934 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Intersection Monitoring: Behavior Analysis & Safety Issues

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    The main objective of my dissertation is to provide a vision-based system to automatically understands traffic patterns and analyze intersections. The system leverages the existing traffic cameras to provide safety and behavior analysis of intersection participants including behavior and safety. The first step is to provide a robust detection and tracking system for vehicles and pedestrians of intersection videos. The appearance and motion based detectors are evaluated on test videos and public available datasets are prepared and evaluated. The contextual fusion method is proposed for detecting pedestrians and motion-based technique is proposed for vehicles based on evaluation results. The detections are feed to the tracking system which uses the mutual cooperation of bipartite graph and enhance optical flow. The enhanced optical flow tracker handles the partial occlusion problem, and it cooperates with the detection module to provide long-term tracks of vehicles and pedestrians. The system evaluation shows 13% and 43% improvement in tracking of vehicles and pedestrians respectively when both participants are addressed by the proposed framework. Finally, trajectories are assessed to provide a comprehensive analysis of safety and behavior of intersection participants including vehicles and pedestrians. Different important applications are addressed such as turning movement count, pedestrians crossing count, turning speed, waiting time, queue length, and surrogate safety measurements. The contribution of the proposed methods are shown through the comparison with ground truths for each mentioned application, and finally heat-maps show benefits of using the proposed system through the visual depiction of intersection usage

    Reliability Improvement On Feasibility Study For Selection Of Infrastructure Projects Using Data Mining And Machine Learning

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    With the progressive development of infrastructure construction, conventional analytical methods such as correlation index, quantifying factors, and peer review are no longer satisfactory in support for decision-making of implementing an infrastructure project in the age of big data. This study proposes using a mathematical model named Fuzzy-Neural Comprehensive Evaluation Model (FNCEM) to improve the reliability of the feasibility study of infrastructure projects by using data mining and machine learning. Specifically, the data collection on time-series data, including traffic videos (278 Gigabytes) and historical weather data, uses transportation cameras and online searching, respectively. Meanwhile, the researcher sent out a questionnaire for the collection of the public opinions upon the influencing factors that an infrastructure project may have. Then, this model implements the backpropagation Artificial Neural Network (BP-ANN) algorithm to simulate traffic flows and generate outputs as partial quantitative references for evaluation. The traffic simulation outputs used as partial inputs to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Fuzzy logic module of the system for the determination of the minimum traffic flows that a construction scheme in corresponding feasibility study should meet. This study bases on a real scenario of constructing a railway-crossing facility in a college town. The research results indicated that BP-ANN was well applied to simulate 15-minute small-scale pedestrian and vehicle flow with minimum overall logarithmic mean squared errors (Log-MSE) of 3.80 and 5.09, respectively. Also, AHP-based Fuzzy evaluation significantly decreased the evaluation subjectivity of selecting construction schemes by 62.5%. It concluded that the FNCEM model has strong potentials of enriching the methodology of conducting a feasibility study of the infrastructure project

    Automatic vehicle detection and tracking in aerial video

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenging tasks of automatic and real-time vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. The aim of this thesis is to build an automatic system that can accurately localise any vehicles that appear in aerial video frames and track the target vehicles with trackers. Vehicle detection and tracking have many applications and this has been an active area of research during recent years; however, it is still a challenge to deal with certain realistic environments. This thesis develops vehicle detection and tracking algorithms which enhance the robustness of detection and tracking beyond the existing approaches. The basis of the vehicle detection system proposed in this thesis has different object categorisation approaches, with colour and texture features in both point and area template forms. The thesis also proposes a novel Self-Learning Tracking and Detection approach, which is an extension to the existing Tracking Learning Detection (TLD) algorithm. There are a number of challenges in vehicle detection and tracking. The most difficult challenge of detection is distinguishing and clustering the target vehicle from the background objects and noises. Under certain conditions, the images captured from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are also blurred; for example, turbulence may make the vehicle shake during flight. This thesis tackles these challenges by applying integrated multiple feature descriptors for real-time processing. In this thesis, three vehicle detection approaches are proposed: the HSV-GLCM feature approach, the ISM-SIFT feature approach and the FAST-HoG approach. The general vehicle detection approaches used have highly flexible implicit shape representations. They are based on training samples in both positive and negative sets and use updated classifiers to distinguish the targets. It has been found that the detection results attained by using HSV-GLCM texture features can be affected by blurring problems; the proposed detection algorithms can further segment the edges of the vehicles from the background. Using the point descriptor feature can solve the blurring problem, however, the large amount of information contained in point descriptors can lead to processing times that are too long for real-time applications. So the FAST-HoG approach combining the point feature and the shape feature is proposed. This new approach is able to speed up the process that attains the real-time performance. Finally, a detection approach using HoG with the FAST feature is also proposed. The HoG approach is widely used in object recognition, as it has a strong ability to represent the shape vector of the object. However, the original HoG feature is sensitive to the orientation of the target; this method improves the algorithm by inserting the direction vectors of the targets. For the tracking process, a novel tracking approach was proposed, an extension of the TLD algorithm, in order to track multiple targets. The extended approach upgrades the original system, which can only track a single target, which must be selected before the detection and tracking process. The greatest challenge to vehicle tracking is long-term tracking. The target object can change its appearance during the process and illumination and scale changes can also occur. The original TLD feature assumed that tracking can make errors during the tracking process, and the accumulation of these errors could cause tracking failure, so the original TLD proposed using a learning approach in between the tracking and the detection by adding a pair of inspectors (positive and negative) to constantly estimate errors. This thesis extends the TLD approach with a new detection method in order to achieve multiple-target tracking. A Forward and Backward Tracking approach has been proposed to eliminate tracking errors and other problems such as occlusion. The main purpose of the proposed tracking system is to learn the features of the targets during tracking and re-train the detection classifier for further processes. This thesis puts particular emphasis on vehicle detection and tracking in different extreme scenarios such as crowed highway vehicle detection, blurred images and changes in the appearance of the targets. Compared with currently existing detection and tracking approaches, the proposed approaches demonstrate a robust increase in accuracy in each scenario

