6 research outputs found

    Studi Rancang Bangun Sistem Telekomunikasi Berbasis Konstelasi Satelit LEO Untuk Wilayah Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan melakukan studi rancang bangun sistem telekomunikasi berbasis konstelasi satelit LEO untuk wilayah Indonesia. Satelit LEO dipilih karena merupakan pilihan yang menguntungkan bagi negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Satelit LEO dapat membantu melengkapi kebutuhan internet di daerah yang belum mendapatkan akses internet. Satelit LEO memiliki keunggulan berupa delay propagasi yang rendah, daya transmisi yang rendah sehingga cocok untuk aplikasi komunikasi, untuk itu dibuat rancang bangun sistem konstelasi satelit LEO untuk cakupan yang kepadatan penduduknya (user density) 10 ā€“ 1000 jiwa/kmĀ² dengan tujuan mengevaluasi cakupan daerah yang ada di Indonesia dengan efektif dan mengevaluasi pemerataan kebutuhan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Dengan tujuan tersebut penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai coverage dari konstelasi satelit LEO yang ada di Indonesia sehingga daerah ā€“ daerah terpencil di Indonesia dapat terpenuhi kebutuhan telekomunikasinya.

    Architectures and Key Technical Challenges for 5G Systems Incorporating Satellites

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    Satellite Communication systems are a promising solution to extend and complement terrestrial networks in unserved or under-served areas. This aspect is reflected by recent commercial and standardisation endeavours. In particular, 3GPP recently initiated a Study Item for New Radio-based, i.e., 5G, Non-Terrestrial Networks aimed at deploying satellite systems either as a stand-alone solution or as an integration to terrestrial networks in mobile broadband and machine-type communication scenarios. However, typical satellite channel impairments, as large path losses, delays, and Doppler shifts, pose severe challenges to the realisation of a satellite-based NR network. In this paper, based on the architecture options currently being discussed in the standardisation fora, we discuss and assess the impact of the satellite channel characteristics on the physical and Medium Access Control layers, both in terms of transmitted waveforms and procedures for enhanced Mobile BroadBand (eMBB) and NarrowBand-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) applications. The proposed analysis shows that the main technical challenges are related to the PHY/MAC procedures, in particular Random Access (RA), Timing Advance (TA), and Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) and, depending on the considered service and architecture, different solutions are proposed.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, April 201

    A study on the e-navigation government framework: a Philippine perspective

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    LTE-based satellite communications in LEO mega-constellations

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    The integration of satellite and terrestrial networks is a promising solution for extending broadband coverage to areas not connected to a terrestrial infrastructure, as also demonstrated by recent commercial and standardisation endeavours. However, the large delays and Doppler shifts over the satellite channel pose severe technical challenges to traditional terrestrial systems, as long-term evolution (LTE) or 5G. In this paper, 2 architectures are proposed for a low Earth orbit mega-constellation realising a satellite-enabled LTE system, in which the on-ground LTE entity is either an eNB (Sat-eNB) or a relay node (Sat-RN). The impact of satellite channel impairments as large delays and Doppler shifts on LTE PHY/MAC procedures is discussed and assessed. The proposed analysis shows that, while carrier spacings, random access and RN attach procedures do not pose specific issues and hybrid automatic repeat request requires substantial modifications. Moreover, advanced handover procedures will be also required due to the satellites' movement

    A Survey on Non-Geostationary Satellite Systems: The Communication Perspective

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    The next phase of satellite technology is being characterized by a new evolution in non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellites, which conveys exciting new communication capabilities to provide non-terrestrial connectivity solutions and to support a wide range of digital technologies from various industries. NGSO communication systems are known for a number of key features such as lower propagation delay, smaller size, and lower signal losses in comparison to the conventional geostationary orbit (GSO) satellites, which can potentially enable latency-critical applications to be provided through satellites. NGSO promises a substantial boost in communication speed and energy efficiency, and thus, tackling the main inhibiting factors of commercializing GSO satellites for broader utilization. The promised improvements of NGSO systems have motivated this paper to provide a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art NGSO research focusing on the communication prospects, including physical layer and radio access technologies along with the networking aspects and the overall system features and architectures. Beyond this, there are still many NGSO deployment challenges to be addressed to ensure seamless integration not only with GSO systems but also with terrestrial networks. These unprecedented challenges are also discussed in this paper, including coexistence with GSO systems in terms of spectrum access and regulatory issues, satellite constellation and architecture designs, resource management problems, and user equipment requirements. Finally, we outline a set of innovative research directions and new opportunities for future NGSO research

