25 research outputs found

    CORDENA : uma plataforma para gestão de redes baseada em políticas : arquitecturas e mecanismos de tradução de políticas

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    O alargamento das redes, o aumento da sua complexidade e a heterogeneidade dos equipamentos a elas ligados têm dificultado de uma forma geral a sua gestão e monitorização. Garantir uma determinada qualidade de serviço fim-a-fim, ou disponibilizar de uma forma controlada serviços de valor para suportar processos de negócio críticos, são objectivos complexos a que a área da gestão de redes tem tentado dar resposta. O presente trabalho propõe uma plataforma para Gestão de Redes Baseada em Políticas – A Plataforma CORDENA e uma forma escalável de transposição de políticas para a rede ao nível do repositório de políticas como forma de minimizar os impactos em termos de desempenho e escalabilidade. O enfoque principal vai para a modelação mecânica e lógica da arquitectura, para a estrutura do modelo de informação subjacente, e para os mecanismos internos de tradução, responsáveis por transcrever entidades organizacionais em propriedades da infra-estrutura. São tecidos alguns exemplos de aplicação como forma de elucidar acerca das vantagens no uso de uma implementação com base nos princípios e mecanismos aqui descritos. É também descrito o ambiente laboratorial virtual com o qual foram testadas diversas tecnologias no decurso dos trabalhos inerentes à investigação associada. Estas incursões técnicas foram incluídas como uma mais valia e uma abordagem interessante para o desenvolvimento, teste e aplicação de políticas em rede que esta dissertação não quis deixar de registar. É ainda apresentado um conjunto de considerações colhidas no decurso das experimentações efectuadas e no desenho da arquitectura propriamente dita, assim como uma proposta de planeamento. O trabalho realça ainda alguns trabalhos de investigação, mantendo uma linha de continuidade caracterizada pela criação de redes inteligentes ou auto suficientes, nomeadamente o uso de meta-políticas como complemento ao modelo aqui apresentado.The growth of communication networks, their increasing complexity and the heterogeneity of the connected equipments, are making the administration and monitoring tasks difficult to accomplish. Providing a specific Quality of Service from an end-to-end view, or delivering value added services in a controlled way to support critical business processes, are becoming complex goals for which the network management tries to get the right answers. The present work proposes a framework for Policy Based Network Management - The Framework CORDENA, along with a scalable solution for policy translation from the high business level to the network layer. This is carried out at the repository level in order to minimize the performance impact and to maintain the architecture more scalable. The main focus is given to the mechanical and logical modeling of the architecture, for the underlying information model structures, and for the internal mechanisms which translate the business objects into infrastructure properties. In order to understand to what extent the principles and the mechanisms described here can be useful in a real live environment, some application examples are provided. The test laboratory environment used for the technology research and experimentation is also described since it brings a added value contribution for polices development and testing. In addition, it is presented an implementation plan and some considerations collected throughout the work in designing and modelling the CORDENA framework. Finally, this work also highlights some research initiatives that complement the scope regarding the Intelligent Networks research area, namely the meta-policies approach

    DSpace 4.x Documentation

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    DSpace 1.5.2 Manual

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    This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by non-technical folk. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Note that as of DSpace 1.2, the administration user interface guide is now on-line help available from within the DSpace system. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section. Other good sources of information are: • The DSpace Public API Javadocs. Build these with the command mvn javadoc:javadoc. • The DSpace Wiki [http://wiki.dspace.org/] contains stacks of useful information about the DSpace platform and the work people are doing with it. You are strongly encouraged to visit this site and add information about your own work. Useful Wiki areas are: • A list of DSpace resources [http://wiki.dspace.org/DspaceResources] (Web sites, mailing lists etc.) • Technical FAQ [http://wiki.dspace.org/TechnicalFaq] • A list of projects using DSpace [http://wiki.dspace.org/DspaceProjects] • Guidelines for contributing back to DSpace [http://wiki.dspace.org/ContributionGuidelines] • www.dspace.org [http://www.dspace.org/] has announcements and contains useful information about bringing up an instance of DSpace at your organization. • The dspace-tech e-mail list on SourceForge [#] is the recommended place to ask questions, since a growing community of DSpace developers and users is on hand on that list to help with any questions you might have. The e-mail archive of that list is a useful resource. • The dspace-devel e-mail list [#], for those developing with the DSpace with a view to contributing to the core DSpace code.DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organisations to: • capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options • distribute an organisation's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system • preserve digital assets over the long ter

    Tentacle : a graph-based database system

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    With the advent of large and complex applications and the emergence of semi-structured information repositories such as the World Wide Web, new demands are being made on database systems. The TENTACLE database system is an experimental database system which provides facilities capable of meeting some of these demands. The distinguishing features of the system are that it: uses a graph-based data model (and storage subsystem) to provide a flexible means of representing poorly structured information, integrates a path expression-based query language with a general purpose language to query and manipulate the graph structures, thereby eliminating the impedance mismatch encountered in a two language system, and provides a programmable database kernel capable of executing the combined query and utility language, allowing the construction of domain specific applications inside the database without the assistance of wrappers or gateways. As a demonstration of the utility of the system, I have constructed a hypertext server inside the TENTACLE database without making use of external mediators or gateways. Since the hypertext server program is part of the database content, database facilities may be used to assist in the creation and maintenance of the hypertext server itself. In addition, the close integration of hypertext server and database simplifies tasks such as the management of associations between hypertext entities or the maintenance of different document views

    DSpace 5.x Documentation

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    DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organisations to: - capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options - distribute an organisation's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system - preserve digital assets over the long term This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by non-technical folk. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section.DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organisations to: - capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options - distribute an organisation's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system - preserve digital assets over the long term This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by non-technical folk. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section