10 research outputs found

    Proving Craig and Lyndon Interpolation Using Labelled Sequent Calculi

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    We have recently presented a general method of proving the fundamental logical properties of Craig and Lyndon Interpolation (IPs) by induction on derivations in a wide class of internal sequent calculi, including sequents, hypersequents, and nested sequents. Here we adapt the method to a more general external formalism of labelled sequents and provide sufficient criteria on the Kripke-frame characterization of a logic that guarantee the IPs. In particular, we show that classes of frames definable by quantifier-free Horn formulas correspond to logics with the IPs. These criteria capture the modal cube and the infinite family of transitive Geach logics

    Emptiness of Zero Automata Is Decidable

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    Zero automata are a probabilistic extension of parity automata on infinite trees. The satisfiability of a certain probabilistic variant of MSO, called TMSO+zero, reduces to the emptiness problem for zero automata. We introduce a variant of zero automata called nonzero automata. We prove that for every zero automaton there is an equivalent nonzero automaton of quadratic size and the emptiness problem of nonzero automata is decidable, with complexity co-NP. These results imply that TMSO+zero has decidable satisfiability

    Probabilistic justification logic

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    We present a probabilistic justification logic, PPJ⁠, as a framework for uncertain reasoning about rational belief, degrees of belief and justifications. We establish soundness and strong completeness for PPJ with respect to the class of so-called measurable Kripke-like models and show that the satisfiability problem is decidable. We discuss how PPJ provides insight into the well-known lottery paradox

    Localic completion of uniform spaces

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    We extend the notion of localic completion of generalised metric spaces by Steven Vickers to the setting of generalised uniform spaces. A generalised uniform space (gus) is a set X equipped with a family of generalised metrics on X, where a generalised metric on X is a map from the product of X to the upper reals satisfying zero self-distance law and triangle inequality. For a symmetric generalised uniform space, the localic completion lifts its generalised uniform structure to a point-free generalised uniform structure. This point-free structure induces a complete generalised uniform structure on the set of formal points of the localic completion that gives the standard completion of the original gus with Cauchy filters. We extend the localic completion to a full and faithful functor from the category of locally compact uniform spaces into that of overt locally compact completely regular formal topologies. Moreover, we give an elementary characterisation of the cover of the localic completion of a locally compact uniform space that simplifies the existing characterisation for metric spaces. These results generalise the corresponding results for metric spaces by Erik Palmgren. Furthermore, we show that the localic completion of a symmetric gus is equivalent to the point-free completion of the uniform formal topology associated with the gus. We work in Aczel's constructive set theory CZF with the Regular Extension Axiom. Some of our results also require Countable Choice.Comment: 39 page

    Uncertain Reasoning in Justification Logic

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    This thesis studies the combination of two well known formal systems for knowledge representation: probabilistic logic and justification logic. Our aim is to design a formal framework that allows the analysis of epistemic situations with incomplete information. In order to achieve this we introduce two probabilistic justification logics, which are defined by adding probability operators to the minimal justification logic J. We prove soundness and completeness theorems for our logics and establish decidability procedures. Both our logics rely on an infinitary rule so that strong completeness can be achieved. One of the most interesting mathematical results for our logics is the fact that adding only one iteration of the probability operator to the justification logic J does not increase the computational complexity of the logic

    Subset Semantics for Justifications

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    Justification logic is a variant of modal logic where the modal operators are replaced be justification terms. So we deal with formulas like t:A where t is a term denoting some justification that justifies the formula A. There are many justification logics among which the Logic of Proof established by Artemov was the first. However, since a long time the framework of justification logic is also used in a wide range of epistemic logics. In this field justification terms represent reasons to belief or know something. A standard interpretation of a justification term t is then the set of formulas that are supported by the reason t. This thesis establishes in the first part another way to interpret terms, namely as sets of worlds. We use so-called subset models in which t:A is true in a normal world, when the interpretation of t in this world is a subset of the truthset of A. These models are shown to be sound and complete towards a whole family of justification logics, including the Logic of Proof. As is shown in the second part of this thesis, subset models can easily be adapted to model new kinds of justification terms and operations: finer distinctions between several variants of combining justifications, justifications with presumptions, probabilistic evidence. Furthermore, it is shown, how subset models can be used to model dynamic reasoning and forgetting