8 research outputs found

    Contextual Language Model Adaptation for Conversational Agents

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    Statistical language models (LM) play a key role in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems used by conversational agents. These ASR systems should provide a high accuracy under a variety of speaking styles, domains, vocabulary and argots. In this paper, we present a DNN-based method to adapt the LM to each user-agent interaction based on generalized contextual information, by predicting an optimal, context-dependent set of LM interpolation weights. We show that this framework for contextual adaptation provides accuracy improvements under different possible mixture LM partitions that are relevant for both (1) Goal-oriented conversational agents where it's natural to partition the data by the requested application and for (2) Non-goal oriented conversational agents where the data can be partitioned using topic labels that come from predictions of a topic classifier. We obtain a relative WER improvement of 3% with a 1-pass decoding strategy and 6% in a 2-pass decoding framework, over an unadapted model. We also show up to a 15% relative improvement in recognizing named entities which is of significant value for conversational ASR systems.Comment: Interspeech 2018 (accepted

    Correlated Bigram LSA for Unsupervised LM adaptation

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    Total Variability Space for LDA-based multi-viewtext categorization

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    Paru sous le titre Compact Multiview Representation of Documents Based on the Total Variability SpaceInternational audienceMapping text document into LDA-based topic-space is a classical way to extract high level representation of text documents. Unfortunatly , LDA is higly sensitive to hyper-parameters related to class number or word and topic distribution , and there is not any systematic way to prior estimate optimal configurations. Morover , various hyperparameter configurations offer complementary views on the document. In this paper , we propose a method based on a two-step process that , first , expands representation space by using a set of topic spaces and , second , compacts representation space by removing poorly relevant dimensions. These two steps are based respectivelly on multi-view LDA-based representation spaces and factor-analysis models. This model provides a view-independant representation of documents while extracting complementary information from a massive multi-view representation. Experiments are conducted on the DECODA conversation corpus and Reuters-21578 textual dataset. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed multi-view compact representation paradigm. The proposed categorization system reaches an accuracy of 86. 9% and 86. 5% respectively with manual and automatic transcriptions of conversations , and a macro-F1 of 80% during a classification task of the well-known studied Reuters-21578 corpus , with a significant gain compared to the baseline (best single topic space configuration) , as well as methods and document representations previously studied

    On adaptive decision rules and decision parameter adaptation for automatic speech recognition

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    Recent advances in automatic speech recognition are accomplished by designing a plug-in maximum a posteriori decision rule such that the forms of the acoustic and language model distributions are specified and the parameters of the assumed distributions are estimated from a collection of speech and language training corpora. Maximum-likelihood point estimation is by far the most prevailing training method. However, due to the problems of unknown speech distributions, sparse training data, high spectral and temporal variabilities in speech, and possible mismatch between training and testing conditions, a dynamic training strategy is needed. To cope with the changing speakers and speaking conditions in real operational conditions for high-performance speech recognition, such paradigms incorporate a small amount of speaker and environment specific adaptation data into the training process. Bayesian adaptive learning is an optimal way to combine prior knowledge in an existing collection of general models with a new set of condition-specific adaptation data. In this paper, the mathematical framework for Bayesian adaptation of acoustic and language model parameters is first described. Maximum a posteriori point estimation is then developed for hidden Markov models and a number of useful parameters densities commonly used in automatic speech recognition and natural language processing.published_or_final_versio

    Automatic Caption Generation for News Images

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    Language Modeling for limited-data domains

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-109).With the increasing focus of speech recognition and natural language processing applications on domains with limited amount of in-domain training data, enhanced system performance often relies on approaches involving model adaptation and combination. In such domains, language models are often constructed by interpolating component models trained from partially matched corpora. Instead of simple linear interpolation, we introduce a generalized linear interpolation technique that computes context-dependent mixture weights from features that correlate with the component confidence and relevance for each n-gram context. Since the n-grams from partially matched corpora may not be of equal relevance to the target domain, we propose an n-gram weighting scheme to adjust the component n-gram probabilities based on features derived from readily available corpus segmentation and metadata to de-emphasize out-of-domain n-grams. In scenarios without any matched data for a development set, we examine unsupervised and active learning techniques for tuning the interpolation and weighting parameters. Results on a lecture transcription task using the proposed generalized linear interpolation and n-gram weighting techniques yield up to a 1.4% absolute word error rate reduction over a linearly interpolated baseline language model. As more sophisticated models are only as useful as they are practical, we developed the MIT Language Modeling (MITLM) toolkit, designed for efficient iterative parameter optimization, and released it to the research community.(cont.) With a compact vector-based n-gram data structure and optimized algorithm implementations, the toolkit not only improves the running time of common tasks by up to 40x, but also enables the efficient parameter tuning for language modeling techniques that were previously deemed impractical.by Bo-June (Paul) Hsu.Ph.D

