53 research outputs found

    Adaptive synchronisation of pushdown automata

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    We introduce the notion of adaptive synchronisation for pushdown automata, in which there is an external observer who has no knowledge about the current state of the pushdown automaton, but can observe the contents of the stack. The observer would then like to decide if it is possible to bring the automaton from any state into some predetermined state by giving inputs to it in an adaptive manner, i.e., the next input letter to be given can depend on how the contents of the stack changed after the current input letter. We show that for non-deterministic pushdown automata, this problem is 2-EXPTIME-complete and for deterministic pushdown automata, we show EXPTIME-completeness. To prove the lower bounds, we first introduce (different variants of) subset-synchronisation and show that these problems are polynomial-time equivalent with the adaptive synchronisation problem. We then prove hardness results for the subset-synchronisation problems. For proving the upper bounds, we consider the problem of deciding if a given alternating pushdown system has an accepting run with at most k leaves and we provide an n^O(k²) time algorithm for this problem

    Revisiting Membership Problems in Subclasses of Rational Relations

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    We revisit the membership problem for subclasses of rational relations over finite and infinite words: Given a relation R in a class C_2, does R belong to a smaller class C_1? The subclasses of rational relations that we consider are formed by the deterministic rational relations, synchronous (also called automatic or regular) relations, and recognizable relations. For almost all versions of the membership problem, determining the precise complexity or even decidability has remained an open problem for almost two decades. In this paper, we provide improved complexity and new decidability results. (i) Testing whether a synchronous relation over infinite words is recognizable is NL-complete (PSPACE-complete) if the relation is given by a deterministic (nondeterministic) omega-automaton. This fully settles the complexity of this recognizability problem, matching the complexity of the same problem over finite words. (ii) Testing whether a deterministic rational binary relation is recognizable is decidable in polynomial time, which improves a previously known double exponential time upper bound. For relations of higher arity, we present a randomized exponential time algorithm. (iii) We provide the first algorithm to decide whether a deterministic rational relation is synchronous. For binary relations the algorithm even runs in polynomial time

    Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style Characterization

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    We present an algorithm to learn a deterministic timed automaton (DTA) via membership and equivalence queries. Our algorithm is an extension of the L* algorithm with a Myhill-Nerode style characterization of recognizable timed languages, which is the class of timed languages recognizable by DTAs. We first characterize the recognizable timed languages with a Nerode-style congruence. Using it, we give an algorithm with a smart teacher answering symbolic membership queries in addition to membership and equivalence queries. With a symbolic membership query, one can ask the membership of a certain set of timed words at one time. We prove that for any recognizable timed language, our learning algorithm returns a DTA recognizing it. We show how to answer a symbolic membership query with finitely many membership queries. We also show that our learning algorithm requires a polynomial number of queries with a smart teacher and an exponential number of queries with a normal teacher. We applied our algorithm to various benchmarks and confirmed its effectiveness with a normal teacher

    Internal Quasiperiod Queries

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    Internal pattern matching requires one to answer queries about factors of a given string. Many results are known on answering internal period queries, asking for the periods of a given factor. In this paper we investigate (for the first time) internal queries asking for covers (also known as quasiperiods) of a given factor. We propose a data structure that answers such queries in O(lognloglogn)O(\log n \log \log n) time for the shortest cover and in O(logn(loglogn)2)O(\log n (\log \log n)^2) time for a representation of all the covers, after O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time and space preprocessing.Comment: To appear in the SPIRE 2020 proceeding

