DARPA communicator data show that both CRFs and HM-SVMs outperform the baseline approach, previously proposed hidden vector state (HVS) model which is also trained on abstract semantic annotations. In addition, the proposed framework shows superior performance than two other baseline approaches, a hybrid framework combining HVS and HM-SVMs and discriminative training of HVS, with a relative error reduction rate of about 25% and 15% being achieved in F-measure

    Label-Dependencies Aware Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In the last few years, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have proved effective on several NLP tasks. Despite such great success, their ability to model \emph{sequence labeling} is still limited. This lead research toward solutions where RNNs are combined with models which already proved effective in this domain, such as CRFs. In this work we propose a solution far simpler but very effective: an evolution of the simple Jordan RNN, where labels are re-injected as input into the network, and converted into embeddings, in the same way as words. We compare this RNN variant to all the other RNN models, Elman and Jordan RNN, LSTM and GRU, on two well-known tasks of Spoken Language Understanding (SLU). Thanks to label embeddings and their combination at the hidden layer, the proposed variant, which uses more parameters than Elman and Jordan RNNs, but far fewer than LSTM and GRU, is more effective than other RNNs, but also outperforms sophisticated CRF models.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Accepted at CICling 2017 conference. Best Verifiability, Reproducibility, and Working Description awar

    Effective Spoken Language Labeling with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Understanding spoken language is a highly complex problem, which can be decomposed into several simpler tasks. In this paper, we focus on Spoken Language Understanding (SLU), the module of spoken dialog systems responsible for extracting a semantic interpretation from the user utterance. The task is treated as a labeling problem. In the past, SLU has been performed with a wide variety of probabilistic models. The rise of neural networks, in the last couple of years, has opened new interesting research directions in this domain. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in particular are able not only to represent several pieces of information as embeddings but also, thanks to their recurrent architecture, to encode as embeddings relatively long contexts. Such long contexts are in general out of reach for models previously used for SLU. In this paper we propose novel RNNs architectures for SLU which outperform previous ones. Starting from a published idea as base block, we design new deep RNNs achieving state-of-the-art results on two widely used corpora for SLU: ATIS (Air Traveling Information System), in English, and MEDIA (Hotel information and reservation in France), in French.Comment: 8 pages. Rejected from IJCAI 2017, good remarks overall, but slightly off-topic as from global meta-reviews. Recommendations: 8, 6, 6, 4. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0174
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