    Taming Crowded Visual Scenes

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    Computer vision algorithms have played a pivotal role in commercial video surveillance systems for a number of years. However, a common weakness among these systems is their inability to handle crowded scenes. In this thesis, we have developed algorithms that overcome some of the challenges encountered in videos of crowded environments such as sporting events, religious festivals, parades, concerts, train stations, airports, and malls. We adopt a top-down approach by first performing a global-level analysis that locates dynamically distinct crowd regions within the video. This knowledge is then employed in the detection of abnormal behaviors and tracking of individual targets within crowds. In addition, the thesis explores the utility of contextual information necessary for persistent tracking and re-acquisition of objects in crowded scenes. For the global-level analysis, a framework based on Lagrangian Particle Dynamics is proposed to segment the scene into dynamically distinct crowd regions or groupings. For this purpose, the spatial extent of the video is treated as a phase space of a time-dependent dynamical system in which transport from one region of the phase space to another is controlled by the optical flow. Next, a grid of particles is advected forward in time through the phase space using a numerical integration to generate a flow map . The flow map relates the initial positions of particles to their final positions. The spatial gradients of the flow map are used to compute a Cauchy Green Deformation tensor that quantifies the amount by which the neighboring particles diverge over the length of the integration. The maximum eigenvalue of the tensor is used to construct a forward Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) field that reveals the Attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS). The same process is repeated by advecting the particles backward in time to obtain a backward FTLE field that reveals the repelling LCS. The attracting and repelling LCS are the time dependent invariant manifolds of the phase space and correspond to the boundaries between dynamically distinct crowd flows. The forward and backward FTLE fields are combined to obtain one scalar field that is segmented using a watershed segmentation algorithm to obtain the labeling of distinct crowd-flow segments. Next, abnormal behaviors within the crowd are localized by detecting changes in the number of crowd-flow segments over time. Next, the global-level knowledge of the scene generated by the crowd-flow segmentation is used as an auxiliary source of information for tracking an individual target within a crowd. This is achieved by developing a scene structure-based force model. This force model captures the notion that an individual, when moving in a particular scene, is subjected to global and local forces that are functions of the layout of that scene and the locomotive behavior of other individuals in his or her vicinity. The key ingredients of the force model are three floor fields that are inspired by research in the field of evacuation dynamics; namely, Static Floor Field (SFF), Dynamic Floor Field (DFF), and Boundary Floor Field (BFF). These fields determine the probability of moving from one location to the next by converting the long-range forces into local forces. The SFF specifies regions of the scene that are attractive in nature, such as an exit location. The DFF, which is based on the idea of active walker models, corresponds to the virtual traces created by the movements of nearby individuals in the scene. The BFF specifies influences exhibited by the barriers within the scene, such as walls and no-entry areas. By combining influence from all three fields with the available appearance information, we are able to track individuals in high-density crowds. The results are reported on real-world sequences of marathons and railway stations that contain thousands of people. A comparative analysis with respect to an appearance-based mean shift tracker is also conducted by generating the ground truth. The result of this analysis demonstrates the benefit of using floor fields in crowded scenes. The occurrence of occlusion is very frequent in crowded scenes due to a high number of interacting objects. To overcome this challenge, we propose an algorithm that has been developed to augment a generic tracking algorithm to perform persistent tracking in crowded environments. The algorithm exploits the contextual knowledge, which is divided into two categories consisting of motion context (MC) and appearance context (AC). The MC is a collection of trajectories that are representative of the motion of the occluded or unobserved object. These trajectories belong to other moving individuals in a given environment. The MC is constructed using a clustering scheme based on the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent (LCE), which measures the mean exponential rate of convergence or divergence of the nearby trajectories in a given state space. Next, the MC is used to predict the location of the occluded or unobserved object in a regression framework. It is important to note that the LCE is used for measuring divergence between a pair of particles while the FTLE field is obtained by computing the LCE for a grid of particles. The appearance context (AC) of a target object consists of its own appearance history and appearance information of the other objects that are occluded. The intent is to make the appearance descriptor of the target object more discriminative with respect to other unobserved objects, thereby reducing the possible confusion between the unobserved objects upon re-acquisition. This is achieved by learning the distribution of the intra-class variation of each occluded object using all of its previous observations. In addition, a distribution of inter-class variation for each target-unobservable object pair is constructed. Finally, the re-acquisition decision is made using both the MC and the AC