    Modeling and Analysis of Massive Low Earth Orbit Communication Networks

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    Non-terrestrial networks are foreseen as a crucial component for developing 6th generation (6G) of wireless cellular networks by many telecommunication industries. Among non-terrestrial networks, low Earth orbit (LEO) communication satellites have shown a great potential in providing global seamless coverage for remote and under-served regions where conventional terrestrial networks are either not available or not economically justiļ¬able to deploy. In addition, to the date of writing this summary, LEO communication networks have became highly commercialized with many prominent examples, compared to other non-terrestrial networks, e.g., high altitude platforms (HAPs) which are still in prototyping stage. Despite the rapid promotion of LEO constellations, theoretical methodologies to study the performance of such massive networks at large are still missing from the scientiļ¬c literature. While commercial plans must obviously have been simulated before deployment of these constellations, the deterministic and network-speciļ¬c simulations rely on instantaneous positions of satellites and, consequently, are unable to characterize the performance of massive satellite networks in a generic scientiļ¬c form, given the constellation parameters. In order to address this problem, in this thesis, a generic tractable approach is proposed to analyze the LEO communication networks using stochastic geometry as a central tool. Firstly, satellites are modeled as a point process which enables using the mathematics of stochastic geometry to formulate two performance metrics of the network, namely, coverage probability and data rate, in terms of constellation parameters. The derivations are applicable to any given LEO constellation regardless of satellitesā€™ actual locations on orbits. Due to speciļ¬c geometry of satellites, there is an inherent mismatch between the actual distribution of satellites and the point processes that are used to model their locality. Secondly, diļ¬€erent approaches have thus been investigated to eliminate this modeling error and improve the accuracy of the analytical derivations. The results of this research are published in seven original publications which are attached to this summary. In these publications, coverage probability and average achievable data rate of LEO satellite networks are derived for several communication scenarios in both uplink and downlink directions under diļ¬€erent propagation models and user association techniques. Moreover, the analysis was generalized to cover the performance analysis of a multi-altitude constellation which imitates the geometry of some well-known commercial constellations with satellites orbiting on multiple altitude levels. While direct communication between the satellites and ground terminals is the main studied communication scenario in this thesis, the performance of a LEO network as a backhaul for aerial platforms is also addressed and compared with terrestrial backhaul networks. Finally, all analytical derivations, obtained from stochastic modeling of the LEO constellations, are veriļ¬ed through Monte Carlo simulations and compared with actual simulated constellations to ensure their accuracy. Through the numerical results, the performance metrics are evaluated in terms of diļ¬€erent constellation parameters, e.g., altitude, inclination angle, and total number of satellites, which reveals their optimal values that maximize the capacity and/or coverage probability. Therefore, other than performance analysis, several insightful guidelines can be also extracted regarding the design of LEO satellite networks based on the numerical results. Stochastic modeling of a LEO satellite network, which is proposed for the ļ¬rst time ever in this thesis, extends the application of stochastic geometry in wireless communication ļ¬eld from planar two-dimensional (2D) networks to highly heterogeneous three-dimensional (3D) spherical networks. In fact, the results show that stochastic modeling can also be utilized to precisely model the networks with deterministic nodesā€™ locations and speciļ¬c distribution of nodes over the Euclidean space. Thus, the proposed methodology reported herein paves the way for comprehensive analytical understanding and generic performance study of heterogeneous massive networks in the future