291 research outputs found

    New Approach for Temporal Stability Evaluation of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS)

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    Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) are one of the most popular methods for in-flight vicarious radiometric calibration of Earth remote sensing satellites. The fundamental question of PICS temporal stability has not been adequately addressed. However, the main purpose of this work is to evaluate the temporal stability of a few PICS using a new approach. The analysis was performed over six PICS (Libya 1, Libya 4, Niger 1, Niger 2, Egypt 1 and Sudan 1). The concept of a Virtual Constellation was developed to provide greater temporal coverage and also to overcome the dependence limitation of any specific characteristic derived from one particular sensor. TOA reflectance data from four sensors consistently demonstrating stable calibration to within 5%the Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus), Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager), Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and Sentinel-2A MSI (Multispectral Instrument)were merged into a seamless dataset. Instead of using the traditional method of trend analysis (Students T test), a nonparametric Seasonal Mann-Kendall test was used for determining the PICS stability. The analysis results indicate that Libya 4 and Egypt 1 do not exhibit any monotonic trend in six reflective solar bands common to all of the studied sensors, indicating temporal stability. A decreasing monotonic trend was statistically detected in all bands, except SWIR 2, for Sudan 1 and the Green and Red bands for Niger 1. An increasing trend was detected in the Blue band for Niger 2 and the NIR band for Libya 1. These results do not suggest abandoning PICS as a viable calibration source. Rather, they indicate that PICS temporal stability cannot be assumed and should be regularly monitored as part of the sensor calibration process

    Vicarious Methodologies to Assess and Improve the Quality of the Optical Remote Sensing Images: A Critical Review

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    Over the past decade, number of optical Earth observing satellites performing remote sensing has increased substantially, dramatically increasing the capability to monitor the Earth. The quantity of remote sensing satellite increase is primarily driven by improved technology, miniaturization of components, reduced manufacturing, and launch cost. These satellites often lack on-board calibrators that a large satellite utilizes to ensure high quality (e.g., radiometric, geometric, spatial quality, etc.) scientific measurement. To address this issue, this work presents “best” vicarious image quality assessment and improvement techniques for those kinds of optical satellites which lacks on-board calibration system. In this article, image quality categories have been explored, and essential quality parameters (e.g., absolute and relative calibration, aliasing, etc.) have been identified. For each of the parameters, appropriate characterization methods are identified along with its specifications or requirements. In cases of multiple methods, recommendation has been made based-on the strengths and weaknesses of each method. Furthermore, processing steps have been presented, including examples. Essentially, this paper provides a comprehensive study of the criteria that needs to be assessed to evaluate remote sensing satellite data quality, and best vicarious methodologies to evaluate identified quality parameters such as coherent noise, ground sample distance, etc

    Forty-Year Calibrated Record of Earth-Surface Reflected Radiance from Landsat: A Review

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    Sensors on Landsat satellites have been collecting images of the Earth's surface for nearly 40 years. These images have been invaluable for characterizing and detecting changes in the land cover and land use of the world. Although initially conceived as primarily picture generating sensors, even the early sensors were radiometrically calibrated and spectrally characterized prior to launch and incorporated some capabilities to monitor their radiometric calibration once on orbit. Recently, as the focus of studies has shifted to monitoring Earth surface parameters over significant periods of time, serious attention has been focused toward bringing the data from all these sensors onto a common radiometric scale over this 40-year period. This effort started with the most recent systems and then was extended back in time. Landsat-7 ETM+, the best-characterized sensor of the series prior to launch and once on orbit, and the most stable system to date, was chosen to serve as the reference. The Landsat-7 project was the first of the series to build an image assessment system into its ground system, allowing systematic characterization of its sensors and data. Second, the Landsat-5 TM (still operating at the time of the Landsat-7 launch and continues to operate) calibration history was reconstructed based on its internal calibrator, vicarious calibrations, pseudo-invariant sites and a tie to Landsat-7 ETM+ at the time of the commissioning of Landsat-7. This process was performed in two iterations: the earlier one relied primarily on the TM internal calibrator. When this was found to have some deficiencies, a revised calibration was based more on pseudo-invariant sites, though the internal calibrator was still used to establish the short-term variations in response due to icing build up on the cold focal plane. As time progressed, a capability to monitor the Landsat-5 TM was added to the image assessment system. The Landsat-4 TM, which operated from 1982-1992, was the third system to which the radiometric scale was extended. The limited and broken use of the Landsat-4 TM made this analysis more difficult. Eight-day separated image pairs from Landsat-5 combined with analysis of pseudo invariant sites established this history. The fourth and most challenging effort was making the Landsat-1 to -5 MSS sensors' data internally radiometrically consistent. This effort was particularly complicated by the age of the MSS data, varying formats and processing levels in the archive, limited datasets, and limited documentation available. Ultimately, pseudo-invariant sites were identified in North America and used for this effort. Note that most of the Landsat-MSS archived data had already been calibrated using the MSS internal calibrators, so this processing was imbedded in the result. The final effort was developing an absolute scale for Landsat MSS similar to what was already established for the "TM" sensors. This was accomplished by using simultaneous data from Landsat-5 MSS and Landsat-5 TM, accounting for spectral differences between the sensors using EO-1 Hyperion data. The recalibrated history of the Landsat data and implications to users are discussed. The key result from this work is a consistently calibrated Landsat data archive that spans nearly 40 years with total uncertainties on the order of 10% or less for most sensors and bands