    Overview of Environment Perception for Intelligent Vehicles

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    This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on environment perception for intelligent vehicles. The state-of-the-art algorithms and modeling methods for intelligent vehicles are given, with a summary of their pros and cons. A special attention is paid to methods for lane and road detection, traffic sign recognition, vehicle tracking, behavior analysis, and scene understanding. In addition, we provide information about datasets, common performance analysis, and perspectives on future research directions in this area

    Automatic human behaviour anomaly detection in surveillance video

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    This thesis work focusses upon developing the capability to automatically evaluate and detect anomalies in human behaviour from surveillance video. We work with static monocular cameras in crowded urban surveillance scenarios, particularly air- ports and commercial shopping areas. Typically a person is 100 to 200 pixels high in a scene ranging from 10 - 20 meters width and depth, populated by 5 to 40 peo- ple at any given time. Our procedure evaluates human behaviour unobtrusively to determine outlying behavioural events, agging abnormal events to the operator. In order to achieve automatic human behaviour anomaly detection we address the challenge of interpreting behaviour within the context of the social and physical environment. We develop and evaluate a process for measuring social connectivity between individuals in a scene using motion and visual attention features. To do this we use mutual information and Euclidean distance to build a social similarity matrix which encodes the social connection strength between any two individuals. We de- velop a second contextual basis which acts by segmenting a surveillance environment into behaviourally homogeneous subregions which represent high tra c slow regions and queuing areas. We model the heterogeneous scene in homogeneous subgroups using both contextual elements. We bring the social contextual information, the scene context, the motion, and visual attention features together to demonstrate a novel human behaviour anomaly detection process which nds outlier behaviour from a short sequence of video. The method, Nearest Neighbour Ranked Outlier Clusters (NN-RCO), is based upon modelling behaviour as a time independent se- quence of behaviour events, can be trained in advance or set upon a single sequence. We nd that in a crowded scene the application of Mutual Information-based social context permits the ability to prevent self-justifying groups and propagate anomalies in a social network, granting a greater anomaly detection capability. Scene context uniformly improves the detection of anomalies in all the datasets we test upon. We additionally demonstrate that our work is applicable to other data domains. We demonstrate upon the Automatic Identi cation Signal data in the maritime domain. Our work is capable of identifying abnormal shipping behaviour using joint motion dependency as analogous for social connectivity, and similarly segmenting the shipping environment into homogeneous regions

    Car make and model recognition under limited lighting conditions at night

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyCar make and model recognition (CMMR) has become an important part of intelligent transport systems. Information provided by CMMR can be utilized when licence plate numbers cannot be identified or fake number plates are used. CMMR can also be used when automatic identification of a certain model of a vehicle by camera is required. The majority of existing CMMR methods are designed to be used only in daytime when most car features can be easily seen. Few methods have been developed to cope with limited lighting conditions at night where many vehicle features cannot be detected. This work identifies car make and model at night by using available rear view features. A binary classifier ensemble is presented, designed to identify a particular car model of interest from other models. The combination of salient geographical and shape features of taillights and licence plates from the rear view are extracted and used in the recognition process. The majority vote of individual classifiers, support vector machine, decision tree, and k-nearest neighbours is applied to verify a target model in the classification process. The experiments on 100 car makes and models captured under limited lighting conditions at night against about 400 other car models show average high classification accuracy about 93%. The classification accuracy of the presented technique, 93%, is a bit lower than the daytime technique, as reported at 98 % tested on 21 CMMs (Zhang, 2013). However, with the limitation of car appearances at night, the classification accuracy of the car appearances gained from the technique used in this study is satisfied

    Recognition of complex human activities in multimedia streams using machine learning and computer vision

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    Modelling human activities observed in multimedia streams as temporal sequences of their constituent actions has been the object of much research effort in recent years. However, most of this work concentrates on tasks where the action vocabulary is relatively small and/or each activity can be performed in a limited number of ways. In this Thesis, a novel and robust framework for modelling and analysing composite, prolonged activities arising in tasks which can be effectively executed in a variety of ways is proposed. Additionally, the proposed framework is designed to handle cognitive tasks, which cannot be captured using conventional types of sensors. It is shown that the proposed methodology is able to efficiently analyse and recognise complex activities arising in such tasks and also detect potential errors in their execution. To achieve this, a novel activity classification method comprising a feature selection stage based on the novel Key Actions Discovery method and a classification stage based on the combination of Random Forests and Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models is introduced. Experimental results captured in several scenarios arising from real-life applications, including a novel application to a bridge design problem, show that the proposed framework offers higher classification accuracy compared to current activity identification schemes
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