7 research outputs found

    Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Eksploitasi Air Tanah oleh PT. Tirta Investama terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Kecamatan Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten

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    This research has the aims to find out the impact of water exploitation by PT. Tirta Investama to agricultural sector, especially to farmer's income, and introduce the importance that impact to follow up later, in Trucuk, Klaten regency. The methods of analysis used in this research are wilcoxon-different test to test differentiation farmer's income between before and after the exploitation activities, and some indicators about environmental impact analysis that regulated by Government Regulation No.27, 1999. The result of this research shows that there is a significant differentiation between before and after exploitation of farmer's income. Also, farmer's income after exploitation is lower than before and the impact of the activities is very important to get wise policy

    Rethinking United Nations peacekeeping missions : the case of Western Sahara

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    This study aims to address a simple question: is the current strategy of conflict resolution defined and developed by the United Nations sustainable, or should a new model be adopted? To answer this, this work has presented an analysis of the evolution of the concept of conflict, as defined by several crucial authors, such as Lewis Coser, Ralph Dahrendorf, and Raymond Aron. Once a suitable definition was found, several theories on conflict resolution were addressed, particularly the works of Edward Azar, John Galtung, and the development of this notion within the United Nations, mainly focused in former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali report, An Agenda for Peace. Then, this thesis focuses on presenting the evolution of peacekeeping operations through time. In a critical analysis, it stresses the missions’ lack of communication, resources, preparation, and political will. With unfit and unclear mandates, their main goal of reaching an agreement is insufficient in today’s world. This study shows that an agreement will not take away years of resentment and hate, nor will it lead people to a peaceful coexistence after years of violence and war. In line with these conclusions, this study proposes John Paul Lederach’s theory on Conflict Transformation as an alternative strategy to rethink peacekeeping operations. Highlighting the importance of relationships to achieve reconciliation, it emphasizes the central role individuals must play to achieve peace. Through the example of the conflict in Western Sahara, this work concludes that there is the need to rethink peace operations as a whole. Beginning in 1975, this conflict lasts for 40 years, without a foreseeable end. This research goes further by arguing that this new approach suggested by Lederach can help unlock this stalemate when everything else seems to have failed. If applied, it can improve parties’ communication and understanding of the other, thus providing them with tools to create and envision a new shared future.Este estudo pretende responder a uma questão: será a atual estratégia de resolução de conflitos, definida pelas Nações Unidas, sustentável, ou deverá um novo modelo ser adotado? Para responder a esta pergunta, foi analisada a evolução do conceito de conflito, baseado na definição apresentada por autores como Lewis Coser, Ralph Dahrendorf, e Raymond Aron. Uma vez encontrada uma definição, foram apresentadas algumas teorias de resolução de conflitos, ilustradas nos trabalhos de Edward Azar e John Galtung, bem como a ideia desenvolvida pela Nações Unidas, com particular enfoque no relatório apresentado pelo antigo Secretário-Geral Boutros Boutros Ghali, Agenda para a Paz. Esta tese apresenta ainda a evolução das operações de paz ao longo do tempo. Através de uma análise crítica, sublinha a falta de comunicação, recursos, preparação e vontade políticas como principais problemas que assolam as missões de paz. Neste sentido, este trabalho revela que um acordo de paz não afasta anos de ressentimento ou ódio, nem produz entre as comunidades uma convivência pacífica após anos de violência e guerra. Em linha com estas conclusões, este estudo propõe a teoria de Transformação de Conflitos apresentada por John Paul Lederach como uma estratégia alternativa para repensar estas missões. Salientando a importância das relações para alcançar reconciliação, esta teoria enfatiza o papel central que cada indivíduo deve assumir para alcançar a paz. Tendo como base o exemplo do conflito no Sahara Ocidental, é possível concluir que é necessário repensar as missões de paz. Com início em 1975, este conflito dura há 40 anos, sem um fim à vista. Este estudo argumenta ainda que a abordagem sugerida por Lederach apresenta-se como uma possibilidade de desbloquear este conflito, sobretudo quando tudo o resto parece ter falhado. Poderá melhorar a comunicação e o entendimento entre as partes, fornecendo assim as ferramentas para que ambas possam construir um futuro em conjunto

    Towards adaptive water governance in dryland social-ecological systems: the case of the Rio del Carmen watershed

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    Drylands are ecologically restricted by water scarcity, limiting the water ecosystem services that can contribute to human well-being. At the same time, the 2.5 billion people living in drylands are considered the poorest and most marginalized people in the world. Given this challenging context, drylands, as coupled social-ecological systems, are prone to suffer harm from non-linear stressors such as droughts, climate change, as well as the mismanagement of water ecosystem services, with important implications for livelihoods. Adaptive water governance has the potential to increase dryland resilience in the face of uncertainty, through institutional arrangements that enable flexibility, iteration, subsidiarity, and collaboration. However, when advancing adaptation efforts, water governance assessments and reforms tend to fail because of a lack of a comprehensive analysis of the social-ecological context and its complexities. To provide important insights to strengthen dryland resilience, this thesis analyses water governance in the Rio del Carmen watershed in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico. Based on primary data from semi-structured interviews and survey research, this thesis explores how stakeholders perceive water ecosystem services and how water governance regulates their access; the governance vulnerabilities that undermine dryland adaptation; and the potential that stakeholders have to overcome them and enable adaptive water governance. Results show that formal institutions that do not consider informal institutions (including stakeholder perceptions, farming practices, religious beliefs, and corruption) when addressing local needs, undermine the effectiveness of governance. In the Rio del Carmen watershed, this has led to impacts on both the environment and society in the form of water overexploitation, grassland loss, water mismanagement, legal breaches, and social clashes. Findings suggest that developing a common awareness about water ecosystem services among stakeholders has the potential to engage them and ultimately help establish a formal network guided by adaptive governance approaches. Accordingly, this thesis derives three principles for moving towards adaptive water governance, highlighting the need to recognise the exposure and sensitivity to societal and climate stressors, and to adjust the institutional setting to these context-specific issues. The principles aim to enhance the implications of resilience theory for scholars and practitioners working on dryland resilience and adaptation, so the expansion and degradation of drylands can be better addressed