    Dynamic language modeling for European Portuguese

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaActualmente muitas das metodologias utilizadas para transcrição e indexação de transmissões noticiosas são baseadas em processos manuais. Com o processamento e transcrição deste tipo de dados os prestadores de serviços noticiosos procuram extrair informação semântica que permita a sua interpretação, sumarização, indexação e posterior disseminação selectiva. Pelo que, o desenvolvimento e implementação de técnicas automáticas para suporte deste tipo de tarefas têm suscitado ao longo dos últimos anos o interesse pela utilização de sistemas de reconhecimento automático de fala. Contudo, as especificidades que caracterizam este tipo de tarefas, nomeadamente a diversidade de tópicos presentes nos blocos de notícias, originam um elevado número de ocorrência de novas palavras não incluídas no vocabulário finito do sistema de reconhecimento, o que se traduz negativamente na qualidade das transcrições automáticas produzidas pelo mesmo. Para línguas altamente flexivas, como é o caso do Português Europeu, este problema torna-se ainda mais relevante. Para colmatar este tipo de problemas no sistema de reconhecimento, várias abordagens podem ser exploradas: a utilização de informações específicas de cada um dos blocos noticiosos a ser transcrito, como por exemplo os scripts previamente produzidos pelo pivot e restantes jornalistas, e outro tipo de fontes como notícias escritas diariamente disponibilizadas na Internet. Este trabalho engloba essencialmente três contribuições: um novo algoritmo para selecção e optimização do vocabulário, utilizando informação morfosintáctica de forma a compensar as diferenças linguísticas existentes entre os diferentes conjuntos de dados; uma metodologia diária para adaptação dinâmica e não supervisionada do modelo de linguagem, utilizando múltiplos passos de reconhecimento; metodologia para inclusão de novas palavras no vocabulário do sistema, mesmo em situações de não existência de dados de adaptação e sem necessidade re-estimação global do modelo de linguagem.Most of today methods for transcription and indexation of broadcast audio data are manual. Broadcasters process thousands hours of audio and video data on a daily basis, in order to transcribe that data, to extract semantic information, and to interpret and summarize the content of those documents. The development of automatic and efficient support for these manual tasks has been a great challenge and over the last decade there has been a growing interest in the usage of automatic speech recognition as a tool to provide automatic transcription and indexation of broadcast news and random and relevant access to large broadcast news databases. However, due to the common topic changing over time which characterizes this kind of tasks, the appearance of new events leads to high out-of-vocabulary (OOV) word rates and consequently to degradation of recognition performance. This is especially true for highly inflected languages like the European Portuguese language. Several innovative techniques can be exploited to reduce those errors. The use of news shows specific information, such as topic-based lexicons, pivot working script, and other sources such as the online written news daily available in the Internet can be added to the information sources employed by the automatic speech recognizer. In this thesis we are exploring the use of additional sources of information for vocabulary optimization and language model adaptation of a European Portuguese broadcast news transcription system. Hence, this thesis has 3 different main contributions: a novel approach for vocabulary selection using Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags to compensate for word usage differences across the various training corpora; language model adaptation frameworks performed on a daily basis for single-stage and multistage recognition approaches; a new method for inclusion of new words in the system vocabulary without the need of additional data or language model retraining

    Incorporating Weak Statistics for Low-Resource Language Modeling

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) requires a strong language model to guide the acoustic model and favor likely utterances. While many tasks enjoy billions of language model training tokens, many domains which require ASR do not have readily available electronic corpora.The only source of useful language modeling data is expensive and time-consuming human transcription of in-domain audio. This dissertation seeks to quickly and inexpensively improve low-resource language modeling for use in automatic speech recognition. This dissertation first considers efficient use of non-professional human labor to best improve system performance, and demonstrate that it is better to collect more data, despite higher transcription error, than to redundantly transcribe data to improve quality. In the process of developing procedures to collect such data, this work also presents an efficient rating scheme to detect poor transcribers without gold standard data. As an alternative to this process, automatic transcripts are generated with an ASR system and explore efficiently combining these low-quality transcripts with a small amount of high quality transcripts. Standard n-gram language models are sensitive to the quality of the highest order n-gram and are unable to exploit accurate weaker statistics. Instead, a log-linear language model is introduced, which elegantly incorporates a variety of background models through MAP adaptation. This work introduces marginal class constraints which effectively capture knowledge of transcriber error and improve performance over n-gram features. Finally, this work constrains the language modeling task to keyword search of words unseen in the training text. While overall system performance is good, these words suffer the most due to a low probability in the language model. Semi-supervised learning effectively extracts likely n-grams containing these new keywords from a large corpus of audio. By using a search metric that favors recall over precision, this method captures over 80% of the potential gain