    Logical methods for the hierarchy of hyperlogics

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    In this thesis, we develop logical methods for reasoning about hyperproperties. Hyperproperties describe relations between multiple executions of a system. Unlike trace properties, hyperproperties comprise relational properties like noninterference, symmetry, and robustness. While trace properties have been studied extensively, hyperproperties form a relatively new concept that is far from fully understood. We study the expressiveness of various hyperlogics and develop algorithms for their satisfiability and synthesis problems. In the first part, we explore the landscape of hyperlogics based on temporal logics, first-order and second-order logics, and logics with team semantics. We establish that first-order/second-order and temporal hyperlogics span a hierarchy of expressiveness, whereas team logics constitute a radically different way of specifying hyperproperties. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of temporal safety and liveness, from which we obtain fragments of HyperLTL (the most prominent hyperlogic) with a simpler satisfiability problem. In the second part, we develop logics and algorithms for the synthesis of smart contracts. We introduce two extensions of temporal stream logic to express (hyper)properties of infinite-state systems. We study the realizability problem of these logics and define approximations of the problem in LTL and HyperLTL. Based on these approximations, we develop algorithms to construct smart contracts directly from their specifications.In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir logische Methoden, um über Hypereigenschaften zu argumentieren. Hypereigenschaften beschreiben Relationen zwischen mehreren Ausführungen eines Systems. Anders als pfadbasierte Eigenschaften können Hypereigenschaften relationale Eigenschaften wie Symmetrie, Robustheit und die Abwesenheit von Informationsfluss ausdrücken. Während pfadbasierte Eigenschaften in den letzten Jahrzehnten ausführlich erforscht wurden, sind Hypereigenschaften ein relativ neues Konzept, das wir noch nicht vollständig verstehen. Wir untersuchen die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit verschiedener Hyperlogiken und entwickeln ausführbare Algorithmen, um deren Erfüllbarkeits- und Syntheseproblem zu lösen. Im ersten Teil erforschen wir die Landschaft der Hyperlogiken basierend auf temporalen Logiken, Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung und Logiken mit Teamsemantik. Wir stellen fest, dass temporale Logiken und Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung eine Hierarchie an Ausdrucksmächtigkeit aufspannen. Teamlogiken hingegen spezifieren Hypereigenschaften auf eine radikal andere Art. Wir führen außerdem das Konzept von temporalen Sicherheits- und Lebendigkeitseigenschaften ein, durch die Fragmente der bedeutensten Logik HyperLTL entstehen, für die das Erfüllbarkeitsproblem einfacher ist. Im zweiten Teil entwickeln wir Logiken und Algorithmen für die Synthese digitaler Verträge. Wir führen zwei Erweiterungen temporaler Stromlogik ein, um (Hyper)eigenschaften in unendlichen Systemen auszudrücken. Wir untersuchen das Realisierungsproblem dieser Logiken und definieren Approximationen des Problems in LTL und HyperLTL. Basierend auf diesen Approximationen entwickeln wir Algorithmen, die digitale Verträge direkt aus einer Spezifikation erstellen

    Guarded Autonomous Transitions Increase Conciseness and Expressiveness of Timed Automata

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    International audienceTimed Automata (TA) are an appropriate model for specifying timed requirements for Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC). However in order to keep tractable the model checking of a TA over a CTMC, temporal logics based on TA, like CSL TA , restrict TA to have a single clock and to be deterministic (DTA). Different variants of DTAs have been proposed to address the issue of their expressiveness and conciseness. Here we study the effect of two possible features: (1) autonomous transitions which are triggered by time elapsing in addition to synchronized transitions and (2) transitions guarded by propositional formulas instead of propositional formulas guarding locations. We first show that autonomous guarded transitions increase the expressiveness of DTAs (as already shown for guarded locations). Then we identify a hierarchy of DTAs subclasses all equivalent to DTAs without guarded autonomous transitions and we analyze their respective conciseness. In particular we show that eliminating resets in autonomous transitions implies an exponential blow-up, while eliminating autonomous transitions without reset can be performed in polynomial time if decision diagrams are used. Finally we compare TA with guarded transitions to TA with guarded locations showing that the former model is exponentially more concise than the latter one

    On One-way Functions and Kolmogorov Complexity

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    We prove that the equivalence of two fundamental problems in the theory of computing. For every polynomial t(n)(1+ε)n,ε>0t(n)\geq (1+\varepsilon)n, \varepsilon>0, the following are equivalent: - One-way functions exists (which in turn is equivalent to the existence of secure private-key encryption schemes, digital signatures, pseudorandom generators, pseudorandom functions, commitment schemes, and more); - tt-time bounded Kolmogorov Complexity, KtK^t, is mildly hard-on-average (i.e., there exists a polynomial p(n)>0p(n)>0 such that no PPT algorithm can compute KtK^t, for more than a 11p(n)1-\frac{1}{p(n)} fraction of nn-bit strings). In doing so, we present the first natural, and well-studied, computational problem characterizing the feasibility of the central private-key primitives and protocols in Cryptography