    Landsat-7 ETM+ Radiometric Stability and Absolute Calibration

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    Launched in April 1999, the Landsat-7 ETM+ instrument is in its fourth year of operation. The quality of the acquired calibrated imagery continues to be high, especially with respect to its three most important radiometric performance parameters: reflective band instrument stability to better than ±1%, reflective band absolute calibration to better than ±5%, and thermal band absolute calibration to better than ± 0.6 K. The ETM+ instrument has been the most stable of any of the Landsat instruments, in both the reflective and thermal channels. To date, the best on-board calibration source for the reflective bands has been the Full Aperture Solar Calibrator, which has indicated changes of at most –1.8% to –2.0% (95% C.I.) change per year in the ETM+ gain (band 4). However, this change is believed to be caused by changes in the solar diffuser panel, as opposed to a change in the instrument\u27s gain. This belief is based partially on ground observations, which bound the changes in gain in band 4 at –0.7% to +1.5%. Also, ETM+ stability is indicated by the monitoring of desert targets. These image-based results for four Saharan and Arabian sites, for a collection of 35 scenes over the three years since launch, bound the gain change at –0.7% to +0.5% in band 4. Thermal calibration from ground observations revealed an offset error of +0.31 W/m2 sr um soon after launch. This offset was corrected within the U. S. ground processing system at EROS Data Center on 21-Dec-00, and since then, the band 6 on-board calibration has indicated changes of at most +0.02% to +0.04% (95% C.I.) per year. The latest ground observations have detected no remaining offset error with an RMS error of ± 0.6 K. The stability and absolute calibration of the Landsat-7 ETM+ sensor make it an ideal candidate to be used as a reference source for radiometric cross-calibrating to other land remote sensing satellite systems

    Summary of Current Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+, and EO-1 ALI Sensors

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    This paper provides a summary of the current equations and rescaling factors for converting calibrated Digital Numbers (DNs) to absolute units of at-sensor spectral radiance, Top-Of- Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, and at-sensor brightness temperature. It tabulates the necessary constants for the Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) sensors. These conversions provide a basis for standardized comparison of data in a single scene or between images acquired on different dates or by different sensors. This paper forms a needed guide for Landsat data users who now have access to the entire Landsat archive at no cost

    Hyperspectral Empirical Absolute Calibration Model Using Libya 4 Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site

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    The objective of this paper is to find an empirical hyperspectral absolute calibration model using Libya 4 pseudo-invariant calibration site (PICS). The approach involves using the Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI) as the reference radiometer and using Earth Observing One (EO-1) Hyperion, with a spectral resolution of 10 nm as a hyperspectral source. This model utilizes data from a region of interest (ROI) in an “optimal region” of 3% temporal, spatial, and spectral stability within the Libya 4 PICS. It uses an improved, simple, empirical, hyperspectral Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution function (BRDF) model accounting for four angles: solar zenith and azimuth, and view zenith and azimuth angles. This model can perform absolute calibration in 1 nm spectral resolution by predicting TOA reflectance in all existing spectral bands of the sensors. The resultant model was validated with image data acquired from satellite sensors such as Landsat 7, Sentinel 2A, and Sentinel 2B, Terra MODIS, Aqua MODIS, from their launch date to 2020. These satellite sensors differ in terms of the width of their spectral band-pass, overpass time, off-nadir viewing capabilities, spatial resolution, and temporal revisit time, etc. The result demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed model has an accuracy of the order of 3% with a precision of about 3% for the nadir viewing sensors (with view zenith angle up to 5°) used in the study. For the off-nadir viewing satellites with view zenith angle up to 20°, it can have an estimated accuracy of 6% and precision of 4%

    Landsat Program

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    Landsat initiated the revolution in moderate resolution Earth remote sensing in the 1970s. With seven successful missions over 40+ years, Landsat has documented - and continues to document - the global Earth land surface and its evolution. The Landsat missions and sensors have evolved along with the technology from a demonstration project in the analog world of visual interpretation to an operational mission in the digital world, with incremental improvements along the way in terms of spectral, spatial, radiometric and geometric performance as well as acquisition strategy, data availability, and products

    Empirical Absolute Calibration Model for Multiple Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites

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    This work extends an empirical absolute calibration model initially developed for the Libya 4 Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS) to five additional Saharan Desert PICS (Egypt 1, Libya 1, Niger 1, Niger 2, and Sudan 1), and demonstrates the efficacy of the resulting models at predicting sensor top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance. It attempts to generate absolute calibration models for these PICS that have an accuracy and precision comparable to or better than the current Libya 4 model, with the intent of providing additional opportunities for sensor calibration. In addition, this work attempts to validate the general applicability of the model to other sites. The method uses Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as the reference radiometer and Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) Hyperion image data to provide a representative hyperspectral reflectance profile of the PICS. Data from a region of interest (ROI) in an “optimal region” of 3% temporal, spatial, and spectral stability within the PICS are used for developing the model. The developed models were used to simulate observations of the Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI), Sentinel 2A (S2A) Multispectral Instrument (MSI) and Sentinel 2B (S2B) Multispectral Instrument (MSI) from their respective launch date through 2018

    Assessing the Calibration Differences in the Reflective Solar Bands of Terra MODIS and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus

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    Long-term data records obtained from Earth observing sensors depend not only onthe calibration accuracy of individual sensors but also on the consistency across instruments andplatforms. Hence, sensor calibration intercomparison plays a vital role for a better understandingof various science products. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)and enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) on the Terra and Landsat 7 platforms have operatedsuccessfully since their launch, collecting measurements in the reflective solar and infrared partsof the spectrum. Terra MODIS has employed a reflectance-based calibration since beginning itsmission. In the case of ETM+, a radiance-based calibration was employed until recent years,when a reflectance-based calibration was introduced. Being in the AM constellation with lessthan 30 min difference in overpass times, near-simultaneous Earth scene measurements can beeffectively used to assess the calibration differences between the spectrally matching bands ofthese two instruments. The pseudoinvariant calibration sites (PICS) in the North African desertare widely used for on-orbit calibration and validation of satellite sensors. Four PICS from thisregion have been employed to assess the multitemporal reflectance differences. Correction forbidirectional reflectance, spectral response function mismatch, and impacts of atmosphericwater-vapor have been incorporated to provide an assessment of the long-term stability ofeach spectral band and reflectance differences amongst them. Results indicate that the spectralbands of both instruments show a long-term stability to within 2% from 2000 to 2017. Thetop-of-atmosphere reflectances between the two instruments postcorrection agree to within 4%.Also included in this paper is a detailed discussion of various parameters contributing to theuncertainties of this cross-calibration. The techniques presented in this paper can be furtherextended to perform similar intercomparison between Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager, AquaMODIS, and Suomi-NPP VIIRS

    Detection of Change Points in Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites Time Series Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery

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    The remote sensing community has extensively used Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) to monitor the long-term in-flight radiometric calibration of Earth-observing satellites. The use of the PICS has an underlying assumption that these sites are invariant over time. However, the site’s temporal stability has not been assured in the past. This work evaluates the temporal stability of PICS by not only detecting the trend but also locating significant shifts (change points) lying behind the time series. A single time series was formed using the virtual constellation approach in which multiple sensors data were combined for each site to achieve denser temporal coverage and overcome the limitation of dependence related to a specific sensor. The sensors used for this work were selected based on radiometric calibration uncertainty and availability of the data: operational land imager (Landsat-8), enhanced thematic mapper (Landsat-7), moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (Terra and Aqua), and multispectral instrument (Sentinel-2A). An inverse variance weighting method was applied to the Top-of- Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance time series to reveal the underlying trend. The sequential Mann–Kendall test was employed upon the weighted TOA reflectance time-series recorded over 20 years to detect abrupt changes for six reflective bands. Statistically significant trends and abrupt changes have been detected for all sites, but the magnitude of the trends (maximum of 0.215% change in TOA reflectance per year) suggest that these sites are not changing substantially over time. Hence, it can be stated that despite minor changes in all evaluated PICS, they can be used for radiometric calibration of optical remote sensing sensors. The new approach provides useful results by revealing underlying trends and providing a better understanding of PICS\u27 stability
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