74 research outputs found

    A unified view of parameterized verification of abstract models of broadcast communication

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    We give a unified view of different parameterized models of concurrent and distributed systems with broadcast communication based on transition systems. Based on the resulting formal models, we discuss related verification methods and tools based on abstractions and symbolic state exploration

    Faster Sorting Networks for 1717, 1919 and 2020 Inputs

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    We present new parallel sorting networks for 1717 to 2020 inputs. For 17,19,17, 19, and 2020 inputs these new networks are faster (i.e., they require less computation steps) than the previously known best networks. Therefore, we improve upon the known upper bounds for minimal depth sorting networks on 17,19,17, 19, and 2020 channels. The networks were obtained using a combination of hand-crafted first layers and a SAT encoding of sorting networks

    Parameterized verification

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    The goal of parameterized verification is to prove the correctness of a system specification regardless of the number of its components. The problem is of interest in several different areas: verification of hardware design, multithreaded programs, distributed systems, and communication protocols. The problem is undecidable in general. Solutions for restricted classes of systems and properties have been studied in areas like theorem proving, model checking, automata and logic, process algebra, and constraint solving. In this introduction to the special issue, dedicated to a selection of works from the Parameterized Verification workshop PV \u201914 and PV \u201915, we survey some of the works developed in this research area

    Forgotten Islands of Regularity in Phonology

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    Open access publication of this volume supported by National Research, Development and Innovation Office grant NKFIH #120145 `Deep Learning of Morphological Structure'.Giving birth to Finite State Phonology is classically attributed to Johnson (1972), and Kaplan and Kay (1994). However, there is an ear- lier discovery that was very close to this achievement. In 1965, Hennie presented a very general sufficient condition for regularity of Turing machines. Although this discovery happened chronologically before Generative Phonology (Chomsky and Halle, 1968), it is a mystery why its relevance has not been realized until recently (Yli-Jyrä, 2017). The antique work of Hennie provides enough generality to advance even today’s frontier of finite-state phonology. First, it lets us construct a finite-state transducer from any grammar implemented by a tightly bounded one- tape Turing machine. If the machine runs in o(n log n), the construction is possible, and this case is reasonably decidable. Second, it can be used to model the regularity in context-sensitive derivations. For example, the suffixation in hunspell dictionaries (Németh et al., 2004) corresponds to time-bounded two-way computations performed by a Hennie machine. Thirdly, it challenges us to look for new forgotten islands of regularity where Hennie’s condition does not necessarily hold.Hennie presented a very general sufficient condition for regularity of Turing machines. This happened chronologically before Generative Phonology (Chomsky & Halle 1968) and the related finite-state research (Johnson 1972; Kaplan & Kay 1994). Hennie’s condition lets us (1) construct a finite-state transducer from any grammar implemented by a linear-time Turing machine, and (2) to model the regularity in context-sensitive derivations. For example, the suffixation in hunspell dictionaries (Németh et al. 2004) corresponds to time-bounded two way computations performed by a Hennie machine. Furthermore, it challenges us to look for new forgotten islands of regularity where Hennie’s condition does not necessarily hold.Peer reviewe

    Computing the Longest Common Prefix of a Context-free Language in Polynomial Time

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    We present two structural results concerning the longest common prefixes of non-empty languages. First, we show that the longest common prefix of the language generated by a context-free grammar of size N equals the longest common prefix of the same grammar where the heights of the derivation trees are bounded by 4N. Second, we show that each non-empty language L has a representative subset of at most three elements which behaves like L w.r.t. the longest common prefix as well as w.r.t. longest common prefixes of L after unions or concatenations with arbitrary other languages. From that, we conclude that the longest common prefix, and thus the longest common suffix, of a context-free language can be computed in polynomial time

    Synchronizing automata over nested words

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    We extend the concept of a synchronizing word from deterministic finite-state automata (DFA) to nested word automata (NWA): A well-matched nested word is called synchronizing if it resets the control state of any configuration, i. e., takes the NWA from all control states to a single control state. We show that although the shortest synchronizing word for an NWA, if it exists, can be (at most) exponential in the size of the NWA, the existence of such a word can still be decided in polynomial time. As our main contribution, we show that deciding the existence of a short synchronizing word (of at most given length) becomes PSPACE-complete (as opposed to NP-complete for DFA). The upper bound makes a connection to pebble games and Strahler numbers, and the lower bound goes via small-cost synchronizing words for DFA, an intermediate problem that we also show PSPACE-complete. We also characterize the complexity of a number of related problems, using the observation that the intersection nonemptiness problem for NWA is EXP-complete

    Width of Non-deterministic Automata

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    International audienceWe introduce a measure called width, quantifying the amount of nondeterminism in automata. Width generalises the notion of good-for-games (GFG) automata, that correspond to NFAs of width 1, and where an accepting run can be built on-the-fly on any accepted input. We describe an incremental determinisation construction on NFAs, which can be more efficient than the full powerset determinisation, depending on the width of the input NFA. This construction can be generalised to infinite words, and is particularly well-suited to coBüchi automata in this context. For coBüchi automata, this procedure can be used to compute either a deterministic automaton or a GFG one, and it is algorithmically more efficient in this last case. We show this fact by proving that checking whether a coBüchi automaton is determinisable by pruning is NP-complete. On finite or infinite words, we show that computing the width of an automaton is PSPACE-hard. 1 Introduction Determinisation of non-deterministic automata (NFAs) is one of the cornerstone problems of automata theory, with countless applications in verification. There is a very active field of research for optimizing or approximating determinisation, or circumventing it in contexts like inclusion of NFA or Church Synthesis. Indeed, determinisation is a costly operation, as the state space blow-up is in O(2 n) on finite words, O(3 n) for coBüchi automata [16], and 2 O(n log(n)) for Büchi automata [17]. If A and B are NFAs, the classical way of checking the inclusion L(A) ⊆ L(B) is to determinise B, complement it, and test emptiness of L(A) ∩ L(B). To circumvent a full determinisation, the recent algorithm from [3] proved to be very efficient, as it is likely to explore only a part of the powerset construction. Other approaches use simulation games to approximate inclusion at a cheaper cost, see for instance [8]. Another approach consists in replacing determinism by a weaker constraint that suffices in some particular context. In this spirit, Good-for-Games automata (GFG for short) were introduced in [9], as a way to solve the Church synthesis problem. This problem asks, given a specification L, typically given by an LTL formula, over an alphabet of inputs and outputs, whether there is a reactive system (transducer) whose behaviour is included in L. The classical solution computes a deterministic automaton for L, and solves a game defined on this automaton. It turns out that replacing determinism by the weaker constraint of being GFG is sufficient in this context. Intuitively, GFG automata are non-deterministic * This work was supported by the grant PALSE Impulsion

    Converting Nondeterministic Two-Way Automata into Small Deterministic Linear-Time Machines

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    In 1978 Sakoda and Sipser raised the question of the cost, in terms of size of representations, of the transformation of two-way and one-way nondeterministic automata into equivalent two-way deterministic automata. Despite all the attempts, the question has been answered only for particular cases (e.g., restrictions of the class of simulated automata or of the class of simulating automata). However the problem remains open in the general case, the best-known upper bound being exponential. We present a new approach in which unrestricted nondeterministic finite automata are simulated by deterministic models extending two-way deterministic finite automata, paying a polynomial increase of size only. Indeed, we study the costs of the conversions of nondeterministic finite automata into some variants of one-tape deterministic Turing machines working in linear time, namely Hennie machines, weight-reducing Turing machines, and weight-reducing Hennie machines. All these variants are known to share the same computational power: they characterize the class of regular languages
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