    Development of an integrated model for urban sustainable resilience through smart city projects in the Southern African context.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The construct Smart City has gone through a few phases in the last decades. Today there is still no consensus on an accurate definition of Smart City, even though a few concepts are now accepted by most stakeholders, establishing frameworks heading to enhance the quality of life of citizens, sustainable development and economic competitiveness, and, most importantly, the optimal balance between these. Starting from the framework of the Smart City model as conceptualized by the developed world, this research attempts to critically analyse the challenges and barriers to a transition and upgrade of such a model for implementation in developing countries, particularly in the Southern Africa. The mid-term future trends in the region create a huge expectation and concern internationally. Factors like the considerable demographic increase in the post-colonial Africa, the massive migration from the rural areas to cities and the shift from the manufacturing world pole in the East to the African continent predict a remarkable dynamic and vibrant scene in the near future. Stressing the ability of the region to respond to these challenges is starting to gain the attention of scholars and organizations internationally. However, it is important to say that most of the research studies point to both, the solution of dramatic situations related to poverty and underdevelopment, and secondly, the market prospect studies that research the economic potential of the region to foreign capital. Moreover, regarding urban systems, most African governments have scarce and unreliable data. Therefore, looking from a local perspective, it is fair to explore ways Africa and Africans are able to cope with the challenges to come. Not only to make the place attractive to outsider eyes but to increase the quality of life and opportunities for local people through selfmanagement. Africa has undergone through a long history of catastrophes in recent times, with horrendous impact on the population. Yet, a proved resilience makes room for hope in a better future, away from a patronizing management by external forces. Part of this research stresses the feasibility of tailor made solutions to cope with future challenges from a local perspective in the era of globalization. International agencies tend to rate performance in multiple fields based on worldwide standards. Taking into account the use of a series of indicators as a tool to rationalize (evaluate) the performance of any particular field of human action; the measurement of those indicators can vary from region to region. In such resilient environment as described above, the aim of this research is to identify sustainable ways for long-term implementation of up to date technologies in Southern African cities for an effective leapfrog that would bring Southern Africa up to nowadays standards without losing local references. A deep dive into the literature about current technologies and the African city represents the starting point of the methodological approach in order to understand localities and real challenges. The research looked at worldwide urban trends and aims to extract those parameters that are meaningful to Africa today. In order to validate the findings of the research, a case study focussed on specific urban challenges has been identified: the Umgeni River estuary in eThekwini municipality is representative of the confluence of multiple urban dynamics: environmental concerns, lack of municipal services, climate change vulnerability, ocean pollution, poverty, regional business, mining, commercial activities, informal settlements and formal planning. The waste sector in particular, typically undermined in the Global South, has been identified as a potential common thread across the aforementioned urban dynamics. The application to the case study of the lessons learnt through the study of the smart city and urban sustainable resilience highlights the readiness of the Southern Africa city and unlocks a discussion about sustainable urban growth. The results indicate a dual scenario, concerning yet optimistic: there are great disparities between the aspirations from city managers and policy makers, and the conflicted reality at ground level. The pressure due the competitive agenda to render Southern African cities appealing in order to gain foreign economic attention could fade as local communities improve their life condition and strength local markets: “Africa by Africans for Africans”. Two important factors can make this shift possible: one is the presence of strong academic institution with great number of strong collaborations with organizations of great reputation. The case study proves a great interest to assist with solutions to African matters by the international community, but probably not in the way city managers expect. The second one is the advantage that can be taken from the “already made” infrastructure fabric, re-programming the initially “colonial-conceived extractive economic vision” towards social gain

    Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Eksploitasi Air Tanah Oleh PT. Tirta Investama Terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Kecamatan Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten

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    This research has the aims to find out the impact of water exploitation by PT. Tirta Investama to agricultural sector, especially to farmer’s income, and introduce the importance that impact to follow up later, in Trucuk, Klaten regency. The methods of analysis used in this research are wilcoxon-different test to test differentiation farmer’s income between before and after the exploitation activities, and some indicators about environmental impact analysis that regulated by Government Regulation No.27, 1999. The result of this research shows that there is a significant differentiation between before and after exploitation of farmer’s income. Also, farmer’s income after exploitation is lower than before and the impact of the activities is very important to get wise policy.Keywords:  Land water exploitation, environmental impact, farmer’s income

    Valuasi Ekonomi Dampak Eksploitasi Air Tanah Oleh PT. Tirta Investama Terhadap Sektor Pertanian di Kecamatan Trucuk Kabupaten Klaten

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    This research has the aims to find out the impact of water exploitation by PT. Tirta Investama to agricultural sector, especially to farmer’s income, and introduce the importance that impact to follow up later, in Trucuk, Klaten regency. The methods of analysis used in this research are wilcoxon-different test to test differentiation farmer’s income between before and after the exploitation activities, and some indicators about environmental impact analysis that regulated by Government Regulation No.27, 1999. The result of this research shows that there is a significant differentiation between before and after exploitation of farmer’s income. Also, farmer’s income after exploitation is lower than before and the impact of the activities is very important to get wise policy.Keywords:  Land water exploitation, environmental impact, farmer’s incom