16 research outputs found

    Error Analysis and Correction for Weighted A*'s Suboptimality (Extended Version)

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    Weighted A* (wA*) is a widely used algorithm for rapidly, but suboptimally, solving planning and search problems. The cost of the solution it produces is guaranteed to be at most W times the optimal solution cost, where W is the weight wA* uses in prioritizing open nodes. W is therefore a suboptimality bound for the solution produced by wA*. There is broad consensus that this bound is not very accurate, that the actual suboptimality of wA*'s solution is often much less than W times optimal. However, there is very little published evidence supporting that view, and no existing explanation of why W is a poor bound. This paper fills in these gaps in the literature. We begin with a large-scale experiment demonstrating that, across a wide variety of domains and heuristics for those domains, W is indeed very often far from the true suboptimality of wA*'s solution. We then analytically identify the potential sources of error. Finally, we present a practical method for correcting for two of these sources of error and experimentally show that the correction frequently eliminates much of the error.Comment: Published as a short paper in the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, SoCS 201

    Abstraction Heuristics, Cost Partitioning and Network Flows

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    Cost partitioning is a well-known technique to make admissible heuristics for classical planning additive. The optimal cost partitioning of explicit-state abstraction heuristics can be computed in polynomial time with a linear program, but the size of the model is often prohibitive. We study this model from a dual perspective and develop several simplification rules to reduce its size. We use these rules to answer open questions about extensions of the state equation heuristic and their relation to cost partitioning

    Narrowing the Gap Between Saturated and Optimal Cost Partitioning for Classical Planning

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    In classical planning, cost partitioning is a method for admissibly combining a set of heuristic estimators by distributing operator costs among the heuristics. An optimal cost partitioning is often prohibitively expensive to compute. Saturated cost partitioning is an alternative that is much faster to compute and has been shown to offer high-quality heuristic guidance on Cartesian abstractions. However, its greedy nature makes it highly susceptible to the order in which the heuristics are considered. We show that searching in the space of orders leads to significantly better heuristic estimates than with previously considered orders. Moreover, using multiple orders leads to a heuristic that is significantly better informed than any single-order heuristic. In experiments with Cartesian abstractions, the resulting heuristic approximates the optimal cost partitioning very closely

    Saturated Post-hoc Optimization for Classical Planning

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    Saturated cost partitioning and post-hoc optimization are two powerful cost partitioning algorithms for optimal classical planning. The main idea of saturated cost partitioning is to give each considered heuristic only the fraction of remaining operator costs that it needs to prove its estimates. We show how to apply this idea to post-hoc optimization and obtain a heuristic that dominates the original both in theory and on the IPC benchmarks

    Optimal Solitaire Game Solutions using A* Search and Deadlock Analysis

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    We propose an efficient method for determining optimal solutions to such skill-based solitaire card games as Freecell. We use A* search with an admissible heuristic function based on analyzing a directed graph whose cycles represent deadlock situations in the game state. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first algorithm that efficiently determines optimal solutions for Freecell games. We believe that the underlying ideas should be applicable not only to games but also to other classical planning problems which manifest deadlocks

    Finding and Exploiting LTL Trajectory Constraints in Heuristic Search

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    We suggest the use of linear temporal logic (LTL) for expressing declarative information about optimal solutions of search problems. We describe a general framework that associates LTLf formulas with search nodes in a heuristic search algorithm. Compared to previous approaches that integrate specific kinds of path information like landmarks into heuristic search, the approach is general, easy to prove correct and easy to integrate with other kinds of path information

    Cost Partitioning Heuristics for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems

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    In classical planning, cost partitioning is a powerful method which allows to combine multiple admissible heuristics while retaining an admissible bound. In this paper, we extend the theory of cost partitioning to probabilistic planning by generalizing from deterministic transition systems to stochastic shortest path problems (SSPs). We show that fundamental results related to cost partitioning still hold in our extended theory. We also investigate how to optimally partition costs for a large class of abstraction heuristics for SSPs. Lastly, we analyze occupation measure heuristics for SSPs as well as the theory of approximate linear programming for reward-oriented Markov decision processes. All of these fit our framework and can be seen as cost-partitioned heuristics

    A Theory of Merge-and-Shrink for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems

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    The merge-and-shrink framework is a powerful tool to construct state space abstractions based on factored representations. One of its core applications in classical planning is the construction of admissible abstraction heuristics. In this paper, we develop a compositional theory of merge-and-shrink in the context of probabilistic planning, focusing on stochastic shortest path problems (SSPs). As the basis for this development, we contribute a novel factored state space model for SSPs. We show how general transformations, including abstractions, can be formulated on this model to derive admissible and/or perfect heuristics. To formalize the merge-and-shrink framework for SSPs, we transfer the fundamental merge-and-shrink transformations from the classical setting: shrinking, merging, and label reduction. We analyze the formal properties of these transformations in detail and show how the conditions under which shrinking and label reduction lead to perfect heuristics can be extended to the SSP setting

    Mechanically Proving Guarantees of Generalized Heuristics: First Results and Ongoing Work

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    The goal of generalized planning is to find a solution that works for all tasks of a specific planning domain. Ideally, this solution is also efficient (i.e., polynomial) in all tasks. One possible approach is to learn such a solution from training examples and then prove that this generalizes for any given task. However, such proofs are usually pen-and-paper proofs written by a human. In our paper, we aim at automating these proofs so we can use a theorem prover to show that a solution generalizes for any task. Furthermore, we want to prove that this generalization works while still preserving efficiency. Our focus is on generalized potential heuristics encoding tiered measures of progress, which can be proven to lead to a find in a polynomial number of steps in all tasks of a domain. We show our ongoing work in this direction using the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. We illustrate the key aspects of our implementation using the Miconic domain and then discuss possible obstacles and challenges to fully automating this pipeline