185 research outputs found


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    L’auteur décrit le Registre matricule ou Statut de lUancienne confrérie du St-Sacrement de la Paroisse de Klis, près de Split, dont on ignore la date de fondation mais dont on sait qu’elle a été active au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe s. jusqu’aux années 40 du XXe s. Outre sa valeur historique et culturelle, l’auteur fait remarquer l’intérêt linguistique qu’il présente pour la fin du XVIIIe s. en tant que document de cet espace linguistique à l’époque de l’administration vénitienne en Dalmatie et de l’italien qui était alors la langue officielle. Le Registre matricule de Klis est écrit en croate. Il en existe deux textes manuscrits. L’un, sur parchemin, est orné de dessins graphiques, certifié par les autorités locales vénitiennes, signé par le traducteur du Registre matricule, Ivan Culap, et daté de 1794. L’autre texte manuscrit dans le livre administratif de l’église de Klis pour les années 1742-1764 est de la même main, daté de la même année, mais sans texte de conclusion ni signature de traducteur. L’auteur est d’opinion qu’Ivan Culap, originaire de Klis, est le copiste de ces deux texes. Suit une comparaison des deux textes dans leur ensemble, avec l’accent mis sur les détails intéressants de chacun des chapitres concernant le règlement et la fonction du Registre matricule en question

    Problems in production of uniformed, hollowed push-pull rods

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    The article presents the results of research on uniformed push-pull rods endings. The aim of research was the analysis of characteristics and the possibility of durability improvement, in particular fatigue durability. The research included microstructure analysis and numerical modelling of manufacturing process. The influence of technological parameters on characteristics improvement was also analysed. The obtained results will be used to develop a new method of forming, and to produce sample elements which will be subjected to verification trials

    Rules of the Fraternity of the Blessed Sacrament of Klis

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    Pravila Bratovštine bila su u znanosti poznata od tiskanoga izdanja u godini 1981. po latiničkom rukopisu iz godine 1794. Tada nije bilo poznato vrijeme potvrde Pravila. U sadašnjem izdanju Pravila su tiskana po rukopisu pisanom bosančicom (hrvatskom ćirilicom), a bila su potvrđena godine 1725. Ovo je izdanje tiskano usporedno s onim već tiskanim u godini 1981., jer je tako moguće bolje upoznati hrvatski jezik onoga doba kad je tim jezikom opisan isti osnovni sadržaj, pa razlike tako bivaju uočljivije.The Fraternity Rules have been known in the science since their 1981 printed edition, made after the 1794 Latin script manuscript. The time of adoption of the Rules was not known then. In their present edition, the Rules are printed after a manuscript written in Bosančica, the Croatian Cyrillic script, adopted in 1725. This edition was published parallel with the one already published in 1981, because this enables better learning the Croatian language of the time, when the contents were described in this language. The Rules stipulate the Fraternity\u27s goals: maintaining the main altar in the parish church, peaceful coexistence of the Fraternity members. Stipulated are the members election, their duties and rights, especially with regard to burials and funeral rituals, as well as the Fraternity Board election, duties and authorities

    A lightning climatology of the South-West Indian Ocean

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    The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) data have been used to perform a lightning climatology in the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region from 2005 to 2011. Maxima of lightning activity were found in the Maritime Continent and southwest of Sri Lanka (>50 fl km<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>) but also over Madagascar and above the Great Lakes of East Africa (>10–20 fl km<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>). Lightning flashes within tropical storms and tropical cyclones represent 50 % to 100 % of the total lightning activity in some oceanic areas of the SWIO (between 10° S and 20° S). <br><br> The SWIO is characterized by a wet season (November to April) and a dry season (May to October). As one could expect, lightning activity is more intense during the wet season as the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is present over all the basin. Flash density is higher over land in November–December–January with values reaching 3–4 fl km<sup>−2</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup> over Madagascar. During the dry season, lightning activity is quite rare between 10° S and 25° S. The Mascarene anticyclone has more influence on the SWIO resulting in shallower convection. Lightning activity is concentrated over ocean, east of South Africa and Madagascar. <br><br> A statistical analysis has shown that El Niño–Southern Oscillation mainly modulates the lightning activity up to 56.8% in the SWIO. The Indian Ocean Dipole has a significant contribution since ~49% of the variability is explained by this forcing in some regions. The Madden–Julian Oscillation did not show significative impact on the lightning activity in our study

    The example comes from above : the process of non-flectioning names and surnames at school

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    The article concerns the problem of non-flectioning names and surnames examined on the material of high school pupils’ written Polish language. The findings showed that the nominative of the personal names, no matter of their position in the sentence, gradually become automatising among the youngest generation of Pole. The nominatives of the surnames, and more and more frequently nominatives of the first names become established as the components of the language custom. One of the reasons of this status quo are language behaviour of teachers, priests and other people engaged in the didactic process. They often do not flection surnames because of the lack of knowledge or disagreement of the current language knowledge

    Rules of the Fraternity of the Blessed Sacrament of Klis

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    Pravila Bratovštine bila su u znanosti poznata od tiskanoga izdanja u godini 1981. po latiničkom rukopisu iz godine 1794. Tada nije bilo poznato vrijeme potvrde Pravila. U sadašnjem izdanju Pravila su tiskana po rukopisu pisanom bosančicom (hrvatskom ćirilicom), a bila su potvrđena godine 1725. Ovo je izdanje tiskano usporedno s onim već tiskanim u godini 1981., jer je tako moguće bolje upoznati hrvatski jezik onoga doba kad je tim jezikom opisan isti osnovni sadržaj, pa razlike tako bivaju uočljivije.The Fraternity Rules have been known in the science since their 1981 printed edition, made after the 1794 Latin script manuscript. The time of adoption of the Rules was not known then. In their present edition, the Rules are printed after a manuscript written in Bosančica, the Croatian Cyrillic script, adopted in 1725. This edition was published parallel with the one already published in 1981, because this enables better learning the Croatian language of the time, when the contents were described in this language. The Rules stipulate the Fraternity\u27s goals: maintaining the main altar in the parish church, peaceful coexistence of the Fraternity members. Stipulated are the members election, their duties and rights, especially with regard to burials and funeral rituals, as well as the Fraternity Board election, duties and authorities

    Fibule legionowe ze stanowiska w Kwiatkowie, gm. Brudzew. Uwagi na temat technik i technologii produkcji

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    The artefacts described in the paper come from the Przeworsk culture settlement in Kwiatków, where more than 100 fibulae were discovered. Among the artefacts acquired were three knee-shaped brooches with a semi-circular shield on the head. One of them was discovered in a well; the other two came from the surface of the site. This paper is mostly concerned with issues related to the technological aspects of the production of these items. In addition to the analysis of traces of craftsmanship found on the fibulae, XRF tests were performed to determine the material from which they were made. This approach allows one to supplement the typological findings and reconstruct the process of creating a given object. The brooches were microscopically examined for traces of craftsmanship. The attempt to determine the foundry method which had been applied failed to produce the expected results. Usually, individual instances of knee-shaped fibulae have been recorded at sites in Poland and other countries, such as the Czech Republic. In Kwiatków, however, the discovery contained as many as three such artefacts, though they had not been made in a workshop of one craftsman, although two display a high level of similarity.The artefacts described in the paper come from the Przeworsk culture settlement in Kwiatków, where more than 100 fibulae were discovered. Among the artefacts acquired were three knee-shaped brooches with a semi-circular shield on the head. One of them was discovered in a well; the other two came from the surface of the site. This paper is mostly concerned with issues related to the technological aspects of the production of these items. In addition to the analysis of traces of craftsmanship found on the fibulae, XRF tests were performed to determine the material from which they were made. This approach allows one to supplement the typological findings and reconstruct the process of creating a given object. The brooches were microscopically examined for traces of craftsmanship. The attempt to determine the foundry method which had been applied failed to produce the expected results. Usually, individual instances of knee-shaped fibulae have been recorded at sites in Poland and other countries, such as the Czech Republic. In Kwiatków, however, the discovery contained as many as three such artefacts, though they had not been made in a workshop of one craftsman, although two display a high level of similarity

    Возможность получения длинного волокна из тресты масличного льна на различном технологическом оборудовании

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    The authors showed that the short fiber of oilseed flax was usually obtained from a tangled mass of broken stems. However, recently, the question of the processing possibility of the culture whole stems left after harvesting into long fiber was raised. (Research purpose) To study the possibility of obtaining long fiber from oil flax stems on various technological equipment with the substantiation of the fiber characteristics. (Materials and methods) Whole oil flax stems of various qualities of six different varieties were taken. The samples were processed on an SMT-500 machine and in an ALS-1 crumpling and scutching machine, after which the quality parameters of the long fiber were determined. (Results and discussion) The authors found that most of the quality indicators of oil flax trusts corresponded to the fiber flax trusts characteristics, but the fiber strength had unacceptably low values. The number of flax stems from oil flax did not exceed 0.5, and the yield of long fiber varied from 0.4 to 11 percent, which was much lower than from fiber flax, so the fiber bulk fell into waste. It was determined that on the SMT-500 machine it was impossible to obtain a long fiber of even the lowest number due to the small value of the gristle length, and after the ALS-1 machine, the number of the long fiber was not higher than 8. During the analysis of individual characteristics of the long fiber from oilseed flax, it was determined that oil flax fiber was thicker, less strong and flexible in comparison with fiber flax. (Conclusions) The authors proved that long fiber could be obtained from flax whole stems, but of poor quality. They determined that up to 67 percent of flax varieties could be processed into long fiber. Of the flax types considered, oilseed flax seeds revealed the best quality-grade LM-98 and the worst – Biryuza and Rucheek. Показали, что короткое волокно масличного льна обычно получают из спутанной массы поломанных стеблей. Однако в последнее время поднимается вопрос о возможности переработки в длинное волокно целых стеблей, оставшихся после уборки семян. (Цель исследования) Изучить возможность получения длинного волокна из стеблей масличного льна на различном технологическом оборудовании с обоснованием характеристик волокна. (Материалы и методы) Взяли целые стебли различного качества шести разных сортов масличного льна. Образцы перерабатывали на станке СМТ-500 и в мяльно-трепальном агрегате марки АЛС-1, после чего определяли показатели качества длинного волокна. (Результаты и обсуждение) Выявили, что большинство показателей качества тресты масличного льна соответствуют характеристикам тресты льна-долгунца, но прочность волокна имеет недопустимо низкие значения. Номер льнотресты из льна масличного не превышает 0,5, а выход длинного волокна изменяется от 0,4 до 11,0 процентов, что гораздо ниже, чем из льна-долгунца, то есть основная часть волокна выпадает в отходы. Определили, что на станке СМТ500 невозможно получить длинное волокно даже самого низкого номера из-за малого значения горстевой длины, а после агрегата АЛС-1 номер длинного волокна не выше 8. В ходе анализа отдельных характеристик длинного волокна из масличного льна определили, что в сравнении со льном-долгунцом это волокно более толстое, менее прочное и гибкое. (Выводы) Доказали, что из целых стеблей льнотресты льна масличного можно получить длинное волокно, но низкого качества. Определили, что в длинное волокно могут быть переработаны до 67 процентов сортов льнотресты. Из рассмотренных типов льнотресты масличного льна выявили наилучший по качеству – сорт ЛМ-98 и наихудшие – Бирюза и Ручеек.