219 research outputs found

    MTL-Model Checking of One-Clock Parametric Timed Automata is Undecidable

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    Parametric timed automata extend timed automata (Alur and Dill, 1991) in that they allow the specification of parametric bounds on the clock values. Since their introduction in 1993 by Alur, Henzinger, and Vardi, it is known that the emptiness problem for parametric timed automata with one clock is decidable, whereas it is undecidable if the automaton uses three or more parametric clocks. The problem is open for parametric timed automata with two parametric clocks. Metric temporal logic, MTL for short, is a widely used specification language for real-time systems. MTL-model checking of timed automata is decidable, no matter how many clocks are used in the timed automaton. In this paper, we prove that MTL-model checking for parametric timed automata is undecidable, even if the automaton uses only one clock and one parameter and is deterministic.Comment: In Proceedings SynCoP 2014, arXiv:1403.784

    Regular Methods for Operator Precedence Languages

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    The operator precedence languages (OPLs) represent the largest known subclass of the context-free languages which enjoys all desirable closure and decidability properties. This includes the decidability of language inclusion, which is the ultimate verification problem. Operator precedence grammars, automata, and logics have been investigated and used, for example, to verify programs with arithmetic expressions and exceptions (both of which are deterministic pushdown but lie outside the scope of the visibly pushdown languages). In this paper, we complete the picture and give, for the first time, an algebraic characterization of the class of OPLs in the form of a syntactic congruence that has finitely many equivalence classes exactly for the operator precedence languages. This is a generalization of the celebrated Myhill-Nerode theorem for the regular languages to OPLs. As one of the consequences, we show that universality and language inclusion for nondeterministic operator precedence automata can be solved by an antichain algorithm. Antichain algorithms avoid determinization and complementation through an explicit subset construction, by leveraging a quasi-order on words, which allows the pruning of the search space for counterexample words without sacrificing completeness. Antichain algorithms can be implemented symbolically, and these implementations are today the best-performing algorithms in practice for the inclusion of finite automata. We give a generic construction of the quasi-order needed for antichain algorithms from a finite syntactic congruence. This yields the first antichain algorithm for OPLs, an algorithm that solves the ExpTime-hard language inclusion problem for OPLs in exponential time

    Computing Semicommutation Closures: a Machine Learning Approach

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    Semicommutation relations are simple rewriting relation on finite words using rules of the form ab → ba. In this paper we present how to use Angluin style machine learning algorithms to compute the image of regular language by the transitive closure of a semicommutation relation

    Syntactic Minimization Of Nondeterministic Finite Automata

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    Nondeterministic automata may be viewed as succinct programs implementing deterministic automata, i.e. complete specifications. Converting a given deterministic automaton into a small nondeterministic one is known to be computationally very hard; in fact, the ensuing decision problem is PSPACE-complete. This paper stands in stark contrast to the status quo. We restrict attention to subatomic nondeterministic automata, whose individual states accept unions of syntactic congruence classes. They are general enough to cover almost all structural results concerning nondeterministic state-minimality. We prove that converting a monoid recognizing a regular language into a small subatomic acceptor corresponds to an NP-complete problem. The NP certificates are solutions of simple equations involving relations over the syntactic monoid. We also consider the subclass of atomic nondeterministic automata introduced by Brzozowski and Tamm. Given a deterministic automaton and another one for the reversed language, computing small atomic acceptors is shown to be NP-complete with analogous certificates. Our complexity results emerge from an algebraic characterization of (sub)atomic acceptors in terms of deterministic automata with semilattice structure, combined with an equivalence of categories leading to succinct representations

    Decision Problems for Petri Nets with Names

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    We prove several decidability and undecidability results for nu-PN, an extension of P/T nets with pure name creation and name management. We give a simple proof of undecidability of reachability, by reducing reachability in nets with inhibitor arcs to it. Thus, the expressive power of nu-PN strictly surpasses that of P/T nets. We prove that nu-PN are Well Structured Transition Systems. In particular, we obtain decidability of coverability and termination, so that the expressive power of Turing machines is not reached. Moreover, they are strictly Well Structured, so that the boundedness problem is also decidable. We consider two properties, width-boundedness and depth-boundedness, that factorize boundedness. Width-boundedness has already been proven to be decidable. We prove here undecidability of depth-boundedness. Finally, we obtain Ackermann-hardness results for all our decidable decision problems.